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How to Analyze SQL Execution Plan Graphical Components


Table of contents

SQL Server Execution Plans Overview
SQL Server Execution Plans Types
How to Analyze SQL Execution Plan Graphical Components
SQL Server Execution Plans Operators – Part 1
SQL Server Execution Plans Operators – Part 2
SQL Server Execution Plans Operators – Part 3
SQL Server Execution Plans Operators – Part 4
SQL Execution Plan enhancements in SSMS 18.0
A new SQL Execution Plan viewer
Using the SQL Execution Plan for Query Performance Tuning
Saving your SQL Execution Plan


Should we create any index suggested by the SQL Execution Plan?

Automatically? No. you have to look at the Impact first.
Also, you have to test it and make sure it will enhance the performance of your query.

Should we concentrate on the arrow thickness in all cases?

You need to make sure that the arrow is thick at the beginning and getting thinner after that. Such as returning 2 rows after scanning thousands of records.

Can the Estimated SQL Execution Plan result be trusted?

This depends on the statistics. If it is updated the results should be the same. You need the Estimated SQL Execution Plan in case the query will take long time to execute and you need to troubleshoot it. 

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/chucklu/p/14821882.html