public List<PatientHistory> GetPatientHistory(long prid)
using(var db = new bc_limsEntities())
List<PatientHistory> result =
(from r in db.dc_tresult
join t in db.dc_tp_test on r.testid equals t.TestId into x
from t in x.DefaultIfEmpty()
join a in db.dc_tp_attributes on r.attributeid equals a.AttributeId into y
from a in y.DefaultIfEmpty()
where r.prid == prid
group new {r,t,a} by new {r.testid} into g
select new PatientHistory
resultid = r.resultid,
bookingid = r.bookingid,
testid = r.testid,
prid = r.prid,
attributeid = r.attributeid,
result = r.result,
Test_Name = t.Test_Name,
Attribute_Name = a.Attribute_Name,
enteredon = r.enteredon,
Attribute_Type = a.Attribute_Type
return result;
List<PatientHistory> result =
(from r in db.dc_tresult
join t in db.dc_tp_test on r.testid equals t.TestId into x
from t in x.DefaultIfEmpty()
join a in db.dc_tp_attributes on r.attributeid equals a.AttributeId into y
from a in y.DefaultIfEmpty()
where r.prid == prid
group new {r,t,a} by new {r.testid} into g
select new PatientHistory
resultid = g.Select(x => x.r.resultid).Last(), // if you expect single value get it with Single()
// .... here add the rest properties
Attribute_Type = g.Select(x => x.a.Attribute_Type).Last()
标签:join,linq,sql,c,group-by 来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20191123/2064698.html