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Android 热修复 Tinker 源码分析之DexDiff / DexPatch




在上一篇文章中,我们介绍了Android 热修复 Tinker接入及源码浅析,里面包含了热修的一些背景知识,从tinker对dex文件的处理来看,源码大体上可以分为3部分阅读:

  1. 在应用中对patch的合并与加载,已经在上篇文章中详细介绍过了Android 热修复 Tinker接入及源码浅析
  2. 详细的dex patch,dex diff算法
  3. tinker gradle plugin相关知识

tinker有个非常大的亮点就是自研发了一套dex diff、patch相关算法。本篇文章主要目的就是分析该算法。当然值得注意的是,分析的前提就是需要对dex文件的格式要有一定的认识,否则的话可能会一脸懵逼态。

所以,本文会先对dex文件格式做一个简单的分析,也会做一些简单的实验,最后进入到dex diff,patch算法部分。










public class Hello{    public static void main(String[] args){        System.out.println("hello dex!");    }}
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javac -source 1.7 -target 1.7 Hello.java
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dx --dex --output=Hello.dex Hello.class
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通过map_list找到各个区域的开始,每个区域都会对应特定的数据结构,通过010 Editor看就好了。


现在我们了解了dex的基本格式,接下来我们考虑下如何做dex diff 和 patch。


  1. old dex
  2. new dex

我们想要生成一个patch文件,该文件和old dex 通过patch算法还能生成new dex。


  1. header
  2. 各个区域
  3. map list

header实际上是可以根据后面的数据确定其内容的,并且是定长112的;各个区域后面说;map list实际上可以做到定位到各个区域开始位置;

我们最终patch + old dex -> new dex;针对上述的3个部分,


old dex该区域的字符串有: Hello、World、zhy
new dex该区域的字符串有: Android、World、zhy


“del Hello , add Android”(实际情况需要转化为二进制)。

想想应用中可以直接读取出old dex,即知道:

那么,可以非常容易的计算出new dex中包含:





三、Tinker DexDiff源码浅析


这里看代码实际上也是有技巧的,tinker的代码实际上蛮多的,往往你可以会陷在一堆的代码中。我们可以这么考虑,比如diff算法,输入参数为old dex 、new dex,输出为patch file。



@Testpublic void testDiff() throws IOException {    File oldFile = new File("Hello.dex");    File newFile = new File("Hello-World.dex");    File patchFile = new File("patch.dex");    DexPatchGenerator dexPatchGenerator            = new DexPatchGenerator(oldFile, newFile);    dexPatchGenerator.executeAndSaveTo(patchFile);}
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所以查看代码时要有针对性,比如看diff算法,就找到diff算法的入口,不要在gradle plugin中去纠结。

(1)dex file => Dex

public DexPatchGenerator(File oldDexFile, File newDexFile) throws IOException {    this(new Dex(oldDexFile), new Dex(newDexFile));}
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public Dex(File file) throws IOException {    // 删除了一堆代码    InputStream  in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));    loadFrom(in, (int) file.length());     }private void loadFrom(InputStream in, int initSize) throws IOException {    byte[] rawData = FileUtils.readStream(in, initSize);    this.data = ByteBuffer.wrap(rawData);    this.data.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);    this.tableOfContents.readFrom(this);}
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#TableOfContentspublic void readFrom(Dex dex) throws IOException {    readHeader(dex.openSection(header));    // special case, since mapList.byteCount is available only after    // computeSizesFromOffsets() was invoked, so here we can't use    // dex.openSection(mapList) to get dex section. Or    // an {@code java.nio.BufferUnderflowException} will be thrown.    readMap(dex.openSection(mapList.off));    computeSizesFromOffsets();}
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在其内部执行了readHeader和readMap,上文我们大致分析了header和map list相关,实际上就是将这两个区域转化为一定的数据结构,读取然后存储到内存中。


