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laser_filters 也用了挺久,感觉还是蛮好用的,最近看了下源码( laser_filters包为kinetic-devel, filters包为hydro-devel),在这里写个流水账。


总的来说 laser_filters包 调用了 filters包,下面来详细阅读下代码。

<node pkg="laser_filters" type="scan_to_scan_filter_chain" output="screen" name="laser_filter">
      <rosparam command="load" file="$(find laser_filters)/examples/speckle_filter_example.yaml" />
- name: speckle_filter
  type: laser_filters/LaserScanSpeckleFilter
    # Select which filter type to use.
    # 0: Range based filtering (distance between consecutive points)
    # 1: Euclidean filtering based on radius outlier search
    filter_type: 0

    # Only ranges smaller than this range are taken into account
    max_range: 2.0

    # filter_type[0] (Distance): max distance between consecutive points
    # filter_type[1] (RadiusOutlier): max distance between points
    max_range_difference: 0.1

    # filter_type[0] (Distance): Number of consecutive ranges that will be tested for max_distance
    # filter_type[1] (RadiusOutlier): Minimum number of neighbors
    filter_window: 2

先看launch文件,启动了 scan_to_scan_filter_chain 并导入了 yaml文件。 scan_to_scan_filter_chain 可执行文件是由 scan_to_scan_filter_chain.cpp 生成的,scan_to_scan_filter_chain.cpp 中使用了 class scan_to_scan_filter_chain , class scan_to_scan_filter_chain 中又使用了 filters::FilterChain<sensor_msgs::LaserScan> filter_chain_; 。在类初始化时使用了 filter_chain_.configure("scan_filter_chain", private_nh_); 配置 filter_chain_ ,在激光数据到来时会使用 filter_chain_.update(*msg_in, msg_) 滤波。
下面再继续看 filters包 中的 filter_chain


filters包 使用了ROS的插件机制,这个插件机制实现还是挺神奇的,以后有空可以详细了解下,开始阅读代码filter_chain.h

bool configure(std::string param_name, ros::NodeHandle node = ros::NodeHandle())
  XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue config;
  if(node.getParam(param_name + "/filter_chain", config))
    std::string resolved_name = node.resolveName(param_name).c_str();
    ROS_WARN("Filter chains no longer check implicit nested 'filter_chain' parameter.  This node is configured to look directly at '%s'.  Please move your chain description from '%s/filter_chain' to '%s'", resolved_name.c_str(), resolved_name.c_str(), resolved_name.c_str());
  else if(!node.getParam(param_name, config))
    ROS_DEBUG("Could not load the filter chain configuration from parameter %s, are you sure it was pushed to the parameter server? Assuming that you meant to leave it empty.", param_name.c_str());
    configured_ = true;
    return true;
  return this->configure(config, node.getNamespace());

filter_chain_.configure("scan_filter_chain", private_nh_); 传参为"scan_filter_chain",再根据上文中的yaml文件,所以在 else if(!node.getParam(param_name, config)) 这里可以获取到参数服务器上的数据,最后又执行了这个 this->configure(config, node.getNamespace())

bool configure(XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue& config, const std::string& filter_ns)

  bool result = true;
  for (int i = 0; i < config.size(); ++i)
    boost::shared_ptr<filters::FilterBase<T> > p(loader_.createInstance(config[i]["type"]));
    if (p.get() == NULL)
      return false;
    result = result &&  p.get()->configure(config[i]);    
    std::string type = config[i]["type"];
    std::string name = config[i]["name"];
    ROS_DEBUG("%s: Configured %s:%s filter at %p\n", filter_ns.c_str(), type.c_str(),
              name.c_str(),  p.get());
  if (result == true)
    configured_ = true;
  return result;

还用到一个 XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue ,这个是跟ros的底层通信有关,参考中列了一些链接。
最后 bool update(const T& data_in, T& data_out) 就是根据配置依次滤波。
还有个需要注意下,只用到了 类FilterBase(所有的滤波插件都继承了该类),类MultiChannelFilterBase 和 类MultiChannelFilterChain 都没用到,不要看错了。(不要问为什么会有这个提醒o(╥﹏╥)o)


laser_filters wiki
filters wiki

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/shamozhizhoutx/article/details/122659502