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Concurrency in C# Cookbook中文翻译 :c#的并发烹饪书


Concurrency in C# Cookbook

Asynchronous,Parallel,and Multithreaded Programming

Stephen Cleary



Stephen Cleary

Praise for Concurrency in C# Cookbook, Second Edition


“The next big thing in computing is making massive parallelism accessible to mere mortals. Developers have more power available to us than ever before, but expressing concurrency is still a challenge for many. Stephen turns his attention to this problem, helping us all better understand concurrency, threading,reactive programming models, parallelism, and much more in an easy-to-read but complete reference.”

Scott Hanselman, Principal Program Manager, ASP.NET and Azure Web Tools, Microsoft


Scott Hanselman, ASP的首席项目经理。NET和Azure Web工具,

“The breadth of techniques covered and the cookbook format make this the ideal reference book for modern .NET concurrency.”

Jon Skeet, Senior Software Engineer at Google


Jon Skeet,谷歌的高级软件工程师

“Stephen Cleary has established himself as a key expert on asynchrony and parallelism in C#. This book clearly and concisely conveys the most important points and principles developers need to understand to get started and be successful with these technologies.”

Stephen Toub, Principal Architect, Microsoft

Stephen Cleary已经成为c#中异步和并行的关键专家。这本书清楚和简明地传达了最重要的点和原则,开发人员需要了解以开始和成功的使用这些技术。”
Stephen Toub,微软首席架构师

1 Preface 引言

I think the animal on this cover, a common palm civet, is applicable to the subject of this book. I knew nothing about this animal until I saw the cover, so I looked it up. Common palm civets are considered pests because they defecate all over attics and make loud noises fighting with each other at the most inopportune times. Their anal scent glands emit a nauseating secretion. They have an endangered species rating of “Least Concern,” which is apparently the politically correct way of saying, “Kill as many of these as you want; no one will miss them.” Common palm civets enjoy eating coffee cherries, and they pass the coffee beans through. Kopi luwak, one of the most expensive coffees in the world, is made from the coffee beans extracted from civet excretions.


According to the Specialty Coffee Association of America, “It just tastes bad.” This makes the common palm civet a perfect mascot for concurrent and multithreaded development. To the uninitiated, concurrency and multithreading are undesirable. They make well-behaved code act up in the most horrendous ways. Race conditions and whatnot cause loud crashes (always, it seems, either in production or during a demo). Some have gone so far as to declare “threads are evil” and avoid concurrency completely. There are a handful of developers who have developed a taste for concurrency and use it without fear; but most developers have been burned in the past by concurrency, and that experience has left a bad taste in their mouth.


However, for modern applications, concurrency is quickly becoming a requirement. Users these days expect fully responsive interfaces, and server applications are having to scale to unprecedented levels. Concurrency addresses both of these trends.


Fortunately, there are many modern libraries that make concurrency much easier! Parallel processing and asynchronous programming are no longer exclusively the domains of wizards. By raising the level of abstraction, these libraries make responsive and scalable application development a realistic goal for every developer. If you have been burned in the past, when concurrency was extremely difficult, then I encourage you to give it another try with modern tools. We can probably never call concurrency easy, but it sure isn’t as hard as it used to be!


1.1 Who Should Read This Book 谁应该读这本书

This book is written for developers who want to learn modern approaches to concurrency. I do assume that you’ve got a fair amount of .NET experience, including an understanding of generic collections, enumerables, and LINQ. I do not expect that you have any multithreading or asynchronous programming knowledge. If you do have some experience in those areas, you may still find this book helpful because it introduces newer libraries that are safer and easier to use.

这本书是为那些想要学习现代并发方法的开发人员编写的。我假定您已经有相当多的.NET 经验,包括对泛型集合、可枚举对象和LINQ的理解。我不期望您有任何多线程或异步编程知识。如果您确实在这些领域有一些经验,您可能仍然会发现这本书很有帮助,因为它介绍了更安全、更容易使用的新库。

Concurrency is useful for any kind of application. It doesn’t matter whether you work on desktop, mobile, or server applications; these days concurrency is practically a requirement across the board. You can use the recipes in this book to make user interfaces more responsive and servers more scalable. We are already at the point where concurrency is ubiquitous, and understanding these techniques and their uses is essential knowledge for the professional developer.


