首页 > 编程语言> > 邮箱客户端的设计与实现(SSM)毕业论文+任务书+开题报告+设计源码






本次毕业设计基于SMTP和POP3两个主要的邮件服务协议来实现邮件的发送,实现快速导入通讯录,添加联系人,发送和接受邮件的情况,定时发送等功能。本设计的WebEmail 的邮件收发系统主要是基于网络收发邮件的系统.主要是实现邮件群发,实现快速导入通讯录,添加联系人,发送和接受,发送邮件到达率,删除邮件,草稿箱等功能。




E-mail is a necessary office tool for working communication. It changes the way of work and communication, and greatly promotes the efficiency of work. Especially in recent years, mass mail marketing has become a way of publicity, it has the characteristics of convenient and quick access to users. The main purpose of this paper is to realize the function of mass mail sending, fast importing address book, adding contacts, sending and accepting, sending email arrival rate, sending regularly and so on.

The graduation project is based on two main mail service protocols, SMTP and POP3, to realize the sending of e-mail, to quickly import the address book, to add contacts, to send and accept mail, to send and send regularly, and so on. The WebEmail mail receiving and receiving system designed in this paper is mainly based on the network mail receiving and receiving system. It mainly realizes the function of email mass sending, fast importing address book, adding contact, sending and accepting, sending email arrival rate, deleting mail, draft box and so on.

Based on the requirement analysis, summary design and detailed design of the project, the main interface design of the mail client is completed by using the Java-based programming technology, including the inbox, the outbox, the draft box, the main interface design of the e-mail client, which includes the inbox, the outbox, the draft box, and so on. Garbage bin and address book function, using Javamail-based programming technology to complete e-mail sending and receiving function, and finally to complete the graduation design paper.

Keywords: SSM;Javamail; mail; mailbox client

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 选题及意义 1

1.2 邮箱发展现状 1

1.2.1开源邮件系统 2

1.2.2国外商业邮件系统 2

1.2.3国内商业邮件系统 2

1.3研究内容 4

第2章 相关技术的理论概述 5

2.1 JSP+Servlet技术优势 5

2.2Mysql数据库的介绍 6

2.3 tomcat服务器介绍 6

2.4 ajax和json 7

2.5 spring+springmvc+mybatis框架的优势分析 8

2.6 B/S架构 9

第3章 需求分析与概要设计 10

3.1 需求分析 10

3.2 概要设计 10

3.2.1 邮箱客户端基本功能 11

3.2.2 电子邮件传输过程 11

3.2.3 邮箱客户端设计概要 12

第4章 邮箱客户端的设计和实现 14

4.1 详细设计 14

4.1.1 JDK的安装 14

4.1.2 环境变量配置 17

4.1.3 Eclipse Mars的安装配置 20

4.1.4 详细设计说明 24

4.2 安装程序的设计和制作 46

4.2.1 应用程序的设计和制作 46

4.2.2 安装应用程序 50

结  论 56

致  谢 57

参考文献 58



来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/daizuo/p/14851852.html