首页 > 系统相关> > 如何让CentOS7中的Android MTP可供所有用户使用?

如何让CentOS7中的Android MTP可供所有用户使用?


我正在使用Moto G4玩Marshmallow;和CentOS 7.我可以使用jmtpfs挂载设备并以root身份查看内容.我第一次使用sudo然后我以root身份切换然后安装,在两种情况下工作正常;但文件只对root用户可见.个人用户无法访问该内容

[shiva@jayan ~]$sudo su -
[sudo] password for shiva: 
Last login: Wed Dec  6 23:51:54 IST 2017 on pts/0
[root@jayan ~]# jmtpfs /media/phone/
Device 0 (VID=22b8 and PID=2e82) is UNKNOWN.
Please report this VID/PID and the device model to the libmtp development team
Android device detected, assigning default bug flags
[root@jayan ~]# ll /media/phone/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x. 38 root root 0 Dec  3  4453203 Internal storage


[shiva@jayan /]$ll /media/phone 
ls: cannot access /media/phone: Permission denied
[shiva@jayan /]$cd media/
[shiva@jayan media]$ll
ls: cannot access phone: Permission denied
total 0
d????????? ? ? ? ?            ? phone
[shiva@jayan media]$sudo chown shiva:shiva phone 
[sudo] password for shiva: 
chown: changing ownership of ‘phone’: Function not implemented


来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190812/1642143.html