C++解PAT A1037 M(双指针+贪心)
The magic shop in Mars is offering some magic coupons. Each coupon has an integer N printed on it, meaning that when you use this coupon with a product, you may get N times the value of that product back! What is more, the shop also offers some bonus product for free. However, if you apply a coupon with a positive N to this bonus product, you will have to pay the shop N times the value of the bonus product… but hey, magically, they have some coupons with negative N’s!
For example, given a set of coupons { 1 2 4 −1 }, and a set of product values { 7 6 −2 −3 } (in Mars dollars M$) where a negative value corresponds to a bonus product. You can apply coupon 3 (with N being 4) to product 1 (with value M$7) to get M$28 back; coupon 2 to product 2 to get M$12 back; and coupon 4 to product 4 to get M$3 back. On the other hand, if you apply coupon 3 to product 4, you will have to pay M$12 to the shop.
Each coupon and each product may be selected at most once. Your task is to get as much money back as possible.
Input Specification:
Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line contains the number of coupons N C , followed by a line with N C coupon integers. Then the next line contains the number of products N P , followed by a line with N P product values. Here 1≤N C ,N P ≤10 , and it is guaranteed that all the numbers will not exceed 2 30
输入规格:每个输入文件包含一个测试案例,每个测试案例,第一行包含礼券 .Nc的书来那个,然后接下来一行包含N个礼券的集合,随着一行给出产品的书来那个,给出产品的集合,礼券和产品不会超过10^5,保证所有的数字不会超出 2 30 2^{30} 230
Output Specification:
For each test case, simply print in a line the maximum amount of money you can get back.
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 1000010;
int coupon[maxn],product[maxn];
int main()
int n,m;
for(int i =0;i<n;i++){
for(int i =0;i<m;i++){
int i = 0,j,ans = 0;//ans存放乘积之和
while(i<n && i<m && coupon[i]<0 && product[i]<0){
ans += coupon[i] * product[i];//当前位置均小于0时,累加乘积
j = m-1;
while(i>=0 && j>=0 && coupon[i]>0 && product[j]>0){
ans+=coupon[i] * product[j];
标签:product,PAT,get,coupon,back,礼券,A1037,int,C++ 来源: https://blog.csdn.net/m0_37149062/article/details/122616785