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/1/It makes no sence for the America Government(美国政府毫无道理)to emphasize on trade deficit against China on the one hand,and continue its export control on the other .

/2/We are new in this city ,so one helpful approach is (一个有用的方法是) to follow the well-known saying ,’’when in Rome ,do as the Romans do’’.

/3/I cannot stand back and let someone else take the blame for my mistakes.(让他人替我受过)

/4/Not that Idonnot want to lend you money (不是我不肯把钱借给你),but that I do not have any money now.

/5/He told us it is only a matter of time before we find out the truth..(我们发现事情真相只是时间问题)

/6/It is piontness to have a car (有一辆车又有什么用呢)if you cannot drive it .

/7/The doctor said this disease could not be cured, so we have to let nature take the course.(我们只能顺去自然)

/8/Furthermore, his reckless drunk driving will result in the most serious consequences for his family (会给他的家属带来极其严重的后果)

/9/It is clear that (很显然)your ambiguous words amount to a refusal.

/10/But as a consequence (如此一来),a fully loaded SUV has become a practical ‘tool’that is no longer exclusively for millionaires.

/11/After the rapid economical growth in the past 10 years ,(经过最近十年的经济快速增长之后),the government decided  to keep a steady and more balanced development.

/12/Even when you believe you have the right concept (即使你觉得你有正确的概念),it takes considerable hard work ,diligence ,and skill to execute it well.

/13/Like most post-90 students,she believe that the computer is a household electrical appliances at early ages.(从小就认为电脑是一件家用电器).

/14/We take too many things for granted(把太多的东西视为理所当然)in this country —like having hot water whenever we need it.

/15/China’s economy has made great headway(取得了伟大的进展)reform and open-up door policy began in 1979.

/16/A smiling on her face, an openness to new information in the lecture and paience to students account for the reason why she is so popular among students.(都可以解释她深受学生喜爱的原因)

/17/As prominent as they are in public ,politicians are inherently no more honest than (并非比。。。。更诚实)ordinary people.

/18/The president terminated his speech abruptly .This is because a violent earthquake occurred in principle.(这是因为发生了强烈的地震)and the government had declared a state of emergency.

/19/It is not that he cannot comprehend the truth ,but that he will not allow himself to understand it (而是他不愿让自己明白)

/20/In addition to my studies ,I got involved in many extracurricular activities (参加了许多课外活动)to broaden my horizons.

/21/He developed excellent organizitional skills by working on two major projects(参与两大重要项目).

/22/At other times ,he would join forums to discuss subjects ranging from astronomy to pop music (从天文学得到流行音乐无所不包)

/23/Scientists in dfferent countries ,working indepently of each other ,have come up with very similar results.(得到了相似的答案)

/24/It turned out that the faliure of his experiment arose from his carelessness.(起因于他的粗心大意)

/25/The damage to the dam on the river is also the cause for a flood in the district.(这个地区发生水灾的一个原因).

/26/The truck is heavily overloaded ,which has led to a terrible traffic accident (这导致了一场可怕的交通事故)。

/27/The CEO of this company is practical by nature ,an adventurist at heart .(但骨子里却是一个爱冒险的人)

/28/Not wanting to quarrel with his parents again (他不愿意再度跟父母发生吵架)he decided to move to the college dormitory .

/29/It is still unclear (还不清楚)wheather he will attend the awarding ceremony or not.

/30/Scientific knowladge can be of great help for government decision-making (十分有助于政府决策)and the results of these decisions are everywhere.

31 To understand what the young students think and feel (想要了解年轻学生在想什么、有什么感觉)teachers should try to communicate more with them.

32 We should make it very clear (我们应该毫不含糊地表明)that our fight against ecnomic crime is going to be a constant and long-standing struggle.

33 In one sense (从某种意义上说),it could even be said that Chinese is a very difficult language to learn.

34 The problem is that they have a prijudice against traditional culture .(问题是他们对传统文化持有偏见);they think it is backward and out-of-date.




第一单元   point of view 观点  in addition to 另外;除。。。之外  be crazy about 对….疯狂,着迷于…. Leave …behind 留下的痕迹  put to use 使用,利用  in turn 后来;依次  bear on 与….有关 at least 至少 meet with 会见  what’s more而且 ,更重要的是  sit back 不采取行动

第二单元  to begin with 首先,第一点 get rid of 消除;处理掉;摆脱  do the trick 奏效,取得预期效果 enroll in (使)加入,报名参加  base on 以….为基础  in case of  1)万一 2)当….时,在…..情况下  figure out 理解,想出

第三单元  stir up 激起;惹起(争论,冲突) a string of 一连串,一系列 miss out 错过…的机会 at once 同事

第四单元  along with 与…一起  be involved in 涉及,与…有关联 look back 回顾 work on 从事于,致力于  make one’s way(to)到….地方去;前进   at the frontiers 在…..的前沿 on the strength of 由于;凭借,在某事物的影响下 range from…to 从...到…范围  count as 视…..为…..