1.2 Why I Wrote This Book 我为什么写这本书

Early in my career, I learned multithreading the hard way. After a couple of years, I learned asynchronous programming the hard way. While those were both valuable experiences, I do wish that back then I had some of the tools and resources that are available today. In particular, the async and await support in modern .NET languages is pure gold.


However, if you look around today at books and other resources for learning concurrency, they almost all start by introducing the most low-level concepts.


There’s excellent coverage of threads and serialization primitives, and the higher-level techniques are put off until later, if they’re covered at all. I believe this is for two reasons. First, many developers of concurrency, such as myself, did learn the low-level concepts first, slogging through the old-school techniques. Second, many books are years old and cover now-outdated techniques; as the newer techniques have become available, these books have been updated to include them, but have unfortunately placed them at the end. I think that’s backward. In fact, this book only covers modern approaches to concurrency. That’s not to say there’s no value in understanding all the lowlevel concepts.


When I went to college for programming, I had one class where I had to build a virtual CPU from a handful of gates, and another class that covered assembly programming. In my professional career, I’ve never designed a CPU, and I’ve only written a couple dozen lines of assembly, but my 7 understanding of the fundamentals still helps me every day. Still, it’s best to start with the higher-level abstractions; my first programming class wasn’t in assembly language. This book fills a niche: it is an introduction to (and reference for) concurrency using modern approaches. It covers several different kinds of concurrency,including parallel, asynchronous, and reactive programming. It does not,however, cover any of the old-school techniques, which are adequately covered in many other books and online resources.


1.3 Navigating This Book 本书大纲

Here’s how the book is broken down:


Chapter 1 is an introduction to the various kinds of concurrency covered by this book: parallel, asynchronous, reactive, and dataflow.


Chapters 2–6 are a more thorough introduction to these kinds of concurrency.


The remaining chapters each deal with a particular aspect of concurrency,and they act as a reference for solutions to common problems.


I recommend reading (or at least skimming) the first chapter, even if you’re already familiar with some kinds of concurrency.


As this book goes to press, .NET Core 3.0 is still in beta, so some details around asynchronous streams may change.

在这本书出版的时候,. net Core 3.0还在测试阶段,所以一些关于异步流的细节可能会改变。

1.3.1 Online Resources 线上资源

This book acts like a broad-spectrum introduction to several different kinds of concurrency. I’ve done my best to include techniques that I and others have found the most helpful, but this book isn’t exhaustive by any means. The following resources are the best ones I’ve found for a more thorough exploration of these technologies:


至于并行编程,我所知道的最好的资源是由Microsoft Press出版的《与Microsoft .NET并行编程》(parallel programming with Microsoft .NET)。不幸的是,它已经有点过时了。期货一节应该使用异步代码,管道一节应该使用通道或TPL数据流。



系统。Reactive (Rx)是一个在网络上受到广泛关注并不断发展的库。在我看来,目前关于Rx最好的资源是Lee Campbell的电子书《Rx is Introduction to Rx》。

1.3.2 Conventions Used in This Book 这本书中使用的惯例

The following typographical conventions are used in this book:





1.3.3 Using Code Examples 使用代码示例

Supplemental material (code examples, exercises, etc.) is available for download at https://oreil.ly/concur-c-ckbk2.
补充材料(代码示例、练习等)可以从以下网站下载 https://oreil.ly/concur-c-ckbk2.

This book is here to help you get your job done. In general, if example code is offered with this book, you may use it in your programs and documentation.You do not need to contact us for permission unless you’re reproducing a significant portion of the code. For example, writing a program that uses several chunks of code from this book does not require permission. Selling or distributing a CD-ROM of examples from O’Reilly books does require permission. Answering a question by citing this book and quoting example code does not require permission. Incorporating a significant amount of example code from this book into your product’s documentation does require permission.

这本书可以帮助你完成你的工作。一般来说,如果本书提供了示例代码,你可以在你的程序和文档中使用它。您不需要联系我们获得许可,除非您正在复制代码的重要部分。例如,编写一个使用本书中的几块代码的程序并不需要得到许可。销售或分发O 'Reilly books的示例光盘需要获得许可。通过引用这本书和引用示例代码来回答问题不需要获得许可。将本书中的大量示例代码合并到您的产品文档中需要获得许可。

We appreciate, but do not require, attribution. An attribution usually includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: “Concurrency in C# Cookbook, Second Edition, by Stephen Cleary (O’Reilly). Copyright 2019 Stephen Cleary, 978-1-492-05450-4.”

