Java On-Memory高效键值存储
我存储了1.11亿个键值对(一个键可以有多个值 – 最大值为2/3),其键为50位整数,值为32位(最大值)整数.现在,我的要求是:
- Fast Insertion of (Key, Value) pair [allowing duplicates]
- Fast retrieving of value/values based on key.
一个很好的解决方案是基于MultiMap给出here.但是,我想在主内存中存储更多的键值对,没有/小的性能损失.我从网络文章中研究过B Tree,R Tree,B Tree,Compact Multimap等可以很好地解决这个问题.有谁能够帮助我:
注意:我曾尝试使用路易斯·沃瑟曼,京都/东京内阁等提到的HashMultiMap(Guava与trove进行一些修改)等.我的经验对于磁盘烘焙解决方案并不好.所以请避免:).另一点是,为了选择库/ ds,一个重点是:密钥是50位(所以如果我们分配64位),14位将丢失,值为32位Int(最大) – 大多数是10-12-14位.所以,我们也可以节省空间.
public class LongIntParallelHashMultimap {
private static final long NULL = 0L;
private final long[] keys;
private final int[] values;
private int size;
public LongIntParallelHashMultimap(int capacity) {
keys = new long[capacity];
values = new int[capacity];
public void put(long key, int value) {
if (key == NULL) throw new IllegalArgumentException("key cannot be " + NULL);
if (size == keys.length) throw new IllegalStateException("map is full");
int index = indexFor(key);
while (keys[index] != NULL) {
index = successor(index);
keys[index] = key;
values[index] = value;
public int[] get(long key) {
if (key == NULL) throw new IllegalArgumentException("key cannot be " + NULL);
int index = indexFor(key);
int count = countHits(key, index);
int[] hits = new int[count];
int hitIndex = 0;
while (keys[index] != NULL) {
if (keys[index] == key) {
hits[hitIndex] = values[index];
index = successor(index);
return hits;
private int countHits(long key, int index) {
int numHits = 0;
while (keys[index] != NULL) {
if (keys[index] == key) ++numHits;
index = successor(index);
return numHits;
private int indexFor(long key) {
// the hashing constant is (the golden ratio * Long.MAX_VALUE) + 1
// see The Art of Computer Programming, section 6.4
// the constant has two important properties:
// (1) it is coprime with 2^64, so multiplication by it is a bijective function, and does not generate collisions in the hash
// (2) it has a 1 in the bottom bit, so it does not add zeroes in the bottom bits of the hash, and does not generate (gratuitous) collisions in the index
long hash = key * 5700357409661598721L;
return Math.abs((int) (hash % keys.length));
private int successor(int index) {
return (index + 1) % keys.length;
public int size() {
return size;
请注意,这是一个固定大小的结构.您需要创建足够大的数据来保存所有数据–1.1亿条记录占用1.32 GB.您创建的数据越大,超出存储数据所需的数量,插入和查找的速度就越快.我发现,对于1.1亿个条目,加载因子为0.5(2.64 GB,是所需空间的两倍),查找密钥平均需要403纳秒,但负载系数为0.75(1.76 GB,a比需要的空间多三个,花了575纳秒.将负载系数降低到0.5以下通常没有太大区别,实际上,当负载系数为0.33(4.00 GB,比所需空间多三倍)时,平均时间为394纳秒.因此,即使您有5 GB可用,也不要全部使用它.
标签:b-tree,java,hashmap,key-value 来源: