C++ 17 翁恺> 拷贝构造
using namespace std;
static int objectCount = 0;
class HowMany
HowMany() { objectCount++; print("HowMany()"); }
void print(const string& msg="")
if (msg.size() != 0)cout << msg << ":";
cout << "objectCount = " << objectCount << endl;
~HowMany() { objectCount--; print("~HowMany()"); }
HowMany f(HowMany x)
cout << "begin of f()" << endl;
x.print("x argument inside f()");
cout << "end of f()" << endl;
return x;
int main()
HowMany h;
h.print("after construction of h");
HowMany h2 = f(h);//没调用默认构造函数,但f()运行完调用了一次析构,所以f()运行时一定也调用了默认构造函数,只是我们没看到
h.print("after call to f()");
return 0;
using namespace std;
static int objectCount = 0;
class HowMany
HowMany() { objectCount++; print("HowMany()"); }
void print(const string& msg="")
if (msg.size() != 0)cout << msg << ":";
cout << "objectCount = " << objectCount << endl;
~HowMany() { objectCount--; print("~HowMany()"); }
HowMany f(HowMany x)
cout << "begin of f()" << endl;
x.print("x argument inside f()");
cout << "end of f()" << endl;
return x;
int main()
HowMany h;
h.print("after construction of h");
//HowMany h2 = f(h);//没调用默认构造函数,但f()运行完调用了一次析构,所以f()运行时一定也调用了默认构造函数,只是我们没看到
HowMany h3 = h;//用h构造出一个新的h3,但是构造时没有经过默认构造函数
h.print("after call to f()");
return 0;
using namespace std;
static int objectCount = 0;
class HowMany
HowMany() { objectCount++; print("HowMany()"); }
HowMany(int i) { objectCount++; print("HowMany(int)"); }
void print(const string& msg="")
if (msg.size() != 0)cout << msg << ":";
cout << "objectCount = " << objectCount << endl;
~HowMany() { objectCount--; print("~HowMany()"); }
HowMany f(HowMany x)
cout << "begin of f()" << endl;
x.print("x argument inside f()");
cout << "end of f()" << endl;
return x;
int main()
HowMany h;
h.print("after construction of h");
HowMany h2 = 10;
//HowMany h2(10);//同上,在c++中初始化对象用 () 或 = 是等价的
return 0;
using namespace std;
static int objectCount = 0;
class HowMany
HowMany() { objectCount++; print("HowMany()"); }
HowMany(int i) { objectCount++; print("HowMany(int)"); }
HowMany(const HowMany& o) { objectCount++; print("HowMany(HowMany)"); }
void print(const string& msg="")
if (msg.size() != 0)cout << msg << ":";
cout << "objectCount = " << objectCount << endl;
~HowMany() { objectCount--; print("~HowMany()"); }
HowMany f(HowMany x)
cout << "begin of f()" << endl;
x.print("x argument inside f()");
cout << "end of f()" << endl;
return x;
int main()
HowMany h;
h.print("after construction of h");
HowMany h2 = h;
return 0;
using namespace std;
static int objectCount = 0;
class HowMany
HowMany() { objectCount++; print("HowMany()"); }
HowMany(int i) { objectCount++; print("HowMany(int)"); }
HowMany(const HowMany& o) { objectCount++; print("HowMany(HowMany)"); }
void print(const string& msg="")
if (msg.size() != 0)cout << msg << ":";
cout << "objectCount = " << objectCount << endl;
~HowMany() { objectCount--; print("~HowMany()"); }
HowMany f(HowMany x)
cout << "begin of f()" << endl;
x.print("x argument inside f()");
cout << "end of f()" << endl;
return x;
int main()
HowMany h;
h.print("after construction of h");
HowMany h2 = f(h);
return 0;
HowMany(const HowMany& )叫做 拷贝构造 函数。
拷贝构造 函数:成员级别的拷贝(不是字节对字节的拷贝),成员里有其它类的成员,继续调用其它类的拷贝构造进行拷贝,没有显示给出就会调用默认的。
Copy pointer:
#ifndef PERSON_H_
#define PERSON_H_
class Person
Person(const char* s);//构造函数
void print();//函数原型,没有实际body,有一些什么样的函数
char* name ;//数据成员 char* instead of string
#endif // !PERSON_H_
#include "person.h"
using namespace std;
Person::Person(const char* s)
name = new char[::strlen(s)+1];
//delete[] name;
void Person::print()
cout << "something" << endl;
#include "person.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
Person p1("Jhon");
Person p2 = p1;//Person p2(p1);
printf("p1.name=%p\n", p1.name);
printf("p2.name=%p\n", p2.name);
return 0;
p1 和 p2 指向同一块内存,即 Copy pointer,而我们想要 Copy entire block。
Copy entire block :
#ifndef PERSON_H_
#define PERSON_H_
class Person
Person(const char* s);//构造函数
Person(const Person& w);//拷贝构造函数
void print();//函数原型,没有实际body,有一些什么样的函数
char* name ;//数据成员 char* instead of string
#endif // !PERSON_H_
#include "person.h"
using namespace std;
Person::Person(const char* s)
name = new char[::strlen(s)+1];
Person::Person(const Person& w)
name = new char[::strlen(w.name) + 1];
::strcpy(name, w.name);
//delete[] name;
void Person::print()
cout << "something" << endl;
#include "person.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
Person p1("Jhon");
Person p2 = p1;//Person p2(p1);
printf("p1.name=%p\n", p1.name);
printf("p2.name=%p\n", p2.name);
return 0;
标签:翁恺,HowMany,name,17,objectCount,C++,Person,print,include 来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_40155090/article/details/121953112