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Sql Server 10:第四章作业



  1. 学生(学号、班级、年龄、性别、家庭住址、班级号)

  2. 班级(班级号,班级名,班主任,班长)


create table Student
Snum char(15) unique,
Sname char(10),
Sage int,
Ssex char(5),
Sloc char(20),
Scla char(5)

create table Class
Cnum int,
Cname char(10),
Ctea char(10),
Cmon char(10)



grant all
on Student
to U1
with grant option;
grant all
on Class
to U1
with grant option;


grant select,update(Sloc)
on Student
to U2;


grant select
on Student
to public;


create role R1;
grant select ,update
on Student
to R1
with grant option;


grant R1
to U1
with admin option;


  1. 职工(职工号,姓名,年龄,职务,工资,部门号)
  2. 部门(部门号,名称,经理名,地址,电话号)
create table Staff
Stnum char(15) unique,
Stname char(10),
Stage int,
Stw char(5),
Sts int,
Stn char(5)

create table Dep
Dnum int,
Dname char(10),
Dmag char(10),
Dloc char(10),
Dcall char(13),




grant select
on Staff
to 王明;

grant select
on Dep
to 王明;


grant insert,delete
on Dep
to 李勇;

grant insert,delete
on Staff
to 李勇;


grant select 
on Staff
when SUSER_NAME()=Stname
to all;


grant select,update(Sts)
on Staff
to 刘星;


grant update
on Staff
to 张新;

grant update
on Dep
to 张新;


grant all 
on Staff
to 周平
with grant option;

grant all 
on Dep
to 周平
with grant option;


create view Dep_sts(DS_name,maxs,mins,avgs)
select Dep.Dname,max(Sts),min(Sts),avg(Sts)
from Staff,Dep
where Staff.Stnum=Dep.Dnum
group by Staff.Stnum,Dep.Dname;

grant select
on Dep_sts
to 杨兰;


revoke select
on staff
from 王明;

revoke select
on Dep
from 王明;

revoke insert,delete
on Dep
from 李勇;

revoke insert,delete
on Staff
from 李勇;

--revoke select 
--on Staff
--when SUSER_NAME()=Stname
--from all;

revoke select,update
on Staff
from 刘星;

revoke update
on Staff
from 张新;

revoke update
on Dep
from 张新;

revoke all 
on Staff
from 周平 cascade;

revoke all 
on Dep
from 周平 cascade;

revoke select
on Dep_sts
from 杨兰;



来源: https://blog.csdn.net/bibiobi/article/details/115819696