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MySQL 8支持公用表表达式,包括非递归和递归两种。




1. 派生表(子查询)

select …… from (subquery) as derived, table_name ……;

2. CTE

with derived as (
select …… from derived, table_name ……;

CTE可能在SELECT/UPDATE/DELETE之前,包括with derived as (subquery)的子查询,例如:

with derived as (
delete from table_name 
where table_name.col_name in (
    select col_name from derived
  1. CTE可以引用其他CTE
with derived_one as (
derived_two as (
    select …… from derived_one
select …… from derived_one, derived_two ……;


1. 语法解释

递归CTE是一种特殊的CTE,其子查询会引用自己的名字。WITH子句必须以WITH RECURSIVE开头。递归CTE子查询包括两部分:seed查询和recursive查询,由UNION[ALL]UNION DISTINCT分隔。


with recursive {temp_table_name}(n) as (
    select …… from table_name  /* "seed select" */
    union all 
    select …… from {temp_table_name}, table_name  /* "recursive select" */
select …… from derived ……;


mysql> with recursive derived(n) as (
    -> select 1  /* "seed select" */
    -> union all 
    -> select n + 1 from derived where n < 5  /* "recursive select" */
    -> )
    -> select * from derived;
| n    |
|    1 |
|    2 |
|    3 |
|    4 |
|    5 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

在每次迭代中,SELECT都会生成一个带有新值的行,比前一行的值n1。第一次迭代在初始行集合(1)上运行并生成值为1 + 1 = 2的行;第二次迭代对第一次迭代的行集合(2)进行操作并生成值为2 + 1 = 3的行。以此类推,一直持续到n不再小于5时,递归结束。

2. 案例


1. 创建带有manager_id的测试表

mysql> create table employees.employees_mgr ( 
    -> id int primary key not null,
    -> name varchar(100) not null,
    -> manager_id int null,
    -> index (manager_id),
    -> foreign key (manager_id) references employees_mgr (id)
    -> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)

2. 插入示例数据

mysql> insert into employees.employees_mgr values 
    -> (333, "Yasmina", null), /* Yasmina is the CEO (manager_id is null) */
    -> (198, "John", 333), /* John has id 198 and reports to 333 (Yasmina) */
    -> (692, "Tarek", 333),
    -> (29, "Pedro ", 198),
    -> (4610, "Sarah", 29),
    -> (72, "Pierre", 29),
    -> (123, "Adil", 692);
Query OK, 7 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 7  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select id, name, manager_id from employees.employees_mgr;
| id   | name    | manager_id |
|   29 | Pedro   |        198 |
|   72 | Pierre  |         29 |
|  123 | Adil    |        692 |
|  198 | John    |        333 |
|  333 | Yasmina |       NULL |
|  692 | Tarek   |        333 |
| 4610 | Sarah   |         29 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

3. 执行递归CTE

mysql> with recursive employee_paths (id, name, path) as (
    -> select id, name, cast(id as char(200))
    -> from employees.employees_mgr
    -> where manager_id is null
    -> union all
    -> select e.id, e.name, concat(ep.path, '->', e.id)
    -> from employee_paths as ep
    -> join employees.employees_mgr as e
    -> on ep.id = e.manager_id
    -> )
    -> select * from employee_paths;
| id   | name    | path               |
|  333 | Yasmina | 333                |
|  198 | John    | 333->198           |
|  692 | Tarek   | 333->692           |
|   29 | Pedro   | 333->198->29       |
|  123 | Adil    | 333->692->123      |
|   72 | Pierre  | 333->198->29->72   |
| 4610 | Sarah   | 333->198->29->4610 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

with recursive employee_paths (id, name, path) asCTE的名称,列是(id, name, path)

select id, name, cast(id as char(200)) from employees.employees_mgr where manager_id is null是查询CEO的seed查询(没有在CEO之上的管理者)。

select e.id, e.name, concat(ep.path, '->', e.id) from employee_paths as ep join employees.employees_mgr as e on ep.id = e.manager_id是递归查询。


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/ciel717/p/16253268.html