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关于SQL中的 where 1 = 1 的用法


  在项目中的常见的一个操作:在有关SQL的代码中加入where 1 = 1,关于它的用法,可以总结如下:

  首先,where 1 = 1的用法往往是为了方便后续的给SQL增加where限制条件。如果实现加入了where 1 = 1,后续的条件只需加入and ...  这种形式的代码就可以准确执行了。举个例子,

不加where 1 = 1 时:

       sqlStatement = "select * from table_car"
        whereClause = "";
        if (modelYear != 0)
            if (whereClause != "")
                whereClause = whereClause + " and ";
            sqlStatement += "year="+modelYear;
        if (manufacturer != "")
            if (whereClause != "")
                whereClause = whereClause + " and ";
            sqlStatement += "value="+manufacturer
        if (color != "")
            if (whereClause != "")
                whereClause = whereClause + " and ";
            sqlStatement += "color="+color
        if (california)
            if (whereClause != "")
                whereClause = whereClause + " and ";
            sqlStatement += "hasCatalytic=1"

        if (whereClause != "")
            sqlStatement = commandText + "WHERE "+whereClause;


 加上where 1 = 1 后:

        sqlStatement = "select * from table_car";
        if(Year != 0)
          commandText+=" and year=" + modelYear
        if(manufacturer != "")
          commandText += " and value=" + manufacturer
        if(color != "")
          commandText += " and color=" + color
        if(california != 0)
          commandText += " and hasCatalytic=1"

 很明显,加上where 1 = 1后,代码的拓展性大大增加而且更加简洁。在后续为SQL加入限制条件时会非常的方便。

此外,SQL查询引擎在执行SQL时,如果遇到where 1 = 1 它会忽略这个条件,因此where 1 = 1 对SQL的性能并没有影响。

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/wangkundentisy/p/12070032.html