我们欣赏,但不要求,归因。署名通常包括书名、作者、出版商和国际标准书号。例如:“c#的并发烹饪书,第二版,作者是Stephen Cleary (O 'Reilly)。版权所有2019 Stephen Cleary, 978-1-492-05450-4。

If you feel your use of code examples falls outside fair use or the permission given above, feel free to contact us at permissions@oreilly.com.


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Our unique network of experts and innovators share their knowledge and expertise through books, articles, conferences, and our online learning platform. O’Reilly’s online learning platform gives you on-demand access to live training courses, in-depth learning paths, interactive coding environments,and a vast collection of text and video from O’Reilly and 200+ other publishers. For more information, please visit http://oreilly.com.

我们独特的专家和创新者网络通过书籍、文章、会议和我们的在线学习平台分享他们的知识和专业知识。O 'Reilly的在线学习平台为您提供实时培训课程、深度学习路径、交互式编码环境以及来自O 'Reilly和200多家其他出版商的大量文本和视频集合的按需访问。欲了解更多信息,请访问http://oreilly.com。

1.3.5 How to Contact Us 如何联络我们

Please address comments and questions concerning this book to the publisher:


1.3.6 Acknowledgments 致谢

This book simply would not exist without the help of so many people!First and foremost, I’d like to acknowledge my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.Becoming a Christian was the most important decision of my life! If you want more information on this subject, feel free to contact me via my personal web page.


Second, I thank my family for allowing me to give up so much time with them.When I started writing, I had some author friends of mine tell me, “Say goodbye to your family for the next year!” and I thought they were joking. My wife, Mandy, and our children, SD and Emma, have been very understanding while I put in long days at work followed by writing on evenings and weekends. Thank you so much. I love you!


Of course, this book wouldn’t be nearly as good as it is without my editors and our technical reviewers: Stephen Toub, Petr Onderka (“svick”), Nick Paldino (“casperOne”), Lee Campbell, and Pedro Felix. So if any mistakes get through, it’s totally their fault. Just kidding! Their input has been invaluable in shaping (and fixing) the content, and any remaining mistakes are of course my own.

当然,如果没有我的编辑和技术评论员:斯蒂芬·图布(Stephen Toub)、彼得·昂德卡(Petr Onderka)(《斯维克》(svick))、尼克·帕尔迪诺(Nick Paldino)(《卡斯佩龙》(casperOne))、李·坎贝尔(Lee Campbell)和佩德罗·费利克斯(Pedro Felix),这本书就不会这么好。所以如果出现任何错误,那都是他们的错。只是开个玩笑!他们的输入对内容的塑造(和修改)是无价的,而剩下的错误当然是我自己的。

Particular thanks go to Stephen Toub, who taught me the Boolean Argument Hack (Recipe 14.5), as well as countless other async topics; and Lee Campbell, who has helped me learn System.Reactive and make my observable code more idiomatic.

特别感谢Stephen Toub,他教了我布尔参数Hack (Recipe 14.5),以及无数其他的异步主题;还有李·坎贝尔,他帮助我学习系统。使我的可观察代码更加习惯化。

Finally, I’d like to thank some of the people I’ve learned these techniques from:Stephen Toub, Lucian Wischik, Thomas Levesque, Lee Campbell, the members of Stack Overflow and the MSDN forums, and the attendees of the software conferences in and around my home state of Michigan. I appreciate being a part of the software development community, and if this book adds any value, it’s because so many have already shown the way. Thank you all!

最后,我想感谢一些我从他们那里学到了这些技术的人:Stephen Toub, Lucian Wischik, Thomas Levesque, Lee Campbell, Stack Overflow和MSDN论坛的成员,以及在我的家乡密歇根州及其周边的软件会议的与会者。我很感激能成为软件开发社区的一员,如果这本书有任何价值的话,那是因为很多人已经展示了方法。谢谢大家!

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/a13407142317/article/details/112706705