首页 > 数据库> > 虚拟物品交易平台的设计与实现毕业论文+开题报告+JavaSSM源码及数据库+运行说明










With the rapid development of network technology,more and more people feel the convenience and pleasure brought to people by the network,more and more people like to enjoy the mind and body through the network game,they integrate the network game into their own life,they entertain in the world,pay and want to take from the world,then,there is demand and purchase,then there is the exchange of goods,and the virtual objects in the virtual world have their own value,and the virtual transactions in the online game will follow. For the current virtual goods market chaos,how to provide a safe and convenient for the majority of online gamers  Easy platform is the focus of this research.

The current development trend of the network,and the needs of the vast number of game users,will complete a web-based online virtual goods trading platform research and implementation of the project. Depending on the day-to-day need to trade with each other,users can buy and sell virtual items through the site. The highlight function of this topic is the intelligent recommendation module,which is used to recommend the corresponding products to the users according to the browsing records of each user and the collection of goods. It will also recommend popular products with a high number of recent views to users. The platform automatically generates a list of recommendations that appear in front of the user. This module mainly adopts collaborative filtering algorithm,which involves the interaction information between the user and the commodity,that is,the behavior of the user.

This topic is developed in Java language,using SSM framework,B/S pattern,using the design idea of MVC pattern,using MySQL database for storage,Web server using Tomcat Apache,and supplemented by JavaScript script language to develop front end. Develop a convenient and fast virtual trading platform for users. The research and realization of a web-based virtual goods trading platform will be completed in this thesis. According to the needs of daily transactions with each other,users can use websites Purchase as well as sell related virtual items.

Keywords: game trading;virtual items;trading platform;Java;SSM


目  录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景及意义 1

1.2研究现状 1

1.3研究主要内容 2

第2章 相关技术介绍 4

1.1 SSM的技术原理 4

1.1.1 SSM语言及其特点 4

1.1.2 Java及Java Servlets概述 6

1.1.3 JavaBean简介 6

1.2 服务器配置 7

1.2.1 Tomcat安装及配置 7

1.2.2 数据库配置 8

第3章 需求分析及总体设计 11

2.1 需求分析 11

2.2 系统功能模块设计 11

2.3 数据库需求分析 12

第3章 数据库结构设计 13

3.1 数据库实现 13

3.1.1 tb_Ware(商品信息表) 13

3.1.2 tb_manager(管理员信息表) 13

3.1.3 tb_sub(订单生成表) 14

3.1.4 tb_Link(超级链接表) 14

3.1.5 tb_Affiche(公告信息表) 15

3.2 用SSM连接数据库 15

第4章 虚拟交易平台实现 17

4.1 前台部分 17

4.1.1 前台总体框架 17

4.1.2 用户注册 19

4.1.3 热门交易推荐 20

4.1.4 产品列表页 20

4.1.5 用户登陆 21

4.1.6 虚拟物品购物车 22

4.1.7 我的订单 22

4.2 后台部分 23

4.2.1 后台订单管理 23

4.2.2 后台客户管理 23

4.2.3 商品管理 24

4.2.4 商品分类管理 24

4.2.5 产品销售统计 25

总  结 26

致  谢 27

参考文献 28

来源: https://blog.51cto.com/u_11003531/2978719