''' sqlite3.exe .open imagestags.db # id,filename,tag1,tag1_score,tag2,tag2_score,tag3,tag3_score,tag4,tag4_score,tag5,tag5_score create table imagestags(id integer, filename text, tag1 text, tag1_score REAL, tag2 text, tag2_score REAL, tag3 text, tag3_score REAL, tag4 text, tag4_score REAL, tag5 text, tag5_score REAL); .databases .tables .separator ',' .import 'E:\2000_AI\0000_ImageCluster\1048576_results.csv' imagestags select * from imagestags; select * from sqlite_master where type="table"; select * from sqlite_master where type="table" and name="imagestags"; .schema imagestags ALTER TABLE imagestags ADD COLUMN fullFeature Text; select tag1 || ',' || tag2 || ',' || tag3 || ',' || tag4 || ',' || tag5 from imagestags where id<5; update imagestags set fullFeature = tag1 || ',' || tag2 || ',' || tag3 || ',' || tag4 || ',' || tag5; select fullFeature from imagestags where id<5; select fullFeature from imagestags where fullFeature like '%雪%'; select fullFeature from imagestags where fullFeature like '%丛林%' and fullFeature like '%雪景%'; select id as id,filename as filename,tag1 as tag1,tag1_score as tag1_score,tag2 as tag2,tag2_score as tag2_score,tag3 as tag3,tag3_score as tag3_score,tag4 as tag4,tag4_score as tag4_score,tag5 as tag5,tag5_score as tag5_score from imagestags where fullFeature like '%丛林%' and fullFeature like '%天空%' and fullFeature like '%雪景%'; select id as id,filename as filename,tag1 as tag1,tag1_score as tag1_score,tag2 as tag2,tag2_score as tag2_score,tag3 as tag3,tag3_score as tag3_score,tag4 as tag4,tag4_score as tag4_score,tag5 as tag5,tag5_score as tag5_score from imagestags where fullFeature like '%雪景%' and fullFeature like '%天空%' and fullFeature like '%丛林%' and fullFeature like '%山%'; select id as id,filename as filename,tag1 as tag1,tag1_score as tag1_score,tag2 as tag2,tag2_score as tag2_score,tag3 as tag3,tag3_score as tag3_score,tag4 as tag4,tag4_score as tag4_score,tag5 as tag5,tag5_score as tag5_score from imagestags where fullFeature like '%雪景%' and fullFeature like '%天空%' and fullFeature like '%丛林%' and fullFeature like '%山%' and fullFeature like '%日出日落%'; select ta.* ,tb.NO from imagestags as ta, (select tag1,tag2,tag3 row_number() over(partition by null order by null) as NO from imagestags group by tag1,tag2,tag3) as tb where ta.tag1=tb.tag1 and ta.tag2=tb.tag2 and ta.tag3=tb.tag3 select ta.* ,tb.NO from imagestags as ta, (select tag1,tag2,tag3 row_number() over(partition by null order by null) as NO from imagestags group by tag1,tag2,tag3) as tb where ta.tag1=tb.tag1 and ta.tag2=tb.tag2 and ta.tag3=tb.tag3; select * from( select * from imagestags as ta where ta.tag1 in (select tag1 from imagestags group by tag1 having count(*) >=2) and ta.tag2 in (select tag2 from imagestags group by tag2 having count(*) >=2) and ta.tag3 in (select tag3 from imagestags group by tag3 having count(*) >=2) ) order by tag1,tag2,tag3; select * from( select * from imagestags as ta where ta.tag1 in (select tag1 from imagestags group by tag1 having count(*) >=2) and ta.tag2 in (select tag2 from imagestags group by tag2 having count(*) >=2) and ta.tag3 in (select tag3 from imagestags group by tag3 having count(*) >=2) and ta.tag4 in (select tag4 from imagestags group by tag4 having count(*) >=2) ) order by tag1,tag2,tag3,tag4,tag5; select * from( select * from imagestags as ta where ta.tag1 in (select tag1 from imagestags group by tag1 having count(*) >=2) and ta.tag2 in (select tag2 from imagestags group by tag2 having count(*) >=2) and ta.tag3 in (select tag3 from imagestags group by tag3 having count(*) >=2) and ta.tag4 in (select tag4 from imagestags group by tag4 having count(*) >=2) and ta.tag5 in (select tag5 from imagestags group by tag5 having count(*) >=2)) order by tag1,tag2,tag3,tag4,tag5; '''
标签:tag4,sqlite,图像识别,tag1,tag2,tag3,python,imagestags,select 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/defineconst/p/15893415.html