RDB (Relational Database)
关系型数据库源于relational model. Relational model? Relational model的内在逻辑是first-order (predicate) logic. (所有data表示为tuples, grouped into relations.) First-order logic? First-order Logic :Constants, Variables, Predicates, Functions, Quantifiers... Example: Only one student failed in Mathematics. In this question, the predicate is "failed(x, y),"... ∃(x) [ student(x) → failed (x, Mathematics) ∧∀ (y) [¬(x==y) ∧ student(y) → ¬failed (x, Mathematics)].SQL作为声明式语言(Declarative language)
Declarative language... WHAT. 你要query的系统已经实现了具体怎么取 (query optimizer),声明式语言只须关注what results to get。 还有哪些常见的Declarative langages?- XML, XPath, XQuery
- Regex
- Prolog, Datalog...
Logic and Databases Relational algebra基本操作:Union, Difference, Certesian Product, Projection, Selection, natural join. Query: The query evaluation problem, the query equivalence problem, the query containment problem. Relational algebra(数据库的传统运算) SQL_to_Relational_Algebra, SQL-Relational algebra计算器SQL的执行顺序
Execution sequence of SQL
- Joins: Inner Join? Left Join? Right Join? Natural Join? Self Join? ... etc.
- 笛卡尔积
- 超过两个表?
- 常和SELECT Aggregation一起用
- 相同值的到同一行上
- 限定group by的结果
- Multi-columns?
- Using FIELD(col, value1, value2...)
SQL Query优化
- 多数情况下,join faster than subqueries.
SQL Tutorial
- Database Tutorial
- https://www.javatpoint.com/mysql-upsert
- https://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-having.aspx/
标签:...,逻辑,Join,SQL,failed,query,Relational 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/peij/p/14453733.html