忘记VMware vcenter的Administrator@vsphere.local密码
忘记VMware vcenter的Administrator@vsphere.local密码的解决办法
一、 重置密码:
ssh root@
Connecting to
Connection established.
To escape to local shell, press 'Ctrl+Alt+]'.
VMware vCenter Server Appliance
Type: vCenter Server with an embedded Platform Services Controller
WARNING! The remote SSH server rejected X11 forwarding request.
Connected to service
* List APIs: "help api list"
* List Plugins: "help pi list"
* Launch BASH: "shell"
Command> shell #进入shell
Shell access is granted to root
root@photon-machine [ ~ ]# passwd #修改root密码
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: password updated successfully
root@photon-machine [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin ]# ./vdcadmintool
Please select:
- exit
- Test LDAP connectivity
- Force start replication cycle
- Reset account password
- Set log level and mask
- Set vmdir state
- Get vmdir state
- Get vmdir log level and mask
3 #选择3重置密码
Please enter account UPN : administrator@vsphere.local #administrator域名
New password is -
i'dH/yDt+ZU\6RNT~; #系统生成的密码
Please select:
- exit
- Test LDAP connectivity
- Force start replication cycle
- Reset account password
- Set log level and mask
- Set vmdir state
- Get vmdir state
- Get vmdir log level and mask
0 #退出
二、 修改密码:
标签:vmdir,vsphere,level,Administrator,密码,state,password,local 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/fzhelpdesk/p/15774583.html