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php – 完成一个多次出现单词的句子



The boy is {good|better|best} in his {school|tution|class|scociety}

现在我需要创建一个递归的PHP函数,它将这个句子作为输入,并将输出如下: –

The boy is good in his school
The boy is good in his tution

以类似的方式我需要创建12行,因为上面的句子有12个单词.如下: –

good with this 4 {school|tution|class|scociety}

better with this 4 {school|tution|class|scociety}

best with this 4 {school|tution|class|scociety}

为此,我尝试下面: –

function get_random($matches)
    $part     = substr($matches[0], 1, strlen($matches[0])-2);
    $part     = show_randomized($part);
    $rand     = array_rand($split = explode("|", $part));
    return $split[$rand];

function show_randomized($str)
    $str = preg_replace_callback('/(\{[^}]*)([^{]*\})/im', "get_random", $str);
    return $str;

// Test

$rand_sentence = "The boy is {good|better|best} in his {school|tution|class|scociety}";

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
    echo show_randomized($rand_sentence).'<br />';

但要低于产量: –

The boy is best in his tution
The boy is better in his school
The boy is good in his tution
The boy is better in his school
The boy is better in his scociety
The boy is best in his tution
The boy is better in his class
The boy is good in his school
The boy is best in his tution
The boy is best in his school




    $str = "The boy is {good|better|best} in his {school|tution|class|scociety}";
    preg_match_all("/\{([^}]+)\}/", $str, $match);
    $arr = array_map(function($value){
        return explode("|", $value);
    }, $match[1]);
    foreach($arr[0] as $adj)
        foreach($arr[1] as $name)
            echo "The boy is {$adj} in his {$name}\n";


The boy is good in his school
The boy is good in his tution
The boy is good in his class
The boy is good in his scociety
The boy is better in his school
The boy is better in his tution
The boy is better in his class
The boy is better in his scociety
The boy is best in his school
The boy is best in his tution
The boy is best in his class
The boy is best in his scociety

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190629/1323561.html