private void readHeader(Dex.Section headerIn) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {    byte[] magic = headerIn.readByteArray(8);    int apiTarget = DexFormat.magicToApi(magic);    if (apiTarget != DexFormat.API_NO_EXTENDED_OPCODES) {        throw new DexException("Unexpected magic: " + Arrays.toString(magic));    }    checksum = headerIn.readInt();    signature = headerIn.readByteArray(20);    fileSize = headerIn.readInt();    int headerSize = headerIn.readInt();    if (headerSize != SizeOf.HEADER_ITEM) {        throw new DexException("Unexpected header: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(headerSize));    }    int endianTag = headerIn.readInt();    if (endianTag != DexFormat.ENDIAN_TAG) {        throw new DexException("Unexpected endian tag: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(endianTag));    }    linkSize = headerIn.readInt();    linkOff = headerIn.readInt();    mapList.off = headerIn.readInt();    if (mapList.off == 0) {        throw new DexException("Cannot merge dex files that do not contain a map");    }    stringIds.size = headerIn.readInt();    stringIds.off = headerIn.readInt();    typeIds.size = headerIn.readInt();    typeIds.off = headerIn.readInt();    protoIds.size = headerIn.readInt();    protoIds.off = headerIn.readInt();    fieldIds.size = headerIn.readInt();    fieldIds.off = headerIn.readInt();    methodIds.size = headerIn.readInt();    methodIds.off = headerIn.readInt();    classDefs.size = headerIn.readInt();    classDefs.off = headerIn.readInt();    dataSize = headerIn.readInt();    dataOff = headerIn.readInt();}
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如果你现在打开着010 Editor,或者看一眼最前面的图,实际上就是将header中所有的字段定义出来,读取响应的字节并赋值。


private void readMap(Dex.Section in) throws IOException {    int mapSize = in.readInt();    Section previous = null;    for (int i = 0; i < mapSize; i++) {        short type = in.readShort();        in.readShort(); // unused        Section section = getSection(type);        int size = in.readInt();        int offset = in.readInt();        section.size = size;        section.off = offset;        previous = section;    }    header.off = 0;    Arrays.sort(sections);    // Skip header section, since its offset must be zero.    for (int i = 1; i < sections.length; ++i) {        if (sections[i].off == Section.UNDEF_OFFSET) {            sections[i].off = sections[i - 1].off;        }    }}
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这里注意,在读取header的时候,实际上已经读取除了map list区域的offset,并存储在mapList.off中。所以map list中实际上是从这个位置开始的。首先读取的就是map_list_item的个数,接下来读取的就是每个map_list_item对应的实际数据。



