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c# – 即使CLR具有该程序集的Ngen’d副本,CLR仍会在该过程中加载程序集



Many people believe that it might be possible to ship NGen’d files
without shipping the files containing the original IL code, thereby
keeping their intellectual property a secret. Unfortunately, this is
not possible. At run time, the CLR requires access to the assembly’s
metadata (for functions such as reflection and serialization); this
requires that the assemblies that contain IL and metadata be shipped.




Does CLR always loads the assembly when the referencing types are
there in the assembly.

不会.一旦方法被JITTED,CLR将加载程序集,并且依赖于程序集以执行. JIT将指示运行时加载该DLL.

Does it do verification check on it?


When it comes to compiling the code (JIT compiler), does it look for
NGen’d code and load the compiled native CPU instructions from that
file, or doesn’t load the assembly at all when NGen’d file is already

不确定“NGENED文件已存在”是什么意思,但本机绑定器将在加载过程中查找本机dll. This article解释了将装配加载到详细信息的详细信息:

  1. First the standard fusion binder will kick in to find that assembly.
    It can find it either in:

    • GAC, which means it is strongly named. The way files are placed in GAC ensures that the binder can extract all the required
      information about the assembly without physically opening the file

    • Find it the APPBASE (E.g. the local folder of program.exe). It will proceed to open the IL file and read the assemblies metadata.

  2. Native binding will proceed only in the default context (more about
    this in a later post)
  3. The NativeBinder finds the NI file from the NIC. It reads in the NI
    file details and metadata
  4. Verifies the NI is indeed for that very same IL assembly. For that
    it goes through a rigorous matching process which includes (but not
    limited to) full assembly name match (same name, version, public
    key tokens, culture), time stamp matching (NI has to be newer than
    IL), MVID (see below)
  5. Also verifies that the NI has been generated for the same CLR under
    which it is going to be run (exact .NET version, processor type,
    etc…) .
  6. Also ensures that the NI’s dependencies are also valid. E.g. when
    the NI was generated it bound against a particular version of
    mscorlib. If that mscorlib native image is not valid then this NI
    image is also rejected


Default context: This is the context where assembly loaded through implicit assembly references or Assembly.Load(…) call lands

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190702/1359562.html