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维基解密的Vault 7如何影响Linux?


维基解密最近released有关于中情局黑客攻击能力的大量信息.这被称为“Vault 7”.这包括Linux systems的目标.苹果公司已经修补了一些漏洞,并承诺修补其余的漏洞. Samsung“正在紧急调查此事”.

Vault 7如何影响Linux系统?是否存在已发现的基本漏洞,或者恶意软件是否依赖于物理访问或特洛伊木马等内容?如果存在漏洞,请让相关开发人员发布任何声明吗?



以下是Linux基金会首席技术官Nicko van Someren关于Vault 7的官方声明:

While it is not surprising that Linux would find itself a target, the open source project has a very fast release cycle, meaning that kernel updates are released every few days to address issues that are found. Linux is an incredibly active open source project. Thousands of professional developers and volunteers – including many of the most talented in the world – are constantly contributing improvements and fixes to the project. This allows the kernel team to release updates every few days — one of the fastest release cycles in the industry. Rapid release cycles enable the open source community to fix vulnerabilities and release those fixes to users faster.


Further, The Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure Initiative (CII), which has the backing of many leading technology companies, is working to actively assist open source projects globally to help them develop their code using best practices proven to yield more secure results. Decades of software development tell us software will never be bug free. Through the work of open source communities, assistance from programs like CII and engagement with a vast pool of talent and support from contributing companies, we can enable open source software communities to continue producing some of the most secure software on the planet.

有趣的是,当我读到有关Vault 7时,我最常看到的是Windows被定位,以及三星手机和智能电视.故事的寓意是,保持您的系统更新,并密切关注CVE公告,无论您正在运行什么.

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190813/1648579.html