到这里就完成了dex file 到 Dex对象的初始化。


(2)dex diff


public DexPatchGenerator(File oldDexFile, InputStream newDexStream) throws IOException {    this(new Dex(oldDexFile), new Dex(newDexStream));}
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public DexPatchGenerator(Dex oldDex, Dex newDex) {    this.oldDex = oldDex;    this.newDex = newDex;    SparseIndexMap oldToNewIndexMap = new SparseIndexMap();    SparseIndexMap oldToPatchedIndexMap = new SparseIndexMap();    SparseIndexMap newToPatchedIndexMap = new SparseIndexMap();    SparseIndexMap selfIndexMapForSkip = new SparseIndexMap();    additionalRemovingClassPatternSet = new HashSet<>();    this.stringDataSectionDiffAlg = new StringDataSectionDiffAlgorithm(            oldDex, newDex,            oldToNewIndexMap,            oldToPatchedIndexMap,            newToPatchedIndexMap,            selfIndexMapForSkip    );    this.typeIdSectionDiffAlg = ...    this.protoIdSectionDiffAlg = ...    this.fieldIdSectionDiffAlg = ...    this.methodIdSectionDiffAlg = ...    this.classDefSectionDiffAlg = ...    this.typeListSectionDiffAlg = ...    this.annotationSetRefListSectionDiffAlg = ...     this.annotationSetSectionDiffAlg = ...    this.classDataSectionDiffAlg = ...     this.codeSectionDiffAlg = ...    this.debugInfoSectionDiffAlg = ...    this.annotationSectionDiffAlg = ...    this.encodedArraySectionDiffAlg = ...    this.annotationsDirectorySectionDiffAlg = ...}
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public void executeAndSaveTo(File file) throws IOException {    OutputStream os = null;    try {        os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));        executeAndSaveTo(os);    } finally {        if (os != null) {            try {                os.close();            } catch (Exception e) {                // ignored.            }        }    }}
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public void executeAndSaveTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException {    int patchedheaderSize = SizeOf.HEADER_ITEM;    int patchedStringIdsSize = newDex.getTableOfContents().stringIds.size * SizeOf.STRING_ID_ITEM;    int patchedTypeIdsSize = newDex.getTableOfContents().typeIds.size * SizeOf.TYPE_ID_ITEM;    int patchedProtoIdsSize = newDex.getTableOfContents().protoIds.size * SizeOf.PROTO_ID_ITEM;    int patchedFieldIdsSize = newDex.getTableOfContents().fieldIds.size * SizeOf.MEMBER_ID_ITEM;    int patchedMethodIdsSize = newDex.getTableOfContents().methodIds.size * SizeOf.MEMBER_ID_ITEM;    int patchedClassDefsSize = newDex.getTableOfContents().classDefs.size * SizeOf.CLASS_DEF_ITEM;    int patchedIdSectionSize =            patchedStringIdsSize                    + patchedTypeIdsSize                    + patchedProtoIdsSize                    + patchedFieldIdsSize                    + patchedMethodIdsSize                    + patchedClassDefsSize;    this.patchedHeaderOffset = 0;    this.patchedStringIdsOffset = patchedHeaderOffset + patchedheaderSize;    this.stringDataSectionDiffAlg.execute();    this.patchedStringDataItemsOffset = patchedheaderSize + patchedIdSectionSize;    this.stringDataSectionDiffAlg.simulatePatchOperation(this.patchedStringDataItemsOffset);    // 省略了其余14个算法的一堆代码    this.patchedDexSize            = this.patchedMapListOffset            + patchedMapListSize;    writeResultToStream(out);}
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public void execute() {    this.patchOperationList.clear();    // 1. 拿到oldDex和newDex的itemList    this.adjustedOldIndexedItemsWithOrigOrder = collectSectionItems(this.oldDex, true);    this.oldItemCount = this.adjustedOldIndexedItemsWithOrigOrder.length;    AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Integer, T>[] adjustedOldIndexedItems = new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry[this.oldItemCount];    System.arraycopy(this.adjustedOldIndexedItemsWithOrigOrder, 0, adjustedOldIndexedItems, 0, this.oldItemCount);    Arrays.sort(adjustedOldIndexedItems, this.comparatorForItemDiff);    AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Integer, T>[] adjustedNewIndexedItems = collectSectionItems(this.newDex, false);    this.newItemCount = adjustedNewIndexedItems.length;    Arrays.sort(adjustedNewIndexedItems, this.comparatorForItemDiff);    int oldCursor = 0;    int newCursor = 0;    // 2.遍历,对比,收集patch操作    while (oldCursor < this.oldItemCount || newCursor < this.newItemCount) {        if (oldCursor >= this.oldItemCount) {            // rest item are all newItem.            while (newCursor < this.newItemCount) {                // 对剩下的newItem做ADD操作            }        } else if (newCursor >= newItemCount) {            // rest item are all oldItem.            while (oldCursor < oldItemCount) {                // 对剩下的oldItem做DEL操作            }        } else {            AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Integer, T> oldIndexedItem = adjustedOldIndexedItems[oldCursor];            AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Integer, T> newIndexedItem = adjustedNewIndexedItems[newCursor];            int cmpRes = oldIndexedItem.getValue().compareTo(newIndexedItem.getValue());            if (cmpRes < 0) {                int deletedIndex = oldIndexedItem.getKey();                int deletedOffset = getItemOffsetOrIndex(deletedIndex, oldIndexedItem.getValue());                this.patchOperationList.add(new PatchOperation<T>(PatchOperation.OP_DEL, deletedIndex));                markDeletedIndexOrOffset(this.oldToPatchedIndexMap, deletedIndex, deletedOffset);                ++oldCursor;            } else if (cmpRes > 0) {                this.patchOperationList.add(new PatchOperation<>(PatchOperation.OP_ADD,                        newIndexedItem.getKey(), newIndexedItem.getValue()));                ++newCursor;            } else {                int oldIndex = oldIndexedItem.getKey();                int newIndex = newIndexedItem.getKey();                int oldOffset = getItemOffsetOrIndex(oldIndexedItem.getKey(), oldIndexedItem.getValue());                int newOffset = getItemOffsetOrIndex(newIndexedItem.getKey(), newIndexedItem.getValue());                if (oldIndex != newIndex) {                    this.oldIndexToNewIndexMap.put(oldIndex, newIndex);                }                if (oldOffset != newOffset) {                    this.oldOffsetToNewOffsetMap.put(oldOffset, newOffset);                }                ++oldCursor;                ++newCursor;            }        }    }    // 未完}
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public void execute() {    // 接上...    // 根据index排序,如果index一样,则先DEL后ADD    Collections.sort(this.patchOperationList, comparatorForPatchOperationOpt);    Iterator<PatchOperation<T>> patchOperationIt = this.patchOperationList.iterator();    PatchOperation<T> prevPatchOperation = null;    while (patchOperationIt.hasNext()) {        PatchOperation<T> patchOperation = patchOperationIt.next();        if (prevPatchOperation != null                && prevPatchOperation.op == PatchOperation.OP_DEL                && patchOperation.op == PatchOperation.OP_ADD                ) {            if (prevPatchOperation.index == patchOperation.index) {                prevPatchOperation.op = PatchOperation.OP_REPLACE;                prevPatchOperation.newItem = patchOperation.newItem;                patchOperationIt.remove();                prevPatchOperation = null;            } else {                prevPatchOperation = patchOperation;            }        } else {            prevPatchOperation = patchOperation;        }    }    // Finally we record some information for the final calculations.    patchOperationIt = this.patchOperationList.iterator();    while (patchOperationIt.hasNext()) {        PatchOperation<T> patchOperation = patchOperationIt.next();        switch (patchOperation.op) {            case PatchOperation.OP_DEL: {                indexToDelOperationMap.put(patchOperation.index, patchOperation);                break;            }            case PatchOperation.OP_ADD: {                indexToAddOperationMap.put(patchOperation.index, patchOperation);                break;            }            case PatchOperation.OP_REPLACE: {                indexToReplaceOperationMap.put(patchOperation.index, patchOperation);                break;            }        }    }}
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  1. 首先对patchOperationList按照index排序,如果index一致则先DEL、后ADD。
  2. 接下来一个对所有的operation的迭代,主要将index一致的,且连续的DEL、ADD转化为REPLACE操作。
  3. 最后将patchOperationList转化为3个Map,分别为:indexToDelOperationMapindexToAddOperationMap,indexToReplaceOperationMap



