#!/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8
from typing import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from random import randint as ri
import random
def getColor():
color: int
color1 = ri(16, 255)
color2 = ri(16, 255)
color3 = ri(16, 255)
color1 = hex(color1)
color2 = hex(color2)
color3 = hex(color3)
ans = "#" + color1[2:] + color2[2:] + color3[2:]
return ans
def randomcolor():
colorArr = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']
color = ""
for i in range(6):
color += colorArr[random.randint(0, 14)]
return "#" + color
def cut_rect_by_line(rect: tuple, line: tuple):
:param rect:
:param line:
rect_l = []
rect_r = []
rect_t = []
rect_b = []
if line[0] == 'x':
if rect[0] < line[1] < rect[2]:
rect_l = (rect[0], rect[1], line[1], rect[3])
rect_r = (line[1], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3])
elif line[1] <= rect[0]:
rect_r = rect
elif line[1] >= rect[2]:
rect_l = rect
elif line[0] == 'y':
if rect[1] < line[1] < rect[3]:
rect_t = (rect[0], line[1], rect[2], rect[3])
rect_b = (rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], line[1])
elif line[1] >= rect[3]:
rect_b = rect
elif line[1] <= rect[1]:
rect_t = rect
ret = {
't': rect_t,
'b': rect_b,
'l': rect_l,
'r': rect_r
return ret
def cut_rect_by_rect(rect: tuple, sep_rect) -> Dict:
line_map = {'t': ('y', sep_rect[3]),
'b': ('y', sep_rect[1]),
'l': ('x', sep_rect[0]),
'r': ('x', sep_rect[2])}
frontier = [rect]
ret_list = []
while frontier:
rect_local = frontier.pop()
temp_rect_lst = []
for k, v in line_map.items():
ret = cut_rect_by_line(rect_local, v)
ret = [i for i in ret.values() if i and list(i) != list(rect_local)]
if not temp_rect_lst:
frontier = list(set(frontier))
return list(set(ret_list))
class RingEdgeMap:
OL = 'ol'
OR = 'or'
OT = 'ot'
OB = 'ob'
OLT = 'olt'
ORT = 'ort'
OLB = 'olb'
ORB = 'orb'
IL = 'il'
IR = 'ir'
IT = 'it'
IB = 'ib'
ILT = 'ilt'
IRT = 'irt'
ILB = 'ilb'
IRB = 'irb'
C = 'c'
def get_rect_section(rect, sep_rect):
rect_center = (rect[2] + rect[0]) / 2, (rect[3] + rect[1]) / 2
sep_rect_center = (sep_rect[2] + sep_rect[0]) / 2, (sep_rect[3] + sep_rect[1]) / 2
top = rect_center[1] > sep_rect[3]
bottom = rect_center[1] < sep_rect[1]
left = rect_center[0] < sep_rect[0]
right = rect_center[0] > sep_rect[2]
if left and top:
return RingEdgeMap.OLT
if left and bottom:
return RingEdgeMap.OLB
if right and top:
return RingEdgeMap.ORT
if right and bottom:
return RingEdgeMap.ORB
if left:
return RingEdgeMap.OL
if right:
return RingEdgeMap.OR
if top:
return RingEdgeMap.OT
if bottom:
return RingEdgeMap.OB
return RingEdgeMap.C
if __name__ == '__main__':
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot([10, 10], [10, 10])
rect = (0, 0, 100, 100)
sep_rect = (30, 40, 90, 90)
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((sep_rect[0], sep_rect[1]), sep_rect[2] - sep_rect[0], sep_rect[3] - sep_rect[1], fill=False, linewidth=1, color="red"))
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((rect[0], rect[1]), rect[2] - rect[0], rect[3] - rect[1], fill=False, linewidth=1, color='blue'))
rect_list = cut_rect_by_rect(rect, sep_rect=sep_rect)
rect_list = list(set(rect_list))
i = 0
for rect in rect_list:
i += 1
c = randomcolor()
section_name = get_rect_section(rect, sep_rect)
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((rect[0], rect[1]), rect[2] - rect[0], rect[3] - rect[1], fill=True, linewidth=1, color=c, alpha=0.1))
plt.text(x=(rect[2] + rect[0]) // 2, y=(rect[3] + rect[1]) // 2, color=c, s=section_name)
标签:return,切割,sep,python,list,line,矩形,RingEdgeMap,rect 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/zxingwork/p/16308841.html