首页 > 编程语言> > c# – 当使用的值可以隐式转换为这些结构时,为什么我不能使用带有两个结构的重载==?

c# – 当使用的值可以隐式转换为这些结构时,为什么我不能使用带有两个结构的重载==?


我注意到在应用operator ==时,用户定义的隐式转换行为与用户定义的隐式转换到任意结构MyStruct的行为之间存在差异.


public struct IntA
    public IntA(int value)
    { m_value = value; }

    public static implicit operator int(IntA a)
    { return a.m_value; }

    private int m_value;

public struct IntB
    public IntB(int value)
    { m_value = value; }

    public static implicit operator int(IntB b)
    { return b.m_value; }

    private int m_value;


    var a = new IntA(3);
    var b = new IntB(4);

    bool equal = (a == b); // ok! converted to int and used int operator==

    // ...

这使用我的用户定义的隐式运算符int为IntA和IntB转换为int,然后调用operator ==(int,int).


public struct MyStruct
    public MyStruct(int value)
    { m_value = value; }

    public static bool operator==(MyStruct lhs, MyStruct rhs)
    { return lhs.m_value == rhs.m_value; }

    public static bool operator!=(MyStruct lhs, MyStruct rhs)
    { return lhs.m_value != rhs.m_value; }

    private int m_value;

public struct MyStructA
    public MyStructA(int value)
    { m_value = new MyStruct(value); }

    public static implicit operator MyStruct(MyStructA a)
    { return a.m_value; }

    private MyStruct m_value;

public struct MyStructB
    public MyStructB(int value)
    { m_value = new MyStruct(value); }

    public static implicit operator MyStruct(MyStructB b)
    { return b.m_value; }

    private MyStruct m_value;


    var a = new MyStructA(3);
    var b = new MyStructB(4);

    bool equal = (a == b); // compile error: Operator `==' cannot be applied to operands of type `MyStructA' and `MyStructB'
                           // why can't it convert to MyStruct and use that operator==?

    // ...

我希望它与前一个示例一样,并使用我的用户定义的隐式运算符MyStruct转换为MyStruct,然后调用operator ==(MyStruct,MyStruct).




C# Language Specification 7.3.4

An operation of the form x op y, where op is an overloadable binary
operator, x is an expression of type X, and y is an expression of type
Y, is processed as follows:

  • The set of candidate user-defined operators provided by X and Y for the operation operator op(x, y) is determined. The set consists of
    the union of the candidate operators provided by X and the candidate
    operators provided by Y, each determined using the rules of §7.3.5.
    If X and Y are the same type, or if X and Y are derived from a common
    base type, then shared candidate operators only occur in the combined
    set once.
  • If the set of candidate user-defined operators is not empty, then this becomes the set of candidate operators for the operation. Otherwise, the predefined binary operator op implementations, including their lifted forms, become the set of candidate operators
    for the operation
    . The predefined implementations of a given
    operator are specified in the description of the operator (§7.8
    through §7.12). For predefined enum and delegate operators, the
    only operators considered are those defined by an enum or delegate
    type that is the binding-time type of one of the operands.
  • The overload resolution rules of §7.5.3 are applied to the set of candidate operators to select the best operator with respect to the
    argument list (x, y), and this operator becomes the result of the
    overload resolution process. If overload resolution fails to select a
    single best operator, a binding-time error occurs.


来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190702/1358648.html