首页 > 编程语言> > 大数据方向《JavaEE》项目案例【一定要收藏】




  1. 点击全选/全不选,选中或者全部不选中
  2. 部门名称为下拉框,动态加载,金额在数量和单价输入后自动生成,非空验证姓名不能重复,年龄必须是数字, 否则不能提交,电影状态如果是未上映,后面有一个上映的选项。
  3. 添加成功,跳转到查询所有
  4. 如果没有选中一条数据,点击批量删除提示“至少选择一条数据”
  5. 选中多条数据或者全部选中,点击批量删除提示“确认删除吗”,如果确认就去后台删除,点击取消不删除批量删除后展示所有
  6. 搜索  对姓名,大于电影起始时间,小于结束时间,  部门 实现 搜索,分页不丢失数据
  7. 编辑点击编辑跳转到修改界面,回显成功,  点击提交修改成功    


     基于SpringMVC + Spring + MyBatis + jQuery + JqueryEasyUI+ Mysql数据库完成查询、JQuery验证分页等功能。



use   q1;

create   table   dept8(
 did  int primary key ,
  name  varchar(20)

drop   table  emp8
create   table   emp8  (
  eid  int primary key  auto_increment,
  name  varchar(20),
  esex  varchar(20),
  eage  int ,
  eimgurl varchar(255),
  ebirth  date,
  did  int,
  ehobby  varchar(20),
  shu  int,
  price int,
  zong  int,
  flag  int,
  foreign key (did)  references dept8 (did)


insert into dept8 (did, name)


insert into emp8 (eid, name, esex, eage, eimgurl, ebirth, did, ehobby, shu, price, zong,flag)

select  e.*, d.name dname from emp8 e,dept8 d where e.did=d.did ;

select* from emp8
select   e.*, d.name dname   from emp8 e,dept8 d where e.did=d.did  group by  d.did




package com.jiyun.ssm.controller;

import com.github.pagehelper.PageHelper;
import com.github.pagehelper.PageInfo;
import com.jiyun.ssm.pojo.De;
import com.jiyun.ssm.pojo.Em;
import com.jiyun.ssm.service.DeService;
import com.jiyun.ssm.service.EmService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class servlet {
    private DeService d;
    private EmService b;
    public String show(Model mo, @RequestParam(value = "pageNum",required =false,defaultValue = "1")Integer pageNum) {
        PageHelper.startPage (pageNum,2);
       int qian=0;
       int shu1=0;
        List<Em> list = b.show ();
        for (Em em : list) {
            qian=em.getShu ()*em.getPrice ()+qian;
            shu1=em.getShu ()+shu1;

        mo.addAttribute ("qian",qian );
        mo.addAttribute ("shu1",shu1 );

        PageInfo<Em> p = new PageInfo<> (list);
        mo.addAttribute ("p", p);
        mo.addAttribute ("a1", "a1");
        return "show";

    public String xiu(Model mo,Em s,String eid) {
Em a = b.getid(eid);

        List<De> list = d.show ();
        mo.addAttribute ("list", list);
        mo.addAttribute ("a", a);
        return "up";


    public String xiu2(Model mo,Em s,String eid,String flag) {

        return "redirect:show";

    public String ji(Model mo,Em s) {
        List<Em> list = b.coun();

        mo.addAttribute ("list", list);

        return "fan";

    public String like(Model mo,String  name,String start,String end,String esex,Integer  did,@RequestParam(value ="pageNum",required = false,defaultValue = "1")Integer pageNum) {
        PageHelper.startPage (pageNum,2);
        List<Em> list = b.like(name,start,end,esex,did);
        PageInfo<Em> p = new PageInfo<> (list);
        List<De> list1 = d.show ();
        mo.addAttribute ("p", p);
        mo.addAttribute ("list1",list1);
        mo.addAttribute ("a2", "a2");
        return "show";
    public String like1(Model mo,String  name,@RequestParam(value ="pageNum",required = false,defaultValue = "1")Integer pageNum) {
        PageHelper.startPage (pageNum,2);
        List<Em> list = b.like1(name);
        PageInfo<Em> p = new PageInfo<> (list);
        List<De> list1 = d.show ();
        mo.addAttribute ("p", p);
        mo.addAttribute ("list1",list1);
        mo.addAttribute ("a2", "a2");
        return "show";
    public String add(Model mo) {
        List<De> list = d.show ();
        mo.addAttribute ("list",list);
        return "add";

    //ajax 验证
    public String aj(String name) {

long  c=b.coiui(name);
    return   "true";
}else {
    return  "false";

