首页 > 编程语言> > PHP实现获取本地视频进行随机播放






$handler = opendir('./assets/mp4/');//当前目录中的文件夹下的文件夹     需要获取的目录文件夹名字
while( ($filename = readdir($handler)) !== false ) {
      if($filename != "." && $filename != ".."){
          //echo $filename."<br>";
          $tmp[] =  $filename;





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<div id="vid" class="m" style="display: none;"></div><!--状态-->

        <video id="video1" class="video" style="display: none;" poster="./assets/img/bg.gif">
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          您的浏览器不支持 HTML5 video 标签。
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            <div class="yao">
                <div class="yao-an">
                    <!-- 开机 -->
                    <div class="yao-an-on" onclick="on()"><i class="iconfont icon-guanji"></i></div>
                    <!-- 关机 -->
                    <div class="yao-an-off" onclick="off()"><i class="iconfont icon-guanji"></i></div>

                <!-- 音量加 -->
                <div class="yao-an-yl">
                    <div class="yao-an-yl-jia" onclick="setHalfVolume()"><i class="iconfont icon-yinliangjia"></i></div>

                <!-- 换台 -->
                <div class="yao-an-ht">
                    <!-- 换台左 -->
                    <div class="yao-an-ht-zuo" onclick="ht()"><i class="iconfont icon-ziyuan1"></i></div>

                    <!-- 暂停和播放 -->
                    <div class="yao-an-ht-you" onclick="playPause()"><i id="zt" class="iconfont icon-jixu"></i></div>

                    <!-- 换台右 -->
                    <div id="ht" class="yao-an-ht-you" onclick="ht()"><i class="iconfont icon-you"></i></div>

                <!-- 音量减 -->
                <div class="yao-an-yl">
                    <div class="yao-an-yl-jian" onclick="setFullVolume()"><i class="iconfont icon-yinliangjian"></i></div>

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<!-- 换台 -->
function ht(){
    var vidz =document.getElementById('vid').className;
    if (vidz == "m") {
        var vidz = document.getElementById('video1').src = './api.php';
        zt.className = "iconfont icon-zantingtingzhi";

<!-- 自动播放下一个视频 -->


    var elevideo = document.getElementById("video1");
    elevideo.addEventListener('ended', function () { //结束
var vidz = document.getElementById('video1').src = './api.php';
                zt.className = "iconfont icon-zantingtingzhi";
}, false);



<button onclick="playPause()">播放</button> 
                    <button onclick="makeBig()">暂停</button>

                    <button onclick="setHalfVolume()" type="button">音量加</button>

              <button onclick="setFullVolume()" type="button">音量减</button> -->


<!-- 开机 -->
    function on(){
    var vidz = document.getElementById('vid').className = 'k';
<!-- 关机 -->
    function off(){
    var vidz = document.getElementById('vid').className = 'm';
    zt.className = "iconfont icon-jixu";

      <!-- 设置播放与暂停 -->
        var myVideo=document.getElementById("video1"); 
        /* var o =document.getElementById("video1").style.display; */

        function playPause()
            var vidz =document.getElementById('vid').className;
            if (vidz == "m") {
                /* 播放 */
                if (myVideo.paused)
                    zt.className = "iconfont icon-zantingtingzhi";
                {/* 暂停 */
                    zt.className = "iconfont icon-jixu";

    <!-- 设置音量加减 -->
        function setHalfVolume()
            var yl=myVid.volume+0.01
        function setFullVolume()
            var yl=myVid.volume-0.01



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来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/xkboi/p/16476225.html