首页 > 编程语言> > Java的默认访问修饰符曾经是公开的





Java 1.0以来,没有访问修饰符的Java类一直是包私有的.

以下是JLS 1.0适用部分的链接:

If a class or interface type is declared public, then it may be accessed by any Java code that can access the package in which it is declared. If a class or interface type is not declared public, then it may be accessed only from within the package in which it is declared.


A member (field or method) of a reference (class, interface, or array)
type or a constructor of a class type is accessible only if the type
is accessible and the member or constructor is declared to permit

  • If the member or constructor is declared public, then access is
    permitted. All members of interfaces are implicitly public.
  • Otherwise, if the member or constructor is declared protected, then
    access is permitted only when one of the following is true:

    • Access to the member or constructor occurs from within the package containing the class in which the protected member is
    • Access occurs within a subclass of the class in which the protected member is declared, and the access is correct as described
      in §6.6.2.
  • Otherwise, if the member or constructor is declared
    private, then access is permitted only when it occurs from within the
    class in which it is declared.

  • Otherwise, we say there is default
    access, which is permitted only when the access occurs from within the
    package in which the type is declared.



来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190724/1526998.html