//    多选删除
    public String de(Model mo,String ids) {
        String[] id = ids.split (",");
        return "redirect:show";

//    单选删除
    public String shan1(Model mo,String eid) {
        return "redirect:show";

//    添加图片
    public String add(Model mo, MultipartFile img, Em a, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException {
        if (img.getSize () > 0) {
            String s = Arrays.toString (request.getParameterValues ("ehobby"));
            a.setEhobby (s);
            String filename = img.getOriginalFilename ();
            String realPath = request.getSession ().getServletContext ().getRealPath ("/");
            img.transferTo (new File (realPath, filename));
            a.setEimgurl (filename);
        b.add (a);
        return "redirect:show";

//    修改回显后的添加
    public String set1(Model mo, MultipartFile img, Em a, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException {
        if (img.getSize () > 0) {

            String filename = img.getOriginalFilename ();
            String realPath = request.getSession ().getServletContext ().getRealPath ("/");
            img.transferTo (new File (realPath, filename));
            a.setEimgurl (filename);
        b.set1 (a);
        return "redirect:show";




package com.jiyun.ssm.service;

import com.jiyun.ssm.pojo.Em;

import java.util.List;

public interface EmService {

    List<Em>  show();
    void   add (Em a);
    void   set1 (Em a);

    void shan(String[] id);

    List<Em> like(String name, String start, String end, String esex, Integer did);

    long coiui(String name);

    Em getid(String eid);

    void shan1(String eid);

    List<Em> coun();

    void getid1(String eid, String flag);

    List<Em> like1(String name);

package com.jiyun.ssm.service.Impl;

import com.jiyun.ssm.dao.EmDao;
import com.jiyun.ssm.pojo.Em;
import com.jiyun.ssm.service.EmService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import java.util.List;

public class EmServiceIMpl   implements EmService {
    private EmDao b;
    public List<Em> show() {
        return b.show ();
    public void add(Em a) {
b.add (a);
    public void set1(Em a) {
b.set1 (a);
    public void shan(String[] id) {

        for (String eid : id) {
    public List<Em> like(String name, String start, String end, String esex, Integer did) {
        return b.like(name,start,end,esex,did);
    public long coiui(String name) {
        return b.oui(name);
    public Em getid(String eid) {
        return b.get(eid);
    public void shan1(String eid) {

    public List<Em> coun() {
        return b.ouyc();

    public void getid1(String eid, String flag) {

    public List<Em> like1(String name) {
        return b.like1(name);


package com.jiyun.ssm.dao;

import com.jiyun.ssm.pojo.Em;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Delete;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Update;

import java.util.List;

public interface EmDao {
    List<Em> show();
    void   add (Em a);
    void   set1 (Em a);
@Delete ("delete   from emp8   where eid=#{eid}")
    void shan(@Param ("eid") String eid);

    List<Em> like(@Param ("name") String name,@Param ("start") String start,@Param ("end") String end,   @Param ("esex")String esex, @Param ("did")Integer did);
@Select ("select   count(*) from  emp8  where name=#{name}")
    long oui(@Param ("name") String name);
@Select ("select *  from  emp8  where eid=#{eid} ")

    Em get(@Param ("eid") String eid);
    @Delete ("delete   from emp8   where eid=#{eid}")
    void shan12(@Param ("eid") String eid);
    @Select ("select d.name dname  ,count(e.eid) count1  from emp8 e,dept8 d where e.did=d.did  group by  d.did")
    List<Em> ouyc();
@Update (" update  emp8  set  flag=1    where eid=#{eid} ")
    void getid( @Param ("eid") String eid, @Param ("flag")String flag);

    List<Em> like1(@Param ("name") String name);



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.jiyun.ssm.dao.EmDao">
    resultType id属性对应的方法的返回值

    <select id="show" resultType="Em" >
select e.*,d.name  dname from emp8 e,dept8 d where e.did=d.did
    <select id="like1" resultType="Em" >
select e.*,d.name  dname from emp8 e,dept8 d where e.did=d.did   and e.name like '%${name}%'
    <select id="like" resultType="Em" >
select e.*,d.name dname from emp8 e,dept8 d where e.did=d.did
<if test="name!=null  and name!=''">
    and e.name like '%${name}%'
        <if test="start!=null and start!=''">
            and   e.ebirth  &gt;=#{start}
        <if test="end!=null and end!=''">
            and   e.ebirth  &lt;=#{end}
        <if test="esex!=null  and esex!=''">
            and   e.esex   = '${esex}'
        <if test="did!=null">
            and   d.did=#{did}
    <insert id="add" parameterType="Em">
insert into emp8 ( name, esex, eage, eimgurl, ebirth, did, ehobby, shu, price, zong ,flag)
values  (#{name},#{esex},#{eage},#{eimgurl},#{ebirth},#{did},#{ehobby},#{shu},#{price},#{zong},#{flag})

