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c++: rvalue, prvalue, lvalue, glvalue


— An lvalue (so called, historically, because lvalues could appear on the left-hand side of an assignment
expression) designates a function or an object. [ Example: If E is an expression of pointer type, then
*E is an lvalue expression referring to the object or function to which E points. As another example,
the result of calling a function whose return type is an lvalue reference is an lvalue. —end example ]

— An xvalue (an “eXpiring” value) also refers to an object, usually near the end of its lifetime (so that its
resources may be moved, for example). An xvalue is the result of certain kinds of expressions involving
rvalue references (8.3.2). [ Example: The result of calling a function whose return type is an rvalue
reference is an xvalue. —end example ]
— A glvalue (“generalized” lvalue) is an lvalue or an xvalue.
— An rvalue (so called, historically, because rvalues could appear on the right-hand side of an assignment
expression) is an xvalue, a temporary object (12.2) or subobject thereof, or a value that is not associated
with an object.
— A prvalue (“pure” rvalue) is an rvalue that is not an xvalue. [ Example: The result of calling a function
whose return type is not a reference is a prvalue. The value of a literal such as 12, 7.3e5, or true is
also a prvalue. —end example ]
Every expression belongs to exactly one


来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_36428903/article/details/121310529