痞子衡嵌入式:飞思卡尔Kinetis系列MCU启动那些事(1)- KBOOT架构
飞思卡尔Kinetis系列MCU是从2010年开始推出的,早期的Kinetis产品比如MK60, MKL25并没有配套标准Bootloader功能,不过可以从飞思卡尔官网上找到很多风格迥异的Bootloader参考设计,比如AN2295(UART型)、AN4655(I2C型)、AN4379(USB-MSD型)等,这些Bootloader参考方案都是不同的飞思卡尔应用工程师设计的,因此所用的通信协议以及上位机工具都不相同,虽然这些AN一定程度上能解决客户使用Bootloader的需求,但是在Bootloader后续维护升级以及拓展性方面有一定缺陷。
飞思卡尔也逐渐意识到了这一点,为了完善软件生态建设与服务质量,于是在2013年初组建了一支专门开发Kinetis Bootloader的软件团队,即KBOOT Team,这个Team成立的目的就是要开发出一个Unified Kinetis Bootloader(简称KBOOT),这个bootloader必须拥有良好的架构,易于扩展和维护,功能全面且经过完善的验证。
KBOOT项目发展至今(2017)已近5年,目前被广泛应用于主流Kinetis芯片上,是Kinetis芯片集成Bootloader的首选,其官方主页是 www.nxp.com/kboot
从架构角度来分析KBOOT,抛开各种附加特性,其实KBOOT最核心的就是这三大组件:Peripheral Interface、Command & Data Processor、Memory Interface,如下图所示:
2.1 Peripheral Interface
KBOOT首要功能是能够与Host进行数据传输,我们知道数据传输接口种类有很多,KBOOT设计上可同时支持多种常见传输接口(UART, SPI, I2C, USB-HID, CAN),为此KBOOT在Peripheral Interface组件中抽象了Peripheral的行为(byte/packet层传输等),使得在Peripheral种类拓展上更容易。
KBOOT中使用一个名叫g_peripherals[]的结构体数组来集合所有外设,下面示例仅包含UART, USB:
//! @brief Peripheral array. const peripheral_descriptor_t g_peripherals[] = { #if BL_CONFIG_LPUART_0 // LPUART0 {.typeMask = kPeripheralType_UART, .instance = 0, .pinmuxConfig = uart_pinmux_config, .controlInterface = &g_lpuartControlInterface, .byteInterface = &g_lpuartByteInterface, .packetInterface = &g_framingPacketInterface }, #endif // BL_CONFIG_LPUART_0 #if BL_CONFIG_USB_HID // USB HID {.typeMask = kPeripheralType_USB_HID, .instance = 0, .pinmuxConfig = NULL, .controlInterface = &g_usbHidControlInterface, .byteInterface = NULL, .packetInterface = &g_usbHidPacketInterface }, #endif // BL_CONFIG_USB_HID { 0 } // Terminator };
如下便是用于抽象外设行为的Peripheral descriptor原型,该原型可以描述所有类型的peripheral:
//! @brief Peripheral descriptor. //! //! Instances of this struct describe a particular instance of a peripheral that is //! available for bootloading. typedef struct PeripheralDescriptor { //! @brief Bit mask identifying the peripheral type. //! See #_peripheral_types for a list of valid bits. // 外设的类型名,KBOOT用于识别当前外设的类型 uint32_t typeMask; //! @brief The instance number of the peripheral. // 外设的编号,KBOOT可以支持同一外设的多个实例 uint32_t instance; //! @brief Configure pinmux setting for the peripheral. // 外设的I/O初始化 void (*pinmuxConfig)(uint32_t instance, pinmux_type_t pinmux); //! @brief Control interface for the peripheral. // 外设的行为控制 const peripheral_control_interface_t *controlInterface; //! @brief Byte-level interface for the peripheral. //! May be NULL since not all periperhals support this interface. // 外设的byte级别传输控制 const peripheral_byte_inteface_t *byteInterface; //! @brief Packet level interface for the peripheral. // 外设的packet级别传输控制 const peripheral_packet_interface_t *packetInterface; } peripheral_descriptor_t; //! @brief Peripheral control interface. typedef struct _peripheral_control_interface { // 检测是否外设是否被激活 bool (*pollForActivity)(const peripheral_descriptor_t *self); // 外设IP底层初始化 status_t (*init)(const peripheral_descriptor_t *self, serial_byte_receive_func_t function); // 外设IP底层恢复 void (*shutdown)(const peripheral_descriptor_t *self); // 特殊外设pump控制(比如USB-MSC, DFU等) void (*pump)(const peripheral_descriptor_t *self); } peripheral_control_interface_t; //! @brief Peripheral abstract byte interface. typedef struct _peripheral_byte_inteface { // byte传输初始化,一般为NULL status_t (*init)(const peripheral_descriptor_t *self); // byte发送 status_t (*write)(const peripheral_descriptor_t *self, const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t byteCount); } peripheral_byte_inteface_t; //! @brief Peripheral Packet Interface. typedef struct _peripheral_packet_interface { // packet传输初始化 status_t (*init)(const peripheral_descriptor_t *self); // 接收一包packet status_t (*readPacket)(const peripheral_descriptor_t *self, uint8_t **packet, uint32_t *packetLength, packet_type_t packetType); // 发送一包packet status_t (*writePacket)(const peripheral_descriptor_t *self, const uint8_t *packet, uint32_t byteCount, packet_type_t packetType); // 立即终止当前packet void (*abortDataPhase)(const peripheral_descriptor_t *self); // 完成当前packet status_t (*finalize)(const peripheral_descriptor_t *self); // 获取最大packet包长 uint32_t (*getMaxPacketSize)(const peripheral_descriptor_t *self); // byte接收callback void (*byteReceivedCallback)(uint8_t byte); } peripheral_packet_interface_t;
2.2 Memory Interface
KBOOT其次功能是能够读写存储空间,Kinetis上涉及的存储空间包括内部SRAM, Flash,Register、I/O以及外部QuadSPI NOR Flash(可以映射在MCU内部存储空间),为此KBOOT在Memory Interface组件中抽象了Memory的行为(read/write/erase等),使得在Memory种类拓展上更容易。
KBOOT中使用一个名叫g_memoryMap[]的结构体数组来集合所有存储空间,下面示例包含了典型的存储空间(Flash、RAM、Register、I/O、QSPI NOR Flash):
//! @brief Memory map. //! //! This map is not const because it is updated at runtime with the actual sizes of //! flash and RAM for the chip we're running on. //! @note Do not change the index of Flash, SRAM, or QSPI (see memory.h). memory_map_entry_t g_memoryMap[] = { { 0x00000000, 0x0003ffff, kMemoryIsExecutable, &g_flashMemoryInterface }, // Flash array (256KB) { 0x1fff0000, 0x2002ffff, kMemoryIsExecutable, &g_normalMemoryInterface }, // SRAM (256KB) { 0x68000000, 0x6fffffff, kMemoryNotExecutable, &g_qspiMemoryInterface }, // QSPI memory { 0x04000000, 0x07ffffff, kMemoryNotExecutable, &g_qspiAliasAreaInterface }, // QSPI alias area { 0x40000000, 0x4007ffff, kMemoryNotExecutable, &g_deviceMemoryInterface }, // AIPS0 peripherals { 0x40080000, 0x400fefff, kMemoryNotExecutable, &g_deviceMemoryInterface }, // AIPS1 peripherals { 0x400ff000, 0x400fffff, kMemoryNotExecutable, &g_deviceMemoryInterface }, // GPIO { 0xe0000000, 0xe00fffff, kMemoryNotExecutable, &g_deviceMemoryInterface }, // M4 private peripherals { 0 } // Terminator };
//! @brief Structure of a memory map entry. typedef struct _memory_map_entry { // 存储空间起始地址 uint32_t startAddress; // 存储空间结束地址 uint32_t endAddress; // 存储空间属性(Flash/RAM,是否能XIP) uint32_t memoryProperty; // 存储空间操作接口 const memory_region_interface_t *memoryInterface; } memory_map_entry_t; typedef struct _memory_region_interface { // 存储空间(IP控制器)初始化 status_t (*init)(void); // 从存储空间指定范围内读取数据 status_t (*read)(uint32_t address, uint32_t length, uint8_t *buffer); // 将数据写入存储空间指定范围内 status_t (*write)(uint32_t address, uint32_t length, const uint8_t *buffer); // 将pattern填充入存储空间指定范围内 status_t (*fill)(uint32_t address, uint32_t length, uint32_t pattern); // 对于支持page/section编程的存储器做一次page/section数据写入 status_t (*flush)(void); // 将存储空间指定范围内容擦除 status_t (*erase)(uint32_t address, uint32_t length); } memory_region_interface_t;
2.3 Command & Data Processor
KBOOT核心功能便是与Host之间的命令交互,KBOOT主要工作于Slave模式,实时监听来自Host的命令并做出响应,KBOOT仅能识别事先规定好的命令格式,因此KBOOT必须配套一个专用上位机工具使用。你可能会疑问,为什么这个组件又叫Data Processor?因为有些命令是含有Data phase的(比如read memory, write memory),对于这些命令时除了基本的命令交互响应之后,还必须有数据传输交互响应。