    <update id="set1" parameterType="Em">
  update emp8 set name=  #{name}, esex=#{esex}, eage=#{eage}, eimgurl=#{eimgurl}, ebirth=#{ebirth},
  did=#{did}, ehobby=#{ehobby}, shu=#{shu}, price=#{price}, zong=#{zong},flag=#{flag} where eid=#{eid}



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        $(function () {

                    $(".e").click(function () {
                        }else {
                            var  str="";
                            $(".q:checked").each(function () {
                                var id=$(this).val();




<h1  align="center" ><font color="aqua">综合案例</font></h1>

<hr  color="red">
<form  action="/like" method="post" placeholder="根据名字查询">
  姓名  <input type="text" name="name">
   电影开始时间:<input type="text" name="start"  placeholder="yyyy-MM-dd">
   电影结束时间<input type="text" name="end" placeholder="yyyy-MM-dd">

    <%--<input type="text"  name="esex">--%>
 性别   <select name="esex">
        <option  value="">-请选择--</option>
            <option value="男">男</option>
            <option value="女">女</option>


    <select name="did">
        <option  value="">-请选择--</option>
        <c:forEach var="y" items="${list1}">
            <option value="${y.did}">${y.name}</option>

    <input type="submit" value="搜索">

<hr  color="red">

<form action="/like1"   method="post">

    <input type="text"  name="name"   placeholder="根据名字查询">
    <input type="submit"  value="搜索">


<hr  color="bule">
<input type="button"  value="删除" class="e">
<input type="button"  value="统计" onclick="e3()">
<input type="button"  value="增加" onclick="w2()">
总金额为:${qian}  总票数:${shu1}
<table cellpadding="0" border="1" width="800" height="300">

<td><input type="checkbox" onclick="fan(this)"></td>
    <c:forEach items="${p.list}" var="a">
            <td><input type="checkbox"    class="q"  value="${a.eid}"></td>
            <td><img src="/${a.eimgurl}" alt="" width="50" height="50"></td>
            <td><fmt:formatDate value="${a.ebirth}" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd"/> </td>
                <c:if test="${a.flag==0}">
                <c:if test="${a.flag==1}">
                <c:if test="${a.flag==0}">
                    <a href="/xiu2?eid=${a.eid}&flag=1">已上映</a>

                <a href="/xiu?eid=${a.eid}">修改</a>
           <a href="/shan1?eid=${a.eid}">删除</a></td>



<c:if test="${a1=='a1'}">
    <a href="/show?pageNum=${p.firstPage}">首页</a>
    <c:if test="${p.isFirstPage==false}">
        <a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/show?pageNum=${p.prePage}">上一页</a>
    <c:forEach items="${p.navigatepageNums}" var="i">
            <c:when test="${p.pageNum==i}">
                <span style="color: red;">${i}</span>
                <a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/show?pageNum=${i}">${i}</a>
    <c:if test="${p.isLastPage==false}">
        <a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/show?pageNum=${p.nextPage}">下一页</a>

    <a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/show?pageNum=${p.lastPage}">尾页</a>
    第${p.pageNum}页/共${p.lastPage}页 共${p.total}条
<c:if test="${a2=='a2'}">
<a href="/like?pageNum=${p.firstPage}">首页</a>
<c:if test="${p.isFirstPage==false}">
    <a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/like?pageNum=${p.prePage}">上一页</a>
<c:forEach items="${p.navigatepageNums}" var="i">
        <c:when test="${p.pageNum==i}">
            <span style="color: red;">${i}</span>
            <a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/like?pageNum=${i}">${i}</a>
<c:if test="${p.isLastPage==false}">
    <a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/like?pageNum=${p.nextPage}">下一页</a>
<a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/like?pageNum=${p.lastPage}">尾页</a>
第${p.pageNum}页/共${p.lastPage}页 共${p.total}条


    function e3() {
    function fan(w) {

    function w2() {




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  Date: 2021/9/18
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    <script src="/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>


<form action="/add1" method="post"  enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return go()">
   姓名 <input type="text" name="name"  class="e" onblur="w2()"><span class="t"></span> <br>
   性别 <input type="radio" name="esex" value="男"> 男
<input type="radio" name="esex" value="女">女 <br>
   年龄 <input type="text" name="eage"  class="h"  onblur="w10()" > <span class="z"></span><br>
   头像 <input type="file" name="img"> <br>
   生日 <input type="text" name="ebirth"> <br>
    <select name="did">
        <c:forEach var="y" items="${list}">
            <option value="${y.did}">${y.name}</option>
    </select> <br>