this.stringDataSectionDiffAlg    .simulatePatchOperation(this.patchedStringDataItemsOffset);
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public void simulatePatchOperation(int baseOffset) {    int oldIndex = 0;    int patchedIndex = 0;    int patchedOffset = baseOffset;    while (oldIndex < this.oldItemCount || patchedIndex < this.newItemCount) {        if (this.indexToAddOperationMap.containsKey(patchedIndex)) {            //省略了一些代码            T newItem = patchOperation.newItem;            int itemSize = getItemSize(newItem);            ++patchedIndex;            patchedOffset += itemSize;        } else if (this.indexToReplaceOperationMap.containsKey(patchedIndex)) {            //省略了一些代码            T newItem = patchOperation.newItem;            int itemSize = getItemSize(newItem);            ++patchedIndex;            patchedOffset += itemSize;        } else if (this.indexToDelOperationMap.containsKey(oldIndex)) {            ++oldIndex;        } else if (this.indexToReplaceOperationMap.containsKey(oldIndex)) {            ++oldIndex;        } else if (oldIndex < this.oldItemCount) {            ++oldIndex;            ++patchedIndex;            patchedOffset += itemSize;        }    }    this.patchedSectionSize = SizeOf.roundToTimesOfFour(patchedOffset - baseOffset);}
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  1. indexToAddOperationMap中包含patchIndex
  2. indexToReplaceOperationMap包含patchIndex
  3. 不在indexToDelOperationMap与indexToReplaceOperationMap中的oldDex.

其实很好理解,这个patchedSectionSize其实对应newDex的这个区域的size。所以,包含需要ADD的Item,会被替代的Item,以及OLD ITEMS中没有被删除和替代的Item。这三者相加即为newDex的itemList。





