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datasketches-postgresql 安装手册



1. 编译incubator-datasketches-cpp

Apache所有和Data Stream有关项目的列表:https://github.com/apache?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=datasketches


cd $P4_HOME
git clone --recursive https://github.com/apache/incubator-datasketches-cpp
cd $P4_HOME/incubator-datasketches-cpp
git checkout 2.0.x-incubating   ## the latest released active branch
rm -r build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make test
cd ../..

编译datasketches-cpp项目的Python Wrapper for Datasketches



## python2 dependencies on ubuntu
sudo apt-get install -y python-pip python-setuptools python-wheel python-numpy

# python3 dependencies on ubuntu
sudo apt-get install -y python3 python3-dev python3-pip 
sudo pip3 install setuptools numpy wheel 

sudo pip3.6 install setuptools numpy wheel

# install tox: a generic virtualenv management and test command line tool you can use for:
# https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
sudo pip install tox zipp
sudo pip3 install tox zipp
sudo pip3.6 install tox zipp

# I am curious about the tox version
tox --version
# 3.15.2 imported from /home/p4-basic/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tox/__init__.py
which tox
# /home/p4-basic/.local/bin/tox

然后安装python bindings。

cd $P4_HOME/incubator-datasketches-cpp
git submodule update --init --recursive

# setup
#sudo python setup.py build  ## error !!
#sudo python3 setup.py build   ## error !!
sudo python3.6 setup.py build  # install binding for python 3.6 on ubuntu 16.04

python bindings成功安装到python3.6环境下。然后用tox框架执行单元测试。

cd $P4_HOME/incubator-datasketches-cpp
sudo rm -r .tox # remove old tox stuffs

# python Unit tests
sudo tox

=========================================================================================== test session starts ============================================================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.3, pytest-5.4.3, py-1.8.2, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: .tox/py3/.pytest_cache
rootdir: /home/p4-basic/P4/incubator-datasketches-cpp
collected 14 items                                                                                                                                                                                         
cpc_test.py .                                                                                                                                                                                        [  7%]
fi_test.py ..                                                                                                                                                                                        [ 21%]
hll_test.py ...                                                                                                                                                                                      [ 42%]
kll_test.py ...                                                                                                                                                                                      [ 64%]
theta_test.py ..                                                                                                                                                                                     [ 78%]
vector_of_kll_test.py ..                                                                                                                                                                             [ 92%]
vo_test.py .                                                                                                                                                                                         [100%]

=========================================================================================== 14 passed in 18.59s ============================================================================================
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ summary __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  py3: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

2. 编译incubator-datasketches-postgresql

This code requires C++11. It was tested with GCC 4.8.5 (standard in RedHat at the time of this writing), GCC 8.2.0, GCC 9.2.0, Apple LLVM version 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.46.4) and version 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.8).

cd $P4_HOME
git clone https://github.com/apache/incubator-datasketches-postgresql
cd $P4_HOME/incubator-datasketches-postgresql
ln -sf ../incubator-datasketches-cpp datasketches-cpp
make clean
sudo make install

3. Verifying installation of datasketches-postgresql with a test database

Make sure that PostgreSQL is running.

Create a test database if it does not exist yet (on the command line):

$ su postgres
$ createdb test

Run the client (console) using the test database:

$ psql test

Create datasketches extension in the test database:

# create extension datasketches;

Try some of the datasketches functions:

# select cpc_sketch_to_string(cpc_sketch_build(1));

You should see the following result:

 ### CPC sketch summary:          +
    lg_k           : 8            +
    seed hash      : 93cc         +
    C              : 1            +
    flavor         : 1            +
    merged         : false        +
    HIP estimate   : 1            +
    kxp            : 255.5        +
    intresting col : 0            +
    table entries  : 1            +
    window         : not allocated+
 ### End sketch summary           +
(1 row)



# create table test_table(id integer);
# \q


$ psql test
psql (11.8)
Type "help" for help.

# SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name='test_table';
 table_catalog | table_schema | table_name | table_type | self_referencing_column_name | reference_generation | user_defined_type_catalog | user_defined_type_schema | user_defined_type_name | is_insertable_into | is_typed | commit_action 
(0 rows)

# \q

4. Advanced Examples of datasketches-postgresql

This datasketches-postgresql module currently supports the following sketches:

We will perform experiments on these sketches algorithms.


