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couchbase数据库-step 1- win10下环境搭建


1、couchbase server 安装

             操作系统/浏览器要求:https://docs.couchbase.com/server/current/install/install-platforms.html       注意在win10系统下只支持数据库的开发与测试,而在Windows Server 2019/2016环境下才支持数据库的开发/测试/生产。

            物理硬件最低要求:cpu: 2 GHz dual core x86_64       

Minimum Specifications*Recommended Specifications**


2 GHz dual core x86_64

3 GHz quad core x86_64 and above

3 GHz six core x86_64 when using Cross Datacenter Replication (XDCR) and Views


4 GB (physical)

16 GB (physical) and above

Storage (disk space)

8 GB (block-based; HDD, SSD, EBS, iSCSI)

Network file systems such as CIFS and NFS are not supported.

16 GB and above (block-based; HDD, SSD, EBS, iSCSI)

Network file systems such as CIFS and NFS are not supported.

2、sync-gateway 安装与配制

3、android app 配制同步/用户名+密码访问

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/loongdao/p/13991741.html