(3) 生成patch文件

private void writeResultToStream(OutputStream os) throws IOException {    DexDataBuffer buffer = new DexDataBuffer();    buffer.write(DexPatchFile.MAGIC); // DEXDIFF    buffer.writeShort(DexPatchFile.CURRENT_VERSION); /0x0002    buffer.writeInt(this.patchedDexSize);    // we will return here to write firstChunkOffset later.    int posOfFirstChunkOffsetField = buffer.position();    buffer.writeInt(0);    buffer.writeInt(this.patchedStringIdsOffset);    buffer.writeInt(this.patchedTypeIdsOffset);    buffer.writeInt(this.patchedProtoIdsOffset);    buffer.writeInt(this.patchedFieldIdsOffset);    buffer.writeInt(this.patchedMethodIdsOffset);    buffer.writeInt(this.patchedClassDefsOffset);    buffer.writeInt(this.patchedMapListOffset);    buffer.writeInt(this.patchedTypeListsOffset);    buffer.writeInt(this.patchedAnnotationSetRefListItemsOffset);    buffer.writeInt(this.patchedAnnotationSetItemsOffset);    buffer.writeInt(this.patchedClassDataItemsOffset);    buffer.writeInt(this.patchedCodeItemsOffset);    buffer.writeInt(this.patchedStringDataItemsOffset);    buffer.writeInt(this.patchedDebugInfoItemsOffset);    buffer.writeInt(this.patchedAnnotationItemsOffset);    buffer.writeInt(this.patchedEncodedArrayItemsOffset);    buffer.writeInt(this.patchedAnnotationsDirectoryItemsOffset);    buffer.write(this.oldDex.computeSignature(false));    int firstChunkOffset = buffer.position();    buffer.position(posOfFirstChunkOffsetField);    buffer.writeInt(firstChunkOffset);    buffer.position(firstChunkOffset);    writePatchOperations(buffer, this.stringDataSectionDiffAlg.getPatchOperationList());    // 省略其他14个writePatch...    byte[] bufferData = buffer.array();    os.write(bufferData);    os.flush();}
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private <T extends Comparable<T>> void writePatchOperations(        DexDataBuffer buffer, List<PatchOperation<T>> patchOperationList) {    List<Integer> delOpIndexList = new ArrayList<>(patchOperationList.size());    List<Integer> addOpIndexList = new ArrayList<>(patchOperationList.size());    List<Integer> replaceOpIndexList = new ArrayList<>(patchOperationList.size());    List<T> newItemList = new ArrayList<>(patchOperationList.size());    for (PatchOperation<T> patchOperation : patchOperationList) {        switch (patchOperation.op) {            case PatchOperation.OP_DEL: {                delOpIndexList.add(patchOperation.index);                break;            }            case PatchOperation.OP_ADD: {                addOpIndexList.add(patchOperation.index);                newItemList.add(patchOperation.newItem);                break;            }            case PatchOperation.OP_REPLACE: {                replaceOpIndexList.add(patchOperation.index);                newItemList.add(patchOperation.newItem);                break;            }        }    }    buffer.writeUleb128(delOpIndexList.size());    int lastIndex = 0;    for (Integer index : delOpIndexList) {        buffer.writeSleb128(index - lastIndex);        lastIndex = index;    }    buffer.writeUleb128(addOpIndexList.size());    lastIndex = 0;    for (Integer index : addOpIndexList) {        buffer.writeSleb128(index - lastIndex);        lastIndex = index;    }    buffer.writeUleb128(replaceOpIndexList.size());    lastIndex = 0;    for (Integer index : replaceOpIndexList) {        buffer.writeSleb128(index - lastIndex);        lastIndex = index;    }    for (T newItem : newItemList) {        if (newItem instanceof StringData) {            buffer.writeStringData((StringData) newItem);        }         // else 其他类型,write其他类型Data    }}
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  1. del操作的个数,每个del的index
  2. add操作的个数,每个add的index
  3. replace操作的个数,每个需要replace的index
  4. 最后依次写入newItemList.

这里index都做了(这里做了个index - lastIndex操作)



  1. 首先包含几个字段,证明自己是tinker patch
  2. 包含生成newDex各个区域的offset,即可以将newDex划分了多个区域,定位到起点
  3. 包含newDex各个区域的Item的删除的索引(oldDex),新增的索引和值,替换的索引和值


  1. 首先根据各个区域的offset,确定各个区域的起点
  2. 读取oldDex各个区域的items,然后根据patch中去除掉oldDex中需要删除的和需要替换的item,再加上新增的item和替换的item即可组成newOld该区域的items。


 oldItems - del - replace + addItems + replaceItems
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四、Tinker DexPatch源码浅析


与diff一样,肯定有那么一个类或者方法,接受old dex File 和 patch File,最后生成new Dex。不要陷在一堆安全校验,apk解压的代码中。