注意:整个实验的测试数据非常的占磁盘空间,差不多要5GB多空间。实验结束以后要释放磁盘空间,只需要执行drop table test;的SQL命令即可。


su - postgres -c "psql test"


create table if not exists random_ints_100m(id integer);

-- list tables under database `test`

-- show the schema of table `random_ints_100m`
\d random_ints_100m

-- delete all rows in table random_ints_100m
delete from random_ints_100m;

-- tall numbers between 1 and 100 (step 1 by default)
insert into random_ints_100m(id) 
    select generate_series(1,100000000) 


test=# \dt  
              List of relations
 Schema |       Name       | Type  |  Owner   
 public | random_ints_100m | table | postgres
 public | test_table       | table | postgres
(2 rows)

test=# \d random_ints_100m
          Table "public.random_ints_100m"
 Column |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default 
 id     | integer |           |          | 

Distinct counting with CPC sketch

Suppose 100 million random integer values uniformly distributed in the range from 1 to 100M have been generated and inserted into a table named random_ints_100m.

Exact count distinct:

$ time psql test -c "select count(distinct id) from random_ints_100m"
(1 row)

real	0m57.413s

Approximate count distinct:

$ time psql test -c "select cpc_sketch_distinct(id) from random_ints_100m"
(1 row)

real	0m13.832s

Note that the above one-off distinct count is just to show the basic usage. Most importantly, the sketch can be used as an "additive" distinct count metric in a data cube.


su - postgres -c "psql test"


create table if not exists cpc_sketch_test(sketch cpc_sketch);

-- delete all rows in table cpc_sketch_test
delete from cpc_sketch_test;

insert into cpc_sketch_test select cpc_sketch_build(1);
insert into cpc_sketch_test select cpc_sketch_build(2);
insert into cpc_sketch_test select cpc_sketch_build(3);
insert into cpc_sketch_test select cpc_sketch_build(4);
insert into cpc_sketch_test select cpc_sketch_build(5);
insert into cpc_sketch_test select cpc_sketch_build(1);
insert into cpc_sketch_test select cpc_sketch_build(2);
select cpc_sketch_get_estimate(cpc_sketch_union(sketch)) from cpc_sketch_test;


(1 row)


# select * from cpc_sketch_test;
(7 rows)

# \q  // quit

Distinct counting with HLL sketch

See above for the exact distinct count of 100 million random integers

Approximate distinct count:

$ time psql test -c "select hll_sketch_distinct(id) from random_ints_100m"
(1 row)

real	0m14.204s

Note that the above one-off distinct count is just to show the basic usage. Most importantly, the sketch can be used as an "additive" distinct count metric in a data cube.

Aggregate union:

create table if not exists hll_sketch_test(sketch hll_sketch);

-- delete all rows in table hll_sketch
delete from hll_sketch;

insert into hll_sketch_test select hll_sketch_build(1);
insert into hll_sketch_test select hll_sketch_build(2);
insert into hll_sketch_test select hll_sketch_build(3);
insert into hll_sketch_test select hll_sketch_build(4);
insert into hll_sketch_test select hll_sketch_build(5);
insert into hll_sketch_test select hll_sketch_build(1);
insert into hll_sketch_test select hll_sketch_build(2);
insert into hll_sketch_test select hll_sketch_union(hll_sketch_build(1), hll_sketch_build(2));
select hll_sketch_get_estimate(hll_sketch_union(sketch)) from hll_sketch_test;


(1 row)

Non-aggregate union:

select hll_sketch_get_estimate(hll_sketch_union(hll_sketch_build(1), hll_sketch_build(2)));



insert into hll_sketch_test select hll_sketch_union(sketch) from hll_sketch_test;
select hll_sketch_get_estimate(hll_sketch_union(sketch)) from hll_sketch_test;

(1 row)

Distinct counting with Theta sketch

See above for the exact distinct count of 100 million random integers

Approximate distinct count:

$ time psql test -c "select theta_sketch_distinct(id) from random_ints_100m"

(1 row)

real	0m14.163s

Note that the above one-off distinct count is just to show the basic usage. Most importantly, the sketch can be used as an "additive" distinct count metric in a data cube.