    <input type="checkbox" name="ehobby"  value="学习"> 学习
    <input type="checkbox" name="ehobby"  value="看电影"> 看电影
    <input type="checkbox" name="ehobby"  value="运动"> 运动
    <input type="checkbox" name="ehobby"  value="看小说"> 看小说

   票数 <input type="text" name="shu"  id="e5"> <br>
   单价 <input type="text" name="price" id="e6" onblur="w9()"> <br>
   总价 <input type="text" name="zong" id="e7"> <br>
    <input type="radio"  name="flag"  value="0"> 未上映
    <input type="radio"  name="flag"  value="1">  已上映 <br>
    <input type="submit" value="增加"> <br>


    var  f=false;

    function w10() {
        var d=$(".h").val();
        var rep=/^[0-9]*$/;
        }else {
    function w2() {
        var n=$(".e").val();
        if(n==""|| n==null){
        }else {
            $.post("aj",{"name":n},function (data) {
                }else {

    function go() {
           return false;
       } else {
           return  true;

    function w9() {
        var e5=$("#e5").val();
        var e6=$("#e6").val();




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  User: dell
  Date: 2021/9/18
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    <script src="/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>


<form action="/set1" method="post"  enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return go()">

    <input type="hidden"  name="eid" value="${a.eid}">
   姓名 <input type="text" name="name"   value="${a.name}" class="e" onblur="w2()"><span class="t"></span> <br>
    性别 <input type="radio" name="esex" value="男" <c:if test="${a.esex=='男'}">checked</c:if>> 男
<input type="radio" name="esex" value="女" <c:if test="${a.esex=='女'}">checked</c:if>>女 <br>
   年龄 <input type="text" name="eage"  value="${a.eage}" class="h"  onblur="w10()" > <span class="z"></span><br>
   头像 <input type="hidden" name="eimgurl" value="${a.eimgurl}"> <br>
    <img src="/${a.eimgurl}" alt="" width="50" height="50"> <br>
   头像 <input type="file" name="img" > <br>
   生日 <input type="text" name="ebirth" value="<fmt:formatDate value='${a.ebirth}' pattern='yyyy-MM-dd'/> "> <br>
    <select name="did">
        <c:forEach var="y" items="${list}">
            <option value="${y.did}"<c:if test="${a.did==y.did}">selected</c:if>>${y.name}</option>
    </select> <br>


    <input type="checkbox" name="ehobby"  value="学习"
    <c:if test="${fn:contains(a.ehobby, '学习')}">checked</c:if>
    > 学习
    <input type="checkbox" name="ehobby"  value="看电影"
           <c:if test="${fn:contains(a.ehobby, '看电影')}">checked</c:if>
    > 看电影
    <input type="checkbox" name="ehobby"  value="运动"
           <c:if test="${fn:contains(a.ehobby, '运动')}">checked</c:if>
    > 运动
    <input type="checkbox" name="ehobby"  value="看小说"
           <c:if test="${fn:contains(a.ehobby, '看小说')}">checked</c:if>
    > 看小说

   票数 <input type="text" name="shu"  id="e5"  value="${a.shu}"> <br>
   单价 <input type="text" name="price" id="e6"  value="${a.price}" onblur="w9()"> <br>
   总价 <input type="text" name="zong" id="e7" value="${a.zong}"> <br>
    <input type="radio"  name="flag"  value="0" <c:if test="${a.flag==0}">checked</c:if>> 未上映
    <input type="radio"  name="flag"  value="1"<c:if test="${a.flag==1}">checked</c:if>>  已上映  <br>
    <input type="submit" value="增加"> <br>



    var  f=false;

    function w10() {
        var d=$(".h").val();
        var rep=/^[0-9]*$/;
        }else {
    function w2() {
        var n=$(".e").val();
        if(n==""|| n==null){
        }else {
            $.post("aj",{"name":n},function (data) {
                }else {

    function go() {
           return false;
       } else {
           return  true;

    function w9() {
        var e5=$("#e5").val();
        var e6=$("#e6").val();




  Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
  User: dell
  Date: 2021/9/19
  Time: 0:14
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<table cellpadding="0" border="1" width="600" height="300">

    <c:forEach items="${list}" var="a">









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来源: https://blog.csdn.net/m0_59239420/article/details/120402213