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public interface IEntityService<T, in TKey>
    T GetEntityById(TKey id);    
    IEnumerable<T> GetAll();    
    void Update(T entity);    
    void Delete(TKey key);


in (Generic Modifier) (C# Reference)


For generic type parameters, the in keyword specifies that the type
parameter is contravariant. You can use the in keyword in generic
interfaces and delegates.

Contravariance enables you to use a less
derived type than that specified by the generic parameter. This allows
for implicit conversion of classes that implement variant interfaces
and implicit conversion of delegate types. Covariance and
contravariance in generic type parameters are supported for reference
types, but they are not supported for value types.

A type can be
declared contravariant in a generic interface or delegate if it is
used only as a type of method arguments and not used as a method
return type. Ref and out parameters cannot be variant.

An interface
that has a contravariant type parameter allows its methods to accept
arguments of less derived types than those specified by the interface
type parameter. For example, because in .NET Framework 4, in the
IComparer interface, type T is contravariant, you can assign an
object of the IComparer(Of Person) type to an object of the
IComparer(Of Employee) type without using any special conversion
methods if Employee inherits Person.

A contravariant delegate can be
assigned another delegate of the same type, but with a less derived
generic type parameter.


Contravariance enables you to use a less derived type than that
specified by the generic parameter.



我注意到int的唯一引用是在你的问题的最后一行.你确定IEntityService<>是仅用于int键吗?可能它是为Compound Key构建的(主键由多列组成)

现在,在NHibernate中,对于复合键,您使用整个类来表示它们,因此您可以使用表MyTable a

class MyTableKey 
    public int Code;
    public int SubCode;


class MySubtableKey : MyTableKey 
    public int SubSubCode; 


来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190623/1273567.html