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PHP include_path主值来自哪里?


通过phpinfo,我获得了include_path Master Value的以下内容.


它似乎没有在任何地方设置… php ini已将所有include_path(s)注释掉,我的应用程序没有手动设置,apache conf / php conf /其他各种conf / ini不设置它,搜索时没有结果for set_include_path或phpvalue或ini_set等.


(我在CentOS 5.4上)


它是在构建时配置的.您可以通过查看phpinfo()输出中的Configure Command来了解如何配置PHP安装;

有关PHP配置选项的更多信息,请参阅PHP Installation and Configuration.此外,php-build — Builds multiple versions of PHP可能有所帮助或有意义.


您将在phpinfo输出中找不到configure命令,请参阅this bug marked as invalid.以下是错误报告中提到的代码的一些链接.

> “puruse” debian/rules
> 052-phpinfo_no_configure.patch


配置Command => ‘./configure” – build = i686-redhat-linux-gnu” – host = i686-redhat-linux-gnu” – target = i386-redhat-linux-gnu” – program-prefix =” – prefix = / usr” – exec-prefix = / usr” – bindind = /usr/bin”–sbindir = /usr/sbin” – sysconfdir = / etc” – -datadir = /usr/share” – includedir = /usr/include” – libdir = /usr/lib” – libdcdir = /usr/libexec” – localstatedir = / var” – sharedstatedir = /usr/com” – mandir = /usr/share / man” – infodir = /usr/share / info” – cache-file = .. / config.cache” – with-libdir = lib” – with-config-file-path = / etc” – with-config-file-scan-dir = / etc / php.d” – disable-debug” – with-pic ” – disable-rpath” – without-pear” – with-bz2” – with-curl” – with-exec-dir = /usr/bin” – with-freetype- dir = / usr” – with-png-dir = / usr” – enable-gd-native-ttf” – without-gdbm” – with-gettext” – with-gmp” –with-iconv” – with-jpeg-dir = / usr” – with-openssl” – with-png” – with-pspell” – with-expat-dir = / usr ” – with-pcre-regex = / usr” – with-zlib” – with-layout = GNU” – enable-exif” – enable-ftp” – en able-magic-quotes” – enable-sockets” – enable-sysvsem” – enable-sysvshm”enable-sysvmsg”enable-track-vars”–enable-trans- sid” – enable-yp” – enable-wddx” – with-kerberos” – enable-ucd-snmp-hack” – with-unixODBC = shared,/ usr” – enable -memory-limit” – enable-shmop” – enable-calendar” – enable-dbx” – enable-dio” – with-mime-magic = /usr/share / file / magic .mime” – without-sqlite” – with-libxml-dir = / usr” – with-xml” – with-system-tzdata” – enable-force-cgi-redirect” –enable-pcntl” – with-imap = shared” – with-imap-ssl” – enable-mbstring = shared” – enable-mbstr-enc-trans” – enable-mbregex ” – with-ncurses = shared” – with-gd = shared” – enable-bcmath = shared” – enable-dba = shared” – with-db4 = / usr” – with-xmlrpc = shared” – with-ldap = shared” – with-ldap-sasl” – with-mysql = shared,/ usr” – with-mysqli = shared,/usr/lib / mysql / mysql_config” – enable-dom = shared” – with-dom-xslt = / usr” – with-dom-exslt = / usr” – with-pgsql = shared” – with -snmp = shared,/ usr” – enable-soap = s hared” – with-xsl = shared,/ usr” – enable-xmlreader = shared” – enable-xmlwriter = shared” – enable-fastcgi” – enable-pdo = shared” – -with-pdo-odbc = shared,unixODBC,/ usr” – with-pdo-mysql = shared,/usr/lib / mysql / mysql_config” – with-pdo-pgsql = shared,/ usr” – -with-pdo-sqlite = shared,/ usr” – enable-dbase = shared’

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190701/1341825.html