首页 > 编程语言> > 多波段影像数据区域统计(Python代码)



Tips :本代码实现ArcGIS中的区域统计功能(Zonal),有两点特色:

MEAN— Calculates the average of all cells in the value raster that belong to the same zone as the output cell.
MAJORITY — Determines the value that occurs most often of all cells in the value raster that belong to the same zone as the output cell.
MAX — Determines the largest value of all cells in the value raster that belong to the same zone as the output cell.
MEDIAN — Determines the median value of all cells in the value raster that belong to the same zone as the output cell.
MIN — Determines the smallest value of all cells in the value raster that belong to the same zone as the output cell.
MINORITY — Determines the value that occurs least often of all cells in the value raster that belong to the same zone as the output cell.
RANGE — Calculates the difference between the largest and smallest value of all cells in the value raster that belong to the same zone as the output cell.
STD — Calculates the standard deviation of all cells in the value raster that belong to the same zone as the output cell.
SUM — Calculates the total value of all cells in the value raster that belong to the same zone as the output cell.
VARIETY — Calculates the number of unique values for all cells in the value raster that belong to the same zone as the output cell. (unique)

import ogr
from osgeo import gdal
import numpy as np
from rasterstats import zonal_stats

def readTif(fileName):
    dataset = gdal.Open(fileName)
    if dataset == None:
    return dataset

# 保存tif文件
def writeTiff(im_data, im_geotrans, im_proj, path):
    if 'int8' in im_data.dtype.name:
        datatype = gdal.GDT_Byte
    elif 'int16' in im_data.dtype.name:
        datatype = gdal.GDT_UInt16
        datatype = gdal.GDT_Float32
    if len(im_data.shape) == 3:
        im_bands, im_height, im_width = im_data.shape
    elif len(im_data.shape) == 2:
        im_data = np.array([im_data])
        im_bands, im_height, im_width = im_data.shape
    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
    dataset = driver.Create(path, int(im_width), int(im_height), int(im_bands), datatype)
    if(dataset!= None):
        dataset.SetGeoTransform(im_geotrans) #写入仿射变换参数
        dataset.SetProjection(im_proj) #写入投影
    for i in range(im_bands):
    del dataset
def zonal(input_vector,in_raster,Stats_type,path):    
    in_ds =readTif(in_raster)
    im_width = in_ds.RasterXSize  # 栅格矩阵的列数
    im_height = in_ds.RasterYSize  # 栅格矩阵的行数
    im_bands = in_ds.RasterCount
    im_data = in_ds.ReadAsArray(0, 0, im_width, im_height)
    im_geotrans = in_ds.GetGeoTransform()
    im_proj = in_ds.GetProjection()
    for band in range(0,im_bands):
        data = im_data[band]
        rasters = path+'\B{}'.format(band+1)+'.tif'  #输出单波段名称为B1、B2、...,可根据自己需求修改设定
        writeTiff(data, im_geotrans, im_proj, rasters)
        shp = ogr.Open(input_vector,1)
        lyr = shp.GetLayer()   
        # 添加字段
        zonal_Field = ogr.FieldDefn("B{}".format(band+1), ogr.OFTReal) 
        zonal_method = zonal_stats(input_vector, rasters, stats=[Stats_type])
        FID = 0
        for feat in lyr:
            Index = zonal_method[FID][Stats_type]
           # print(Index)
            feat.SetField("B{}".format(band+1), Index)
            FID +=1
if __name__ =="__main__":
    input_shp = r"D:\DATA\test.shp"  #输入统计的矢量文件
    input_raster = r"D:\DATA\test_r.tif"  #需要统计的栅格数据(遥感影像)
    path = r"D:\DATA\band" #获取的单波段数据存储地址
    Stats_type = 'mean' #区域统计的类型
    # Stats_type表示统计的类型,包括:'min', 'max', 'mean', 'count', 'sum', 'std', 'median', 'majority', 'minority', 'unique', 'range
    zonal(input_shp, input_raster, Stats_type, path)

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/x2434417239/article/details/111353655