首页 > 数据库> > 二手车交易平台的设计与实现(JavaSSM)毕业论文+开题报告+项目源码及数据库





摘  要





With the continuous development of Internet technology,the past commodity trading mode has been changed,people can view commodity information on the Internet and carry out commodity trading. But the second-hand car trade is different from other goods,first of all,the transaction amount of the vehicle is large,the transaction needs to be careful;second,there are many factors affecting the price of the second-hand car,such as the time of use of the car,whether there is an accident,and the price of different regions are also very big gaps. So customers need to know the details of the car when trading,careful trading,which reflects the necessity of second-hand car trading platform.

The research of this subject is based on the continuous development of Internet technology,which brings people the transformation of consumer shopping mode under the premise of designing a convenient and fast used car trading platform for users. will complete a java language based development,the database selected mysql,using the ssm framework under the b/s mode of used car trading platform. So that people can find out about the source of second-hand cars they want to know. The security requirements of the system and the speed of data query are very high,at the same time,under the premise of completing the basic function,the system also adds the characteristic function: the intelligent recommendation of the used car.

Keywords: used car;trading platform;Java;SSM;recommendation system

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景及意义 1

1.2研究现状 1

1.3研究主要内容 2

第2章 二手车交易平台需求分析 3

2.1 可行性分析 3

2.2 系统实现的目标 3

2.3 系统功能需求 4

第3章 系统开发工具介绍 5

3.1 平台选择 5

3.2 系统开发工具 5

3.2.1 开发语言—JSP 5

3.2.2 数据库—MySQL 6

第4章 系统设计功能模块 7

4.1 项目规划 7

4.1.1 系统功能结构图 7

4.1.2 处理流程 8

4.2 系统设计 10

4.2.1 设计目标 10

4.2.2 系统开发环境 10

4.3 数据库设计 11

第5章 二手车交易平台实现 16

5.1 系统各部分的实现方法 16

5.1.1 创建与数据库的连接 16

5.1.2 访问数据库的JavaBean 17

5.2 系统界面设计 17

5.2.1 前台总体框架 17

5.2.2 平台首页 18

5.2.3 产品详情页 19

5.2.4 评价 20

5.2.5 后台主页 20

5.2.6 后台评价管理 21

5.2.7 商品管理 22

5.2.8 商品修改 22

5.2.9 分类管理 23

5.2.10 订单管理 24

5.2.11 购物车管理 24

第6章 系统测试与评价分析 26

6.1 测试环境简介 26

6.2 系统的不足及修改方法 26

6.3 系统的评价分析 27

6.3.1 实用性 27

6.3.2 可维护性 27

6.3.3 可扩展性 27

6.4使用说明 28

6.4.1系统环境要求 28

6.4.2系统安装 28

6.4.3系统运行 28

总  结 29

致 谢 30

参考文献 31

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/daizuo/p/14851846.html