@Testpublic void testPatch() throws IOException {    File oldFile = new File("Hello.dex");    File patchFile = new File("patch.dex");    File newFile = new File("new.dex");    DexPatchApplier dexPatchGenerator            = new DexPatchApplier(oldFile, patchFile);    dexPatchGenerator.executeAndSaveTo(newFile);}
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public DexPatchApplier(File oldDexIn, File patchFileIn) throws IOException {    this(new Dex(oldDexIn), new DexPatchFile(patchFileIn));}
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public DexPatchFile(File file) throws IOException {    this.buffer = new DexDataBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(FileUtils.readFile(file)));    init();}
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首先将patch file读取为byte[],然后调用init

private void init() {    byte[] magic = this.buffer.readByteArray(MAGIC.length);    if (CompareUtils.uArrCompare(magic, MAGIC) != 0) {        throw new IllegalStateException("bad dex patch file magic: " + Arrays.toString(magic));    }    this.version = this.buffer.readShort();    if (CompareUtils.uCompare(this.version, CURRENT_VERSION) != 0) {        throw new IllegalStateException("bad dex patch file version: " + this.version + ", expected: " + CURRENT_VERSION);    }    this.patchedDexSize = this.buffer.readInt();    this.firstChunkOffset = this.buffer.readInt();    this.patchedStringIdSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt();    this.patchedTypeIdSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt();    this.patchedProtoIdSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt();    this.patchedFieldIdSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt();    this.patchedMethodIdSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt();    this.patchedClassDefSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt();    this.patchedMapListSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt();    this.patchedTypeListSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt();    this.patchedAnnotationSetRefListSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt();    this.patchedAnnotationSetSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt();    this.patchedClassDataSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt();    this.patchedCodeSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt();    this.patchedStringDataSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt();    this.patchedDebugInfoSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt();    this.patchedAnnotationSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt();    this.patchedEncodedArraySectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt();    this.patchedAnnotationsDirectorySectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt();    this.oldDexSignature = this.buffer.readByteArray(SizeOf.SIGNATURE);    this.buffer.position(firstChunkOffset);}
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还记得我们写patch的操作么,先写了MAGIC和Version用于校验该文件是一个patch file;接下来为patchedDexSize和各种offset进行赋值;最后定位到数据区(firstChunkOffset),还记得写的时候,该字段在第四个位置。


  1. del操作的个数,每个del的index
  3. add操作的个数,每个add的index
  5. replace操作的个数,每个需要replace的index
  7. 最后依次写入newItemList.


public DexPatchApplier(File oldDexIn, File patchFileIn) throws IOException {    this(new Dex(oldDexIn), new DexPatchFile(patchFileIn));}public DexPatchApplier(        Dex oldDexIn,        DexPatchFile patchFileIn) {    this.oldDex = oldDexIn;    this.patchFile = patchFileIn;    this.patchedDex = new Dex(patchFileIn.getPatchedDexSize());    this.oldToPatchedIndexMap = new SparseIndexMap();}
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public void executeAndSaveTo(File file) throws IOException {    OutputStream os = null;    try {        os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));        executeAndSaveTo(os);    } finally {        if (os != null) {            try {                os.close();            } catch (Exception e) {                // ignored.            }        }    }}
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public void executeAndSaveTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException {    TableOfContents patchedToc = this.patchedDex.getTableOfContents();    patchedToc.header.off = 0;    patchedToc.header.size = 1;    patchedToc.mapList.size = 1;    patchedToc.stringIds.off            = this.patchFile.getPatchedStringIdSectionOffset();    patchedToc.typeIds.off            = this.patchFile.getPatchedTypeIdSectionOffset();    patchedToc.typeLists.off            = this.patchFile.getPatchedTypeListSectionOffset();    patchedToc.protoIds.off            = this.patchFile.getPatchedProtoIdSectionOffset();    patchedToc.fieldIds.off            = this.patchFile.getPatchedFieldIdSectionOffset();    patchedToc.methodIds.off            = this.patchFile.getPatchedMethodIdSectionOffset();    patchedToc.classDefs.off            = this.patchFile.getPatchedClassDefSectionOffset();    patchedToc.mapList.off            = this.patchFile.getPatchedMapListSectionOffset();    patchedToc.stringDatas.off            = this.patchFile.getPatchedStringDataSectionOffset();    patchedToc.annotations.off            = this.patchFile.getPatchedAnnotationSectionOffset();    patchedToc.annotationSets.off            = this.patchFile.getPatchedAnnotationSetSectionOffset();    patchedToc.annotationSetRefLists.off            = this.patchFile.getPatchedAnnotationSetRefListSectionOffset();    patchedToc.annotationsDirectories.off            = this.patchFile.getPatchedAnnotationsDirectorySectionOffset();    patchedToc.encodedArrays.off            = this.patchFile.getPatchedEncodedArraySectionOffset();    patchedToc.debugInfos.off            = this.patchFile.getPatchedDebugInfoSectionOffset();    patchedToc.codes.off            = this.patchFile.getPatchedCodeSectionOffset();    patchedToc.classDatas.off            = this.patchFile.getPatchedClassDataSectionOffset();    patchedToc.fileSize            = this.patchFile.getPatchedDexSize();    Arrays.sort(patchedToc.sections);    patchedToc.computeSizesFromOffsets();    // 未完待续...}    
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这里实际上,就是读取patchFile中记录的值给patchedDex的TableOfContent中各种Section(大致对应map list中各个map_list_item)赋值。