第五单元 credit with 相信某人有某种优势或能力  trial and error 反复实验法;试误法 account for 解释某事情的原因;是…原因 in spite of  虽然,尽管…..   to the contrary 意思相反地;完全不同地 regardless of 不管,不顾 make great efforts (to do somethin竭尽全力做某事 in principle  原则上  in practice 实际上 subject someone / something tosomething 使遭受(痛苦);使接受  be bound to do 肯定的;必然的,注定的

第六单元  take something for granted 认为理所当然,想当然  target at 瞄准,对准 a wide rang of 大量,广泛 due to 因为,由于  gain access to 获准,得到允许(进入某个地方)  in an instant 立刻,马上regardless of 不管,不顾 out of date 过时

第七单元 fall into 归类为  come down to….归结为,结果是  amount  to 等于,等同于 on occasion 有时候 switch on 转换,转变 engage in 从事于,忙着  in the course of 在…...的过程中,在…..期间  on a large scale 大规模的;大范围的 wish for 希望得到,渴望

第八单元 associate with 把….与….联系在一起  at work 起作用 leave out 不包括;排除 out of style 过时的 give someone the benefit of the doubt  假定….是正确的  at least 至少 sum up 总结;概括 turn into 变成,转变  be subjected to 受到,遭遇到 take something with a grain of salt 对某事物有所保留;对….半信半疑     


英语作文    第1篇

Science and Human life

  Science and technology have been bringing human beings tremendous benefits. Thanks to science and technology, we now live comfortably and conveniently in houses furnished with air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines and televisions etc. Thanks to science and technology, we can eat fresh vegetables att the year round. Thanks to science and technology, we can travel tong distances in the fraction of a second on planes, trains and cars. Thanks to science and technology, we wear clothes with synthetic materials which can not easily be worn out.

However, science and technology have atso brought us a tot of disasters. First, because of the many breakthroughs in the field of medicine, people are now living much longer than they used to. As a result, the population of the world is increasing, causing tots of problems. Second, because of the development of industry, tots of the wastes from factories pour into the air and rivers, causing pollution of att kinds. Third, some terrorists are using science and technology against mankind. They use biological, chemical and unclear weapons to threaten world peace...

So it's urgent that we find ways to solve these problems. But we should not stop the development of science and technology because of these disasters they bring, just as we should not give up eating for fear of choking. In addition, we should make some rules to regulate our actions. As long as we use science and technology in a proper way, they may bring us even more benefits.








 现代科技使生活更加便捷(Modern Technology Makes Life More Convenient) 
Modern technology makes life more convenient; tools are the milestores of the technology as well as human being’ s progress. 
Men used to cut trees with hand saw. But now, by using electronic saw they can cut down a tree in only a few minutes. Another example is more vivid: You have something urgent which has to be informed to your friend whose house is two hour’s ride away. You probably want to make a phone call. But no telephone is installed in your friend’ s home. What could you do? Nowadays, with modern technology advanting, using internet is popular with us. Some years ago, people had to get what they wanted through looking into a lot of information; at last people could become tired and spent too much time. Now, if you use Internet, all becomes a piece of cake. Only by clucking, you will gain what you expect. 
We all hope that modern technology will reach a higher level, because modern technology makes life more convenient indeed. 

 1、What bring to our college is (他带给我们学校的是) his creative and initiative ideas in scientific research.

2、In addition to my studies (除了学习),I got involved in lots of extracurricular activities.

3、Can you just imagine living in a place (设想一下住在一个…的地方) where no computer or Internet is available?

4、We admire him most for his fascination for (他对…的热切追求) ultimate standard in design.

5、Her English is so good that she can succeed in convening her own ideas in English(成功地用英语表达自己的想法).

6、Scientific knowledge can be of great help for governmental decision-making(十分有助于政府决策) and the results of these decision are everywhere.

7、To understand what the young student think and feel (妄想了解年轻学生在想什么、有什么感觉),teachers should try to communicate more with them.

8、We should make it very clear (我们应该毫不含糊的表明)that our fight against economic crime is going to be a constant and long-standing struggle.

9、In one sense(从某种意义上说),it could even be said that chinese is a very difficult language to learn .

10、The problem is that they have a prejudice against traditional culture(问题是他们对传统文化持有偏见);they think it is backward and out-of-date.

11、The damage to the dam on the river is also a cause for a flood in the district (也是造成这个地区发生水灾的一个原因).

12、The truck is heavily overloaded,which has led to terrible traffic accident (这导致一场可怕的交通事故).

13、The CEO of this company is practical by nature,but a adventurist at heart(但骨子里却是一个爱冒险的人).

14、Not wanting to quarrel with his parents again(他不愿意再度与父母发生争吵) he decided to move to the college dormitory.

15、It is still unclear (还不清楚)whether he will attend the awarding ceremony or not.

16、In addition to my studies,I got involved in many extracurricular activities(参加了许多课外活动)to broaden my horizons.

17、He developed excellent organizational skills by working on two major projects(参与两个重大项目).

18、At other times,he would join forums to discuss subjects ranging from astronomy to pop-music(从天文学到流行音乐无所不包).

19、Scientists in different countries,working independently of each other,have come up with very similar results(都得到了非常相似的结果).

20、It turned out that the failure of his experiment arose from his carelessness(起因于他的粗心大意).

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/king13jkc/article/details/117187366