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java – 从Vaadin 8应用程序生成HTML页面,并在新窗口中打开


从我的Vaadin 8网络应用程序,我希望用户能够通过单击按钮在另一个窗口中打开报告.内容将由Vaadin应用程序使用纯HTML5而不是使用Vaadin小部件生成.

Vaadin 8手册有一个页面Handling Browser Windows.它显示了使用BrowserWindowOpener对象打开一个新窗口.但是那个窗口包含一个Vaadin UI子类,而我想生成自己的HTML内容.



这是一个完整的示例应用程序,内置在Vaadin 8.5.1中.我们在TextField中将UUID作为文本呈现,其中一个按钮打开第二个窗口,显示由我们的Vaadin应用程序生成的HTML网页,而不使用Vaadin小部件或布局.来自该字段的id将传递到新窗口,该窗口在真实应用程序中可用于数据库查找.

enter image description here

enter image description here



Button webPageButton = new Button( "Generate Person report" );

定义要打开的新窗口的目标,它应该用作其Web地址的URL.我们想回调我们的Vaadin应用程序.因此,请在运行时获取此Web应用程序的URL. Java Servlet术语中我们的Web应用程序的技术术语是“上下文”.所以我们询问当前上下文的URL(路径).

String servletPath = VaadinServlet.getCurrent().getServletContext().getContextPath(); // URL for this web app at runtime.



Resource resource = new ExternalResource( servletPath + "/person.html" );  // Defining an external resource as a URL that is not really so external -- will call back into this same web app.


BrowserWindowOpener webPageOpener = new BrowserWindowOpener( resource );


webPageOpener.setWindowName( "Person ID: " + personUuid.getValue() );  // Set title of the new window to be opened.


将此类信息作为URL中的query string中的参数传递的一种方法.所以我们URL的最后一部分看起来像person.html?person_id = f0e32ddc-18ed-432c-950b-eda3f3e4a80d.该值必须是文本的,因此我们使用表示UUID的128位的规范36字符十六进制字符串作为我们的数据库标识符.我们为此值赋予一个任意键名,例如person_id.

String param = "person_id";
webPageOpener.setParameter( param , personUuid.getValue() );

我们可以设置要打开的新窗口的大小.我们将在运行时使其与用户当前窗口的大小相同.并且我们将使窗口可调整大小,因此用户可以将其拉伸更大或更小.我们希望最终得到一个字符串中描述的窗口特征,例如width = 800,height = 600,resizable.我们将在运行时插入宽度和高度.

String windowFeaturesString = String.format( "width=%d,height=%d,resizable" , Page.getCurrent().getBrowserWindowWidth() , Page.getCurrent().getBrowserWindowHeight() ) ; // Same size as original window.
webPageOpener.setFeatures( windowFeaturesString );  // Example: "width=800,height=600,resizable".


webPageOpener.extend( webPageButton ); // Associate opener with button.


System.out.println( "TRACE BrowserWindowOpener URL: " + webPageOpener.getUrl() );

好的,我们现在有一个开启器设置的按钮,要求生成基于HTML的报告.接下来我们必须生成该报告.要做到这一点,请告诉我们的Vaadin应用程序预期使用我们在上面指定的person.html网址的传入网址.我们通过实现RequestHandler接口来实现这一点.见the manual.


>通过将HTML传递给VaadinResponse对象在新窗口中显示该HTML,该对象通过Java Servlet技术传递回用户的Web浏览器.


        new RequestHandler() {
            public boolean handleRequest ( VaadinSession session ,
                                           VaadinRequest request ,
                                           VaadinResponse response )
                    throws IOException {
                if ( "/panel.html".equals( request.getPathInfo() ) ) {
                    // Retrieve the hex-string of the UUID from the URL’s query string parameter.
                    String uuidString = request.getParameter( "person_id" );  // In real-work, validate the results here.
                    UUID uuid = UUID.fromString( uuidString ); // Reconstitute a `UUID` object from that hex-string. In real-work, validate the results here.
                    System.out.println( "UUID object reconstituted from string passed as parameter in query string of URL opened in new window: " + uuid );
                    // Build HTML.
                    String html = renderHtml( uuid );
                    // Send out the generated text as HTML, in UTF-8 character encoding.
                    response.setContentType( "text/html; charset=utf-8" );
                    response.getWriter().append( html );
                    return true; // We wrote a response
                } else
                    return false; // No response was written
        } );


// Generate the HTML to report on the details of a `person` from the database, given the UUID of that database row.
private String renderHtml ( UUID uuid ) {
    String eol = "\n"; // End-of-line character(s) to use in the HTML.
    StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
    html.append( "<!DOCTYPE html>" ).append( eol );
    html.append( "<html>" ).append( eol );
    html.append( "<head>" ).append( eol );
    html.append( "<title>Person</title>" ).append( eol );
    html.append( "</head>" ).append( eol );
    html.append( "<body style='color:DarkSlateGray' >" ).append( eol );
    html.append( "<h1>Demo</h1>" ).append( eol );
    html.append( "<p>This is a drill. This is only a drill.</p>" ).append( eol );
    html.append( "<p>If this had been a real application, you would have seen some data.</p>" ).append( eol );
    html.append( "<p>Person ID: " ).append( uuid.toString() ).append( ".</p>" ).append( eol );
    html.append( "<p style='color:DimGray ; font-family: Pragmata Hack Menlo monospaced' >Report generated " ).append( Instant.now() ).append( ".</p>" ).append( eol );
    html.append( "</body>" ).append( eol );
    html.append( "</html>" ).append( eol );
    String s = html.toString();
    return s;