Aggregate union:

create table if not exists theta_sketch_test(sketch theta_sketch);

-- delete all rows in table theta_sketch_test
delete from theta_sketch_test;

insert into theta_sketch_test select theta_sketch_build(1);
insert into theta_sketch_test select theta_sketch_build(2);
insert into theta_sketch_test select theta_sketch_build(3);
insert into theta_sketch_test select theta_sketch_build(4);
insert into theta_sketch_test select theta_sketch_build(5);
insert into theta_sketch_test select theta_sketch_build(1);
insert into theta_sketch_test select theta_sketch_build(2);
insert into theta_sketch_test select theta_sketch_union(sketch) from theta_sketch_test;

select theta_sketch_get_estimate(theta_sketch_union(sketch)) from theta_sketch_test;
(1 row)

Non-aggregate set operations:

create table if not exists theta_set_op_test(sketch1 theta_sketch, sketch2 theta_sketch);
insert into theta_set_op_test select theta_sketch_build(1), theta_sketch_build(1);
insert into theta_set_op_test select theta_sketch_build(1), theta_sketch_build(2);

select theta_sketch_get_estimate(theta_sketch_union(sketch1, sketch2)) from theta_set_op_test;

(2 rows)

select theta_sketch_get_estimate(theta_sketch_intersection(sketch1, sketch2)) from theta_set_op_test;

(2 rows)

select theta_sketch_get_estimate(theta_sketch_a_not_b(sketch1, sketch2)) from theta_set_op_test;

(2 rows)

Estimating quanitles, ranks and histograms with KLL sketch

Table "normal" has 1 million values from the normal (Gaussian) distribution with mean=0 and stddev=1.


su - postgres -c "psql test"



Function Returns Description
normal_rand(int numvals, float8 mean, float8 stddev) setof float8 Produces a set of normally distributed random values


Name Storage Size Description Range
smallint 2 bytes small-range integer -32768 to +32767
integer 4 bytes typical choice for integer -2147483648 to +2147483647
bigint 8 bytes large-range integer -9223372036854775808 to +9223372036854775807
decimal variable user-specified precision, exact up to 131072 digits before the decimal point; up to 16383 digits after the decimal point
numeric variable user-specified precision, exact up to 131072 digits before the decimal point; up to 16383 digits after the decimal point
real 4 bytes variable-precision, inexact 6 decimal digits precision
double precision 8 bytes variable-precision, inexact 15 decimal digits precision
smallserial 2 bytes small autoincrementing integer 1 to 32767
serial 4 bytes autoincrementing integer 1 to 2147483647
bigserial 8 bytes large autoincrementing integer 1 to 9223372036854775807
create extension tablefunc;

-- drop table normal;

create table if not exists normal(value real);

-- list tables under database `test`

-- show the schema of table `random_ints_100m`
\d normal

-- delete all rows in table normal
delete from normal;

insert into normal(value) 
    select normal_rand(1000000,0,1) 

We can build a sketch, which represents the distribution:

create table if not exists kll_float_sketch_test(sketch kll_float_sketch);
insert into kll_float_sketch_test select kll_float_sketch_build(value) from normal;


We expect the value with rank 0.5 (median) to be approximately 0:

select kll_float_sketch_get_quantile(sketch, 0.5) from kll_float_sketch_test;

(1 row)

In reverse: we expect the rank of value 0 (true median) to be approximately 0.5:

select kll_float_sketch_get_rank(sketch, 0) from kll_float_sketch_test;

(1 row)

Getting several quantiles at once:

select kll_float_sketch_get_quantiles(sketch, ARRAY[0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]) from kll_float_sketch_test;

(1 row)

Getting the probability mass function (PMF):

select kll_float_sketch_get_pmf(sketch, ARRAY[-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]) from kll_float_sketch_test;

(1 row)

The ARRAY[-2, -1, 0, 1, 2] of 5 split points defines 6 intervals (bins): (-inf,-2), [-2,-1), [-1,0), [0,1), [1,2), [2,inf). The result is 6 estimates of probability mass in these bins (fractions of input values that fall into the bins). These fractions can be transformed to counts (histogram) by scaling them by the factor of N (the total number of input values), which can be obtained from the sketch:

select kll_float_sketch_get_n(sketch) from kll_float_sketch_test;

(1 row)

In this simple example we know the value of N since we constructed this sketch, but in a general case sketches are merged across dimensions of data hypercube, so the vale of N is not known in advance.

Note that the normal distribution was used just to show the basic usage. The sketch does not make any assumptions about the distribution.

