C# 绘图
Graphics g;
- SolidBrush 纯色填充
SolidBrush(Color) Initializes a new SolidBrush object of the specified color. - TextureBrush 图片填充
TextureBrush(Image) Initializes a new TextureBrush object that uses the specified image.
TextureBrush(Image, Rectangle) Initializes a new TextureBrush object that uses the specified image and bounding rectangle.
....... - LinearGradientBrush 渐变填充
LinearGradientBrush(Point, Point, Color, Color) Initializes a new instance of the LinearGradientBrush class with the specified points and colors.
标签:C#,object,Initializes,绘图,LinearGradientBrush,specified,new,TextureBrush 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/horizonhz/p/14047170.html