<!DOCTYPE html>
<body style='color:DarkSlateGray' >
<p>This is a drill. This is only a drill.</p>
<p>If this had been a real application, you would have seen some data.</p>
<p>Person ID: cc5e975b-2632-4c92-a1cb-b25085c60e60.</p>
<p style='color:DimGray ; font-family: Pragmata , Hack , Menlo , monospace' >Report generated 2018-08-05T02:33:13.028594Z.</p>

为方便起见,这是整个Vaadin 8应用程序,MyUI.java文件的内容首先由Vaadin Ltd公司提供的最简单的Maven原型生成.

package com.basilbourque.example;

import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;

import com.vaadin.annotations.Theme;
import com.vaadin.annotations.VaadinServletConfiguration;
import com.vaadin.server.*;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
import com.vaadin.ui.TextField;
import com.vaadin.ui.UI;
import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.util.UUID;

 * This UI is the application entry point. A UI may either represent a browser window
 * (or tab) or some part of an HTML page where a Vaadin application is embedded.
 * <p>
 * The UI is initialized using {@link #init(VaadinRequest)}. This method is intended to be
 * overridden to add component to the user interface and initialize non-component functionality.
@Theme ( "mytheme" )
public class MyUI extends UI {

    protected void init ( VaadinRequest vaadinRequest ) {
        final VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();

        TextField personUuid = new TextField( "UUID of Person:" );
        personUuid.setWidth( 22 , Unit.EM );
        personUuid.setValue( UUID.randomUUID().toString() );
        personUuid.setReadOnly( true );

        Button webPageButton = new Button( "Generate Person report" );
        webPageButton.addClickListener( e -> {
            System.out.println( "Button clicked. " + ZonedDateTime.now() );
        } );

        // Configure web page opener object. Must be done *before* user clicks on button, not after.
        String servletPath = VaadinServlet.getCurrent().getServletContext().getContextPath(); // URL for this web app at runtime.
        Resource resource = new ExternalResource( servletPath + "/person.html" );  // Defining an external resource as a URL that is not really so external -- will call back into this same web app.
        BrowserWindowOpener webPageOpener = new BrowserWindowOpener( resource );
        webPageOpener.setWindowName( "Person ID: " + personUuid.getValue() );  // Set title of the new window to be opened.
        String param = "person_id";
        webPageOpener.setParameter( param , personUuid.getValue() );
        String windowFeaturesString = String.format( "width=%d,height=%d,resizable" , Page.getCurrent().getBrowserWindowWidth() , Page.getCurrent().getBrowserWindowHeight() ); // Same size as original window.
        webPageOpener.setFeatures( windowFeaturesString );  // Example: "width=800,height=600,resizable".
        webPageOpener.extend( webPageButton ); // Connect opener with button.
        System.out.println( "TRACE BrowserWindowOpener URL: " + webPageOpener.getUrl() );

        layout.addComponents( personUuid , webPageButton );
        setContent( layout );

        // A request handler for generating some content
                new RequestHandler() {
                    public boolean handleRequest ( VaadinSession session ,
                                                   VaadinRequest request ,
                                                   VaadinResponse response )
                            throws IOException {
                        if ( "/person.html".equals( request.getPathInfo() ) ) {
                            // Retrieve the hex-string of the UUID from the URL’s query string parameter.
                            String uuidString = request.getParameter( "person_id" );  // In real-work, validate the results here.
                            UUID uuid = UUID.fromString( uuidString ); // Reconstitute a `UUID` object from that hex-string. In real-work, validate the results here.
                            System.out.println( "UUID object reconstituted from string passed as parameter in query string of URL opened in new window: " + uuid );
                            // Build HTML.
                            String html = renderHtml( uuid );
                            // Send out the generated text as HTML, in UTF-8 character encoding.
                            response.setContentType( "text/html; charset=utf-8" );
                            response.getWriter().append( html );
                            return true; // We wrote a response
                        } else
                            return false; // No response was written
                } );

    // Generate the HTML to report on the details of a `person` from the database, given the UUID of that database row.
    private String renderHtml ( UUID uuid ) {
        String eol = "\n"; // End-of-line character(s) to use in the HTML.
        StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
        html.append( "<!DOCTYPE html>" ).append( eol );
        html.append( "<html>" ).append( eol );
        html.append( "<head>" ).append( eol );
        html.append( "<title>Person</title>" ).append( eol );
        html.append( "</head>" ).append( eol );
        html.append( "<body style='color:DarkSlateGray' >" ).append( eol );
        html.append( "<h1>Demo</h1>" ).append( eol );
        html.append( "<p>This is a drill. This is only a drill.</p>" ).append( eol );
        html.append( "<p>If this had been a real application, you would have seen some data.</p>" ).append( eol );
        html.append( "<p>Person ID: " ).append( uuid.toString() ).append( ".</p>" ).append( eol );
        html.append( "<p style='color:DimGray ; font-family: Pragmata , Hack , Menlo , monospace' >Report generated " ).append( Instant.now() ).append( ".</p>" ).append( eol );
        html.append( "</body>" ).append( eol );
        html.append( "</html>" ).append( eol );
        String s = html.toString();
        System.out.println( "\n\n" + s + "\n\n" );
        return s;

    @WebServlet ( urlPatterns = "/*", name = "MyUIServlet", asyncSupported = true )
    @VaadinServletConfiguration ( ui = MyUI.class, productionMode = false )
    public static class MyUIServlet extends VaadinServlet {

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190701/1346590.html