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java mysql 安卓老年人关怀系统后台+app+论文




java mysql 安卓老年人关怀系统后台+app+论文



  1. 绪论... 5

1.1系统开发背景... 5

1.2国内外同类课题状况... 6

1.2.1国内方面... 6

1.2.2国外方面... 8

1.3解决的主要问题... 8

1.4本文的主要工作... 9

1.4.1 web管理端... 9

1.4.1 app用户端... 9

1.5论文的组织结构... 9

  1. 需求分析... 10

2.1系统概述... 10

2.1.2     首页便捷查询功能... 10

2.1.3     推送功能... 10

2.2系统目标和解决的问题... 11

2.3系统需求问题描述... 11

  1. 系统架构概要设计... 12

3.1系统设计目标和原则... 12

3.2系统技术架构设计... 13

3.2.1系统技术技术选型... 13

3.2.2 B/S架构... 13

3.3系统功能架构... 14

3.3.1系统功能模块... 14

3.3.2数据库设计... 14

3.3.3数据库表的详细清单... 15

5.系统实现与测试(等待系统完全测试好)... 17

6.总结与展望... 17









××××专业    学生姓名

指导教师    指导教师姓名







Elderly care system based on Android

Name of students majoring in ××


Instructor instructor name


Abstract: China is in the whole process of social aging, and the problems caused by the social development of the elderly urgently need more powerful solutions. As the elderly in the past few years, their physical function has declined, the ability to judge is insufficient, and often accompanied by health problems, so the leisure and entertainment of the elderly has been a particularly important issue. In the rapid development of society, due to the pressure of life and work, family members cannot live with the elderly and can not take care of the daily life of the elderly. However, it is a normal condition that there is no application for the elderly in social development. This paper combines the problems of Android system smartphone with the application problem of the elderly, and shows the system to the elderly by using the powerful role of Android system smartphone. Software that is easy to view quickly. Show your family around you a way to make apps easier for older people

So far, Android has become the most fashionable computer operating system in the world, with 400 million mobile phones. The current Android system intelligent machine is not only the aggregator of mobile intelligent terminal technology, wireless communication technology and technology, but also contains many sensors, such as instantaneous speed sensor, mobile gyroscope, sunlight, magnetometer, GPS, azimuth sensor. In this paper, how to combine the powerful smartphone with the physical and mental health of the elderly and leisure issues to develop an elderly care system based on Android.

The care system of the elderly described in this paper is divided into management end and elderly end. The management end is divided into four main function modules, the elderly amateur activities module, scenic area tourism recommendation module, shop recommendation module, shop recommendation module.

App has many functions and convenient functions, which includes news query, weather query, Baidu and entertainment problems, and develops the software of the elderly system based on Android. The software of the care system for the elderly discussed in the thesis is divided into management and elderly. The management end is divided into four key program modules, the elderly entertainment activity control module, the scenic spot recommendation control module, the commodity recommendation control module, the store recommendation control module. The application terminal has many functions and is convenient and fast. Each module has four main program modules, which can easily and quickly view news reports, weather conditions, network search, free calls, family and friends interaction and management four function modules convenient query function.

Key words: Android; the elderly; comprehensive; convenient; service





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来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/daizuo/p/14774558.html