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与Java 11兼容的最低Spring版本


我需要很快将应用程序升级到Java 11,我想知道与Java 11兼容的最小Spring版本是什么.

我目前正在使用Java 8和Spring 4.2.7.


从他们的任务跟踪器 – SPR-16391:Compatibility with JDK 11.计划JDK 10,11的兼容性以及5.1 GA版本.

JDK 11 is currently scheduled for September 2018. Not expecting any
major changes beyond JDK 10 from our perspective, we should be able to
fully support it in the 5.1 line already.

Ideally our framework build would be able to run on JDK 8, 9, 10 as
well as 11, even if our own test efforts will focus on JDK 8 and 11
(as the official long-term support branches) at that point.

虽然使用spring framework 5.0(provides out-of-the-box support for JDK 9 already)可以选择在模块路径上试验自己的代码.

更新:Spring Framework 5.1 goes GA on 21st September, 2018

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190916/1808348.html