// See bl_command.h for documentation on this interface. command_interface_t g_commandInterface = { bootloader_command_init, bootloader_command_pump, (command_handler_entry_t *)&g_commandHandlerTable, &g_commandData }; //! @brief Command handler table. const command_handler_entry_t g_commandHandlerTable[] = { // cmd handler // data handler or NULL { handle_flash_erase_all, NULL }, // kCommandTag_FlashEraseAll = 0x01 { handle_flash_erase_region, NULL }, // kCommandTag_FlashEraseRegion = 0x02 { handle_read_memory, handle_data_producer }, // kCommandTag_ReadMemory = 0x03 { handle_write_memory, handle_data_consumer }, // kCommandTag_WriteMemory = 0x04 { handle_fill_memory, NULL }, // kCommandTag_FillMemory = 0x05 { handle_flash_security_disable, NULL }, // kCommandTag_FlashSecurityDisable = 0x06 { handle_get_property, NULL }, // kCommandTag_GetProperty = 0x07 { handle_receive_sb_file, handle_data_consumer }, // kCommandTag_ReceiveSbFile = 0x08 { handle_execute, NULL }, // kCommandTag_Execute = 0x09 { handle_call, NULL }, // kCommandTag_Call = 0x0a { handle_reset, NULL }, // kCommandTag_Reset = 0x0b { handle_set_property, NULL }, // kCommandTag_SetProperty = 0x0c { handle_flash_erase_all_unsecure, NULL }, // kCommandTag_FlashEraseAllUnsecure = 0x0d { handle_flash_program_once, NULL }, // kCommandTag_ProgramOnce = 0x0e { handle_flash_read_once, NULL }, // kCommandTag_ReadOnce = 0x0f { handle_flash_read_resource, handle_data_producer }, // kCommandTag_ReadResource = 0x10 { handle_configure_memory, NULL }, // kCommandTag_ConfigureMemory = 0x11 { handle_reliable_update, NULL }, // kCommandTag_ReliableUpdate = 0x12 { handle_generate_key_blob, handle_key_blob_data }, // kCommandTag_GenerateKeyBlob = 0x13 };
如下便是用于核心命令交互的Command interface原型:
//! @brief Interface to command processor operations. typedef struct CommandInterface { // command处理控制单元初始化 status_t (*init)(void); // command处理控制单元pump status_t (*pump)(void); // command服务函数查找表 const command_handler_entry_t *handlerTable; // command处理控制单元状态数据 command_processor_data_t *stateData; } command_interface_t; //! @brief Format of command handler entry. typedef struct CommandHandlerEntry { // command服务函数 void (*handleCommand)(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t packetLength); // command的data级处理函数(只有少部分command有此函数) status_t (*handleData)(bool *hasMoreData); } command_handler_entry_t; //! @brief Command processor data format. typedef struct CommandProcessorData { // command处理控制状态机当前状态(command/data两种状态) int32_t state; // 指向当前处理的packet地址 uint8_t *packet; // 当前处理的packet长度 uint32_t packetLength; // command的data级处理控制状态数据 struct DataPhase { uint8_t *data; //!< Data for data phase uint32_t count; //!< Remaining count to produce/consume uint32_t address; //!< Address for data phase uint32_t memoryId; //!< ID of the target memory uint32_t dataBytesAvailable; //!< Number of bytes available at data pointer uint8_t commandTag; //!< Tag of command running data phase uint8_t option; //!< option for special command } dataPhase; // 指向command服务函数查找表地址 const command_handler_entry_t *handlerEntry; //! Pointer to handler table entry for packet in process } command_processor_data_t;
标签:const,飞思,KBOOT,peripheral,uint32,command,handle,Kinetis 来源: https://blog.51cto.com/u_12094353/2711162