Let's create two more sketches to show merging kll_float_sketch:

insert into kll_float_sketch_test select kll_float_sketch_build(value) from normal;
insert into kll_float_sketch_test select kll_float_sketch_build(value) from normal;
select kll_float_sketch_get_quantile(kll_float_sketch_merge(sketch), 0.5) from kll_float_sketch_test;

(1 row)

Frequent strings

这位教授在自己主页上列出了各种的分布函数模拟工具:https://www.csee.usf.edu/~kchriste/tools/toolpage.html 。 我们把这些工具都下载到该文档中

The following programs generate a times series with a given probability distribution. A summary of the properties of key distributions is here.

Consider a numeric Zipfian distribution with parameter alpha=1.1 (high skew) and range of 2^{13}, so that the number 1 has the highest frequency, the number 2 appears substantially less frequently and so on. Suppose zipf_1p1_8k_100m table has 100 million random values drawn from such a distribution, and the values are converted to strings.


$ gcc -o genzipf genzipf.c -lm
$ ./genzipf
---------------------------------------- genzipf.c ----- 
-     Program to generate Zipf random variables        - 
Output file name ===================================> zipf.dat
Random number seed (greater than 0) ================> 12
Alpha value ========================================> 1.1
N value ============================================> 8192
Number of values to generate =======================> 100000000
-  Generating samples to file                          - 
-  Done! 

# $ sed 's/^[ \t]*//g' zipf.dat

$ sed 's/[ \t]*$//g' zipf.dat > zipf2.dat

$ mv zipf2.dat zipf.dat

$ wc -l zipf.dat
100000000 zipf.dat

$ more zipf.dat


su - postgres -c "psql test"



-- drop table zipf_1p1_8k_100m;

create table if not exists zipf_1p1_8k_100m(value varchar);

-- remove old data
delete from zipf_1p1_8k_100m; 

copy zipf_1p1_8k_100m from '/path/to/zipf.dat' DELIMITER ' ';
-- copy zipf_1p1_8k_100m from '/home/p4-basic/P4/zipf.dat' DELIMITER ' ';

Here, about how to import a txt file into PostgreSQL.

  1. COPY is the SQL keyword.
  2. table_name is the name of the table that you want to put the data into. (This is not intuitive if you just look at the syntax.)
  3. FROM is another SQL keyword.
  4. Then you have to specify the filename and the location of the file that you want to copy the data from between apostrophes.
  5. And eventually you have to specify the field separator in your original file by typing DELIMITER and the field separator itself between apostrophes. So in this case ' ' means that the delimiter would be a space.

Suppose the goal is to get the most frequent strings from this table. In terms of the frequent items sketch we have to chose a threshold. Let's try to capture values that repeat more than 1 million times, or more than 1% of the 100 million entries in the table. According to the error table, frequent items sketch of size 2^{9} must capture all values more frequent then about 0.7% of the input.

The following query is to build a sketch with lg_k=9 and get results with estimated weight above 1 million using "no false negatives" policy. The output format is: value, estimate, lower bound, upper bound.

$ time psql test -c "select frequent_strings_sketch_result_no_false_negatives(frequent_strings_sketch_build(9, value), 1000000) from zipf_1p1_8k_100m"
(11 rows)

real	0m42.888s

Here is an equivalent exact computation:

$ time psql test -c "select value, weight from (select value, count(*) as weight from zipf_1p1_8k_100m group by value) t where weight > 1000000 order by weight desc"

 value |  weight  
 1     | 15326588
 2     |  7152554
 3     |  4575255
 4     |  3334065
 5     |  2609685
 6     |  2137227
 7     |  1804014
 8     |  1557923
 9     |  1366476
 10    |  1217327
 11    |  1096711
(11 rows)

real	0m31.810s

In this particular case the exact computation happens to be faster. This is just to show the basic usage. Most importantly, the sketch can be used as an "additive" metric in a data cube, and can be easily merged across dimensions.

Merging frequent_strings_sketch:

create table if not exists frequent_strings_sketch_test(sketch frequent_strings_sketch);
insert into frequent_strings_sketch_test select frequent_strings_sketch_build(9, value) from zipf_1p1_8k_100m;
insert into frequent_strings_sketch_test select frequent_strings_sketch_build(9, value) from zipf_1p1_8k_100m;
insert into frequent_strings_sketch_test select frequent_strings_sketch_build(9, value) from zipf_1p1_8k_100m;
select frequent_strings_sketch_result_no_false_negatives(frequent_strings_sketch_merge(9, sketch), 3000000) from frequent_strings_sketch_test;

(11 rows)

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/cscshi/p/16582782.html