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c# – 如何正确使用代码合同?



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user documentation(pdf)说:

2 Contracts

Most methods of the contract class are conditionally compiled, meaning the compiler only emits calls to these methods when a special symbol, the full-contract symbol, is defined. That symbol is CONTRACTS_FULL. This allows writing contracts in your code without the use of #ifdef’s, yet product different builds, some with contracts, and some without.

If you are using Visual Studio 2008 or later (Section 6) or msbuild (Section A.1), then you don’t need to define this symbol yourself. Instead, when you use the provided UI to enable runtime or static checking (or properties in your projects or /p defines in msbuild arguments), the build automatically defines this symbol and performs the appropriate rewrite actions. If you use your own build mechanism, then you need to define the full-contract symbol if you want the contracts to be emitted into your assemblies for further consumption by tools.


如果检查执行运行时合同检查或执行静态合同检查,则Visual Studio将确保定义CONTRACTS_FULL,但作为参数传递给构建过程而不是项目中定义的常量.因此,您需要检查这些框以打开合同检查. (替代方法是使那些复选框导致在项目中定义CONTRACTS_FULL常量,但是在保持文本字段及其两个复选框保持同步时会遇到问题.)


来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190623/1270590.html