首页 > 系统相关> > win/linux 下使用 psutil 获取进程 CPU / memory / IO 占用信息

win/linux 下使用 psutil 获取进程 CPU / memory / IO 占用信息


psutil - A cross-platform process and system utilities module for Python

1. 安装

pip 安装即可。

windows 下需要安装 vs2008,否则报错: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat 

如果已经安装 vs2010 / vs2012 则需要设置环境变量,VS90COMNTOOLS 指向已有的 vs 变量。

vs2010 设置如下:


2. 获取特定进程对象

# -*- coding: utf-8-*-
import psutil

def get_proc_by_id(pid):
    return psutil.Process(pid)

def get_proc_by_name(pname):
    """ get process by name
    return the first process if there are more than one
    for proc in psutil.process_iter():
            if proc.name().lower() == pname.lower():
                return proc  # return if found one
        except psutil.AccessDenied:
        except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
    return None

if '__main__' == __name__:
    print get_proc_by_name("chrome.exe")
    print get_proc_by_id(4364)

3. 获取进程信息

3.1 需要特别注意异常保护,尤其是  psutil.AccessDenied


3.2 获取所有进程

大多数 demo 代码中,都是使用  psutil.get_process_list ,但该方法在源码中已经标记为废弃。

新推荐的是  psutil.process_iter 迭代器。

根据下面的源码可知实现原理:获取所有进程 ID,然后根据 ID 创建进程对象。

_pmap = {}

def process_iter():
    """Return a generator yielding a Process class instance for all
    running processes on the local machine.

    Every new Process instance is only created once and then cached
    into an internal table which is updated every time this is used.

    Cached Process instances are checked for identity so that you're
    safe in case a PID has been reused by another process, in which
    case the cached instance is updated.

    The sorting order in which processes are yielded is based on
    their PIDs.
    def add(pid):
        proc = Process(pid)
        _pmap[proc.pid] = proc
        return proc

    def remove(pid):
        _pmap.pop(pid, None)

    a = set(get_pid_list())
    b = set(_pmap.keys())
    new_pids = a - b
    gone_pids = b - a

    for pid in gone_pids:
    for pid, proc in sorted(list(_pmap.items()) + \
            if proc is None:  # new process
                yield add(pid)
                # use is_running() to check whether PID has been reused by
                # another process in which case yield a new Process instance
                if proc.is_running():
                    yield proc
                    yield add(pid)
        except NoSuchProcess:
        except AccessDenied:
            # Process creation time can't be determined hence there's
            # no way to tell whether the pid of the cached process
            # has been reused. Just return the cached version.
            yield proc
def get_process_list():
    """Return a list of Process class instances for all running
    processes on the local machine (deprecated).
    return list(process_iter())

3.3 进程的内存信息 -- VSS/RSS/PSS/USS

VSS 是剩余的可访问内存。

进程占用内存包括 2 部分,自身 + 共享库。不同的算法产生了 3 个不同的内存指标,分别是:RSS / PSS / USS。

一般来说内存占用大小有如下规律:VSS >= RSS >= PSS >= USS


Demo 代码如下

proc = psutil.Process(4364)

total = psutil.virtual_memory().total
rss, vss = proc.memory_info()
percent = proc.memory_percent()

print "rss: %s Byte, vss: %s Byte" % (rss, vss)
print "total: %.2f(M)" % (float(total)/1024/1024/1024)
print "percent: %.2f%%, calc: %.2f%%" % (percent, 100*float(rss)/total)





来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_34195546/article/details/93789742