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java – 模块和JAR文件有什么区别?


我从What’s New in Java9开始学习Java 9,讨论的热门话题之一是模块化JDK.




模块:Java 9中引入的新语言功能(类似于类,接口,包等),由一组包组成,类似于包由一组类型组成.


更具体地说,模块是defined as follows

In order to provide reliable configuration and strong encapsulation in a way that is both approachable to developers and supportable by existing tool chains we treat modules as a fundamental new kind of Java program component. A module is a named, self-describing collection of code and data. Its code is organized as a set of packages containing types, i.e., Java classes and interfaces; its data includes resources and other kinds of static information.

A module’s self-description is expressed in its module declaration, a new construct of the Java programming language.

A module declaration is compiled, by convention, into a file named module-info.class, placed similarly in the class-file output directory.


Existing tools can already create, manipulate, and consume JAR files, so for ease of adoption and migration we define modular JAR files. A modular JAR file is like an ordinary JAR file in all possible ways, except that it also includes a module-info.class file in its root directory.


>模块可以要求其他模块,以允许需求模块访问依赖类. Jar没有这样的依赖概念.
>模块可以决定将哪些类和接口导出到需要它的其他模块. Jar没有这样的封装机制.

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190930/1836035.html