public void executeAndSaveTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException {    // 省略第一部分代码    // Secondly, run patch algorithms according to sections' dependencies.    this.stringDataSectionPatchAlg = new StringDataSectionPatchAlgorithm(            patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap    );    this.typeIdSectionPatchAlg = new TypeIdSectionPatchAlgorithm(            patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap    );    this.protoIdSectionPatchAlg = new ProtoIdSectionPatchAlgorithm(            patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap    );    this.fieldIdSectionPatchAlg = new FieldIdSectionPatchAlgorithm(            patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap    );    this.methodIdSectionPatchAlg = new MethodIdSectionPatchAlgorithm(            patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap    );    this.classDefSectionPatchAlg = new ClassDefSectionPatchAlgorithm(            patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap    );    this.typeListSectionPatchAlg = new TypeListSectionPatchAlgorithm(            patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap    );    this.annotationSetRefListSectionPatchAlg = new AnnotationSetRefListSectionPatchAlgorithm(            patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap    );    this.annotationSetSectionPatchAlg = new AnnotationSetSectionPatchAlgorithm(            patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap    );    this.classDataSectionPatchAlg = new ClassDataSectionPatchAlgorithm(            patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap    );    this.codeSectionPatchAlg = new CodeSectionPatchAlgorithm(            patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap    );    this.debugInfoSectionPatchAlg = new DebugInfoItemSectionPatchAlgorithm(            patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap    );    this.annotationSectionPatchAlg = new AnnotationSectionPatchAlgorithm(            patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap    );    this.encodedArraySectionPatchAlg = new StaticValueSectionPatchAlgorithm(            patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap    );    this.annotationsDirectorySectionPatchAlg = new AnnotationsDirectorySectionPatchAlgorithm(            patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap    );    this.stringDataSectionPatchAlg.execute();    this.typeIdSectionPatchAlg.execute();    this.typeListSectionPatchAlg.execute();    this.protoIdSectionPatchAlg.execute();    this.fieldIdSectionPatchAlg.execute();    this.methodIdSectionPatchAlg.execute();    this.annotationSectionPatchAlg.execute();    this.annotationSetSectionPatchAlg.execute();    this.annotationSetRefListSectionPatchAlg.execute();    this.annotationsDirectorySectionPatchAlg.execute();    this.debugInfoSectionPatchAlg.execute();    this.codeSectionPatchAlg.execute();    this.classDataSectionPatchAlg.execute();    this.encodedArraySectionPatchAlg.execute();    this.classDefSectionPatchAlg.execute();    //未完待续...}
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public void execute() {    final int deletedItemCount = patchFile.getBuffer().readUleb128();    final int[] deletedIndices = readDeltaIndiciesOrOffsets(deletedItemCount);    final int addedItemCount = patchFile.getBuffer().readUleb128();    final int[] addedIndices = readDeltaIndiciesOrOffsets(addedItemCount);    final int replacedItemCount = patchFile.getBuffer().readUleb128();    final int[] replacedIndices = readDeltaIndiciesOrOffsets(replacedItemCount);    final TableOfContents.Section tocSec = getTocSection(this.oldDex);    Dex.Section oldSec


来源: https://blog.csdn.net/sdfwcc/article/details/86680941