REST Assured 46 - Fetch Value From JSON Array Using JsonNode – Jackson – Get() & Path() Methods
REST Assured 系列汇总 之 REST Assured 46 - Fetch Value From JSON Array Using JsonNode – Jackson – Get() & Path() Methods
创建 POJO 类用来解析和获取一个 JSON 字符串中的值有时并不方便,特别针对那些非常长的,多层嵌套的 JSON。我们可以将 JSON 解析成树形结构更方便。
前面我们已经解析过一个简单的 和 嵌套的 JSON Object 成 JsonNode,参考如下:
Fetch Value From JSON Object Using JsonNode – Jackson – Get() & Path() Methods
Fetch Value From Nested JSON Object Using JsonNode – Jackson – At() Method
因为我们用到 Jackson API, 所以确保导入 Jackson Databind 依赖包。
<!-- -->
JSON Array
JSON Example
树形结构表示 JSON Array
你可以用一个在线工具 来浏览上面的 JSON,呈现树型结构:
一个 JSON Array 可能是 JSON Objects 的集合 或 JSON arrays,如下:
"firstName": "Amod",
"lastName": "Mahajan",
"age": 28,
"isMarried": false,
"salary": 23456.54
"firstName": "Rahul",
"lastName": "Arora",
"age": 32,
"isMarried": true,
"salary": 33456.54
"firstName": "Amod",
"lastName": "Mahajan",
"age": 28,
"isMarried": false,
"salary": 23456.54
"firstName": "Rahul",
"lastName": "Arora",
"age": 32,
"isMarried": true,
"salary": 33456.54
Deserialize 反序列化 JSON Array
我们用到 Jackson API 的 ObjectMapper 类,该类提供的 “readTree()” 方法负责将 JSON 内容 deserialization 反序列化成树形形式的JsonNode 集合
我们通过 JsonNode 类的 get() 和 path() 方法来获取值,然后转换成适合的数据类型。
我们只需用一个 index 来获取一个数组的元素,这也是基于数组的概念。
// Creating an instance of ObjectMapper class
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
// Get tree representation of json
JsonNode jsonTree = objectMapper.readTree(jsonArray);
// Get first json object and storing
JsonNode firstJsonObject = jsonTree.get(0);
// Get second json object and storing
JsonNode secondJsonObject = jsonTree.get(1);
如果你不确定解析的 JSON 是一个 JSON Object 或 JSON tree,你可以用 instanceof,如下:
// To know if tree is a JSON object or JSON array
System.out.println("Is parsed JSOn tree a JSON Object?"+ Boolean.toString(jsonTree instanceof ObjectNode));
System.out.println("Is parsed JSOn tree a JSON Array?"+ Boolean.toString(jsonTree instanceof ArrayNode));
注意 JsonNode 类是 ObjectNode 和 ArrayNode的父类。
如果你确定 JSON 就是一个 Object 或 Array,就可以直接装箱 case 成该类型。
ArrayNode jsonTree = (ArrayNode) objectMapper.readTree(jsonArray);
import org.junit.Test;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
public class ParseJsonArrayToReadValues {
public void parseJsonArrayToReadValues() throws JsonMappingException, JsonProcessingException
String jsonArray = "[\r\n" +
" {\r\n" +
" \"firstName\": \"Amod\",\r\n" +
" \"lastName\": \"Mahajan\",\r\n" +
" \"age\": 28,\r\n" +
" \"isMarried\": false,\r\n" +
" \"salary\": 23456.54\r\n" +
" },\r\n" +
" {\r\n" +
" \"firstName\": \"Rahul\",\r\n" +
" \"lastName\": \"Arora\",\r\n" +
" \"age\": 32,\r\n" +
" \"isMarried\": true,\r\n" +
" \"salary\": 33456.54\r\n" +
" }\r\n" +
// Creating an instance of ObjectMapper class
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
// Get tree representation of json
JsonNode jsonTree = objectMapper.readTree(jsonArray);
// To know if tree is a JSON object or JSON array
System.out.println("Is parsed JSOn tree a JSON Object?"+ Boolean.toString(jsonTree instanceof ObjectNode));
System.out.println("Is parsed JSOn tree a JSON Array?"+ Boolean.toString(jsonTree instanceof ArrayNode));
// Get first json object and storing
JsonNode firstJsonObject = jsonTree.get(0);
// Get second json object and storing
JsonNode secondJsonObject = jsonTree.get(1);
// Get value of firstName as string
String firstName = firstJsonObject.get("firstName").asText();
String lastName = firstJsonObject.get("lastName").asText();
// Get value of married as boolean
int age = firstJsonObject.get("age").asInt();
boolean married = firstJsonObject.get("isMarried").asBoolean();
double salary = firstJsonObject.get("salary").asLong();
System.out.println("FirstName is : "+firstName);
System.out.println("LastName is : "+lastName);
System.out.println("Age is : "+age);
System.out.println("Maritial status is : "+married);
System.out.println("Salary is: "+salary);
// Get value of firstName as string
firstName = secondJsonObject.get("firstName").asText();
lastName = secondJsonObject.get("lastName").asText();
// Get value of married as boolean
age = secondJsonObject.get("age").asInt();
married = secondJsonObject.get("isMarried").asBoolean();
salary = secondJsonObject.get("salary").asLong();
System.out.println("FirstName is : "+firstName);
System.out.println("LastName is : "+lastName);
System.out.println("Age is : "+age);
System.out.println("Maritial status is : "+married);
System.out.println("Salary is: "+salary);
Is parsed JSOn tree a JSON Object?false
Is parsed JSOn tree a JSON Array?true
FirstName is : Amod
LastName is : Mahajan
Age is : 28
Maritial status is : false
Salary is: 23456.0
FirstName is : Rahul
LastName is : Arora
Age is : 32
Maritial status is : true
Salary is: 33456.0
标签:JsonNode,Jackson,Methods,get,System,JSON,println,out 来源: