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java – Builder Pattern:首选哪个变体?


我正在阅读Effective Java书籍,并为我将来的参考创建笔记,
我遇到了Builder Pattern.





package item2;

 * @author Sudhakar Duraiswamy
public  class Vehicle {

    private String type;
    private int wheels;

    interface Builder<T>{
        public  T build();

    public static class CarBuilder implements Builder<Vehicle>{
        private String type;
        private int wheels;     

        CarBuilder createVehicle(){
            this.type= "Car";
            return this;

        CarBuilder addWheels(int wheels){
            this.wheels = wheels;
            return this;

        public Vehicle build(){
            Vehicle v = new Vehicle();
            v.type = type;
            v.wheels = wheels;
            return v;

    public static class TruckBuilder implements Builder<Vehicle>{       
        private String type;
        private int wheels; 

        TruckBuilder createVehicle(){           
            this.type= "Truck";
            return this;

        TruckBuilder addWheels(int wheels){
            this.wheels = wheels;
            return this;

        public Vehicle build(){
            Vehicle v = new Vehicle();
            v.type = type;
            v.wheels = wheels;
            return v;

    public Vehicle(){


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //This builds a car with 4 wheels
        Vehicle car = new Vehicle.CarBuilder().createVehicle().addWheels(4).build();

        //THis builds a Truck with 10 wheels
        Vehicle truck = new Vehicle.TruckBuilder().createVehicle().addWheels(10).build();



package item2;
 * @author Sudhakar Duraiswamy
public  class Vehicle2 {

    private String type;
    private int wheels;

    interface Builder<T>{
        public  T build();      
        public String getType();
        public int getWheels() ;

    public static class CarBuilder implements Builder<Vehicle2>{
        private String type;
        private int wheels;     

        public String getType() {
            return type;
        public int getWheels() {
            return wheels;

        CarBuilder createVehicle(){
            this.type= "Car";
            return this;

        CarBuilder addWheels(int wheels){
            this.wheels = wheels;
            return this;

        public Vehicle2 build(){        
            return new Vehicle2(this);

    public static class TruckBuilder implements Builder<Vehicle2>{      
        private String type;
        private int wheels; 

        public String getType() {
            return type;

        public int getWheels() {
            return wheels;

        TruckBuilder createVehicle(){           
            this.type= "Truck";
            return this;

        TruckBuilder addWheels(int wheels){
            this.wheels = wheels;
            return this;

        public Vehicle2 build(){
            return new Vehicle2(this);

public Vehicle2(Builder<? extends Vehicle2> builder){
    Vehicle2 v = new Vehicle2();
    v.type = builder.getType();
    v.wheels = builder.getWheels();

    public Vehicle2(){

    public static void main(String[] args) {            
        //This builds a car with 4 wheels
        Vehicle2 car = new Vehicle2.CarBuilder().createVehicle().addWheels(4).build();

        //THis builds a Truck with 10 wheels
        Vehicle2 truck = new Vehicle2.TruckBuilder().createVehicle().addWheels(10).build();








public final class Vehicle {

    private final String type;
    private final int wheels;

    private Vehicle(Builder builder) {
        this.type = builder.type;
        this.wheels = builder.wheels;

    public static Builder carBuilder() {
        return new Builder("car");

    public static Builder truckBuilder() {
        return new Builder("truck");

    public static class Builder {
        private final String type;
        private int wheels;

        private Builder(String type) {
            this.type = type;

        public Builder addWheels(int wheels){
            this.wheels = wheels;
            return this;

        public Vehicle build() {
            return new Vehicle(this);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Vehicle car = Vehicle.carBuilder().addWheels(4).build();
        Vehicle truck = Vehicle.truckBuilder().addWheels(10).build();

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20191006/1858119.html