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x64 ShellCode 弹出计算器



extern "C" void PopCalculator();

extern "C" void _INT3();

int main()
    return 0;



PopCalculator proto
_INT3 proto

; Hash:
; WinExec : 0x1A22F51
; LoadLibrary : 0x0C917432
; MessageBoxA : 0x1E380A6A
; GetProcAddress : 0xBBAFDF85


_INT3 proc
    int 3
_INT3 endp

PopCalculator proc
    sub rsp, 100h

    ;   获取Kernel32基址

    mov rax, gs:[60h]       ; PEB
    mov rax, [rax+18h]      ; Ldr
    mov rax, [rax+30h]      ; InInitializationOrderModuleList

    mov rsi, [rax+10h]      ; DllBase
    mov rbx, [rax+40h]      ; BaseDllName
    mov rax, [rax]
    cmp dword ptr [rbx+0Ch], 00320033h
    jnz _kernel32

    ;   Call LoadLibrary

    mov rcx, rsi
    mov rdx, 0C917432h
    call FindApi
    mov r14, rax

    mov rbx, 6C6Ch
    push rbx
    mov rbx, 642E323372657375h
    push rbx
    mov rcx, rsp
    sub rsp, 18h            ; 预留函数参数空间
    call r14
    mov rbx, rax

    ;   Call MessageBoxA

    mov rcx, rbx
    mov rdx, 1E380A6Ah
    call FindApi
    mov r14, rax

    xor r9, r9
    xor r8, r8
    xor rdx, rdx
    xor rcx, rcx
    call r14

    ;   Call WinExec

    mov rcx, rsi
    mov rdx, 1A22F51h
    call FindApi
    mov r14, rax

    xor rax, rax
    push rax
    mov rax, 6578652e636c6163h
    push rax
    mov rcx, rsp
    sub rsp, 20h            ; 预留函数参数空间
    mov rdx, 1
    call r14

    ;   Call ExitThread

    mov rcx, rsi
    mov rdx, 3148865413
    call FindApi
    mov r14, rax

    mov rax, 006461h
    push rax
    mov rax, 6572685474697845h
    push rax
    mov rcx, rsi
    mov rdx, rsp
    sub rsp, 20h            ; 预留函数参数空间
    call r14                ; GetProcAddress
    mov r14, rax

    add rsp, 188h

    sub rsp, 18h            ; 预留函数参数空间
    xor rcx, rcx
    call r14                ; ExitThread


;   rcx - DLL 基址
;   rdx - 函数 Hash 值
    sub rsp, 40h
    push rsi
    mov rdi, rdx

    mov rbx, rcx
    mov rsi, [rbx+3Ch]
    mov rax, rsi
    shl rax, 54
    shr rax, 54
    mov rsi, [rbx+rax+88h]      ; rsi = Export Table RVA
    shl rsi, 32
    shr rsi, 32
    add rsi, rbx                ; rsi = the base of Export Table
    push rsi
    mov esi, [rsi+20h]          ; esi = RVA of AddressOfNames
    add rsi, rbx                ; rsi = VA  of AddressOfNames

    xor rcx, rcx
    dec ecx
    inc ecx                     ; ecx = index of array
    lods dword ptr [rsi]
    add rax, rbx                ; rax = the base of a function string
    xor edx, edx

    cmp byte ptr [rax], 0
    je isEqual
    ror edx, 7
    push rcx
    movsx ecx, byte ptr [rax]
    add edx, ecx                ; edx = one of function's hashes
    pop rcx
    inc rax
    jmp hash_loop

    cmp edx, edi
    jnz find_loop

    pop rsi                     ; rsi = the base of Export Table
    mov edx, [rsi+24h]          ; edx = RVA of AddressOfNameOrdinals
    add rdx, rbx                ; rdx = VA  of AddressOfNameOrdinals
    movsx ecx, word ptr [rdx+rcx*2]    ; ecx = the index of AddressOfFunctions
    mov edx, [rsi+1Ch]          ; edx = RVA of AddressOfFunctions
    add rdx, rbx                ; rdx = VA  of AddressOfFunctions
    mov eax, [rdx+rcx*4]        ; eax = the RVA of base of function
    add rax, rbx                ; rax = the VA  of base of function

    pop rsi
    add rsp, 40h

PopCalculator endp



来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/SuperGreen/p/16297129.html