有人可以让我知道MIME-Version:1.0在PHP HTML mail()函数中的作用是什么以及为什么要使用它?我已经谷歌了,但无法找到明确的解释?
// Always set content-type when sending HTML email
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8" . "\r\n";
According to MIME co-creator Nathaniel Borenstein, the intention was
to allow MIME to change, to advance to version 2.0 and so forth, but
this decision led to the opposite outcome, making it nearly impossible
to create a new version of the standard.“We did not adequately specify how to handle a future MIME version,”
Borenstein said. “So if you write something that knows 1.0, what
should you do if you encounter 2.0 or 1.1? I sort of thought it was
obvious but it turned out everyone implemented that in different ways.
And the result is that it would be just about impossible for the
Internet to ever define a 2.0 or a 1.1.”
标签:php,mime,html-email 来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190628/1319228.html