IAR Embedded Workbench8051v10.10.1
在选项栏中 Tools>Options
Editor>colors and font,在这里我们可以配置自己喜欢的一种style
在目录:C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\IAR Embedded Workbench里面有个xml结尾的文件
下面展示得是本人的 Iarlde.xml
// An highlighted block
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<CurrentLanguage>_ "ENU"</CurrentLanguage>
<Fonts>_ -13 0 0 0 400 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 49 "Courier New" -17 0 0 0 400 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 49 "Courier New"</Fonts>
<Prim60>_ 3 123 "projectmanagergui.dll" 33839 "Go to Definition" "Go to the definition of the selected symbol"</Prim60>
<Prim0>_ 11 3 "projectmanagergui.dll" 33037 "Stop Build" "Stop the currently running build job"</Prim0>
<Prim1>_ 11 32 "texteditor.dll" 33308 "Complete Code" "List member functions and variables"</Prim1>
<Prim2>_ 15 32 "texteditor.dll" 33281 "Parameter Hint" "Show function parameters"</Prim2>
<Prim3>_ 27 32 "texteditor.dll" 33280 "Complete Word" "Suggest a completion of the typed word"</Prim3>
<Prim4>_ 19 37 "texteditor.dll" 33053 "" ""</Prim4>
<Prim5>_ 19 39 "texteditor.dll" 33054 "" ""</Prim5>
<Prim6>_ 11 65 "iaridepm.dll" 57642 "Select All" "Select the entire document"</Prim6>
<Prim7>_ 11 66 "texteditor.dll" 33300 "Match Brackets" "Grow the selection to the next level of matching brackets"</Prim7>
<Prim8>_ 15 66 "texteditor.dll" 33301 "Match Brackets (shrink)" "Shrink the selection to the previous level of matching brackets/select content"</Prim8>
<Prim9>_ 27 66 "texteditor.dll" 33306 "Match All Brackets" "Grow the selection to the next level of any matching brackets"</Prim9>
<Prim10>_ 31 66 "texteditor.dll" 33307 "Match All Brackets (shrink)" "Shrink the selection to the previous level of any matching brackets/select content"</Prim10>
<Prim11>_ 11 67 "iaridepm.dll" 57634 "Copy" "Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard"</Prim11>
<Prim12>_ 11 68 "projectmanagergui.dll" 33038 "Download and Debug" "Download the application and start the debugger"</Prim12>
<Prim13>_ 15 68 "iaridepm.dll" 33094 "" ""</Prim13>
<Prim14>_ 11 70 "iaridepm.dll" 57636 "Find" "Find the specified text"</Prim14>
<Prim15>_ 27 70 "texteditor.dll" 33327 "Collapse/Expand All Folds" "Collapse or expand all folds in the current document"</Prim15>
<Prim16>_ 11 71 "iaridepm.dll" 33026 "Go To" "Move to a specified location"</Prim16>
<Prim17>_ 15 71 "texteditor.dll" 33309 "" ""</Prim17>
<Prim18>_ 11 72 "iaridepm.dll" 57641 "Replace" "Replace specific text with different text"</Prim18>
<Prim19>_ 15 72 "projectmanagergui.dll" 33873 "Open file" "Open the header or source file with the same name as the current file"</Prim19>
<Prim20>_ 31 72 "iaridepm.dll" 33087 "Replace in Files" "Search and replace a specified text in multiple files"</Prim20>
<Prim21>_ 11 73 "iaridepm.dll" 32811 "Incremental search" "Incremental search"</Prim21>
<Prim22>_ 11 75 "texteditor.dll" 33304 "Block Comment" "Comment out a block of text"</Prim22>
<Prim23>_ 15 75 "texteditor.dll" 33305 "Block Uncomment" "Uncomment a block of text"</Prim23>
<Prim24>_ 11 78 "iaridepm.dll" 57600 "New Document" "Create a new text document"</Prim24>
<Prim25>_ 11 79 "iaridepm.dll" 57601 "Open" "Open an existing document"</Prim25>
<Prim26>_ 11 80 "iaridepm.dll" 57607 "Print" "Print the active document"</Prim26>
<Prim27>_ 11 82 "projectmanagergui.dll" 33055 "Make & Restart Debugger" "Make the active project, download the application and restart the debugger"</Prim27>
<Prim28>_ 15 82 "projectmanagergui.dll" 33056 "Restart Debugger" "Restart the debugger without downloading the application"</Prim28>
<Prim29>_ 11 83 "iaridepm.dll" 57603 "Save" "Save the active document"</Prim29>
<Prim30>_ 11 84 "texteditor.dll" 33302 "Auto Indent" "Formats the selected text according to the auto indent settings"</Prim30>
<Prim31>_ 27 84 "" 33025 "Find in Files" "Search for specified text in multiple files"</Prim31>
<Prim32>_ 11 86 "iaridepm.dll" 57637 "Paste" "Insert Clipboard contents"</Prim32>
<Prim33>_ 27 86 "texteditor.dll" 33081 "Show a list of template texts to insert into the current document" "Show a list of template texts to insert into the current document"</Prim33>
<Prim34>_ 11 88 "iaridepm.dll" 57635 "Cut" "Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard"</Prim34>
<Prim35>_ 11 89 "iaridepm.dll" 57644 "Redo" "Redo the previously undone action"</Prim35>
<Prim36>_ 11 90 "iaridepm.dll" 57643 "Undo" "Undo the last action"</Prim36>
<Prim37>_ 3 113 "texteditor.dll" 33064 "Next Bookmark" "Go to the next bookmark"</Prim37>
<Prim38>_ 7 113 "texteditor.dll" 33065 "Previous Bookmark" "Go to the previous bookmark"</Prim38>
<Prim39>_ 11 113 "texteditor.dll" 33063 "Toggle Bookmark" "Add or remove a bookmark at the caret position"</Prim39>
<Prim40>_ 3 114 "iaridepm.dll" 57640 "Find Next" "Find next occurrence of the specified text"</Prim40>
<Prim41>_ 7 114 "iaridepm.dll" 33057 "Find Previous" "Find previous occurrence of the specified text"</Prim41>
<Prim42>_ 11 114 "iaridepm.dll" 33058 "Find Next (Selected)" "Find next occurrence of selected text or word around the insertion point"</Prim42>
<Prim43>_ 15 114 "iaridepm.dll" 33059 "Find Previous (Selected)" "Find previous occurrence of selected text or word around the insertion point"</Prim43>
<Prim44>_ 3 115 "ideframework.dll" 33097 "" ""</Prim44>
<Prim45>_ 7 115 "ideframework.dll" 33098 "" ""</Prim45>
<Prim46>_ 11 115 "iaridepm.dll" 33050 "Close active tab" "Close the active tab"</Prim46>
<Prim47>_ 3 116 "debuggergui.dll" 34320 "Go" "Run the program in the debugger"</Prim47>
<Prim48>_ 3 118 "projectmanagergui.dll" 33036 "Make" "Make the active project (build files as needed)"</Prim48>
<Prim49>_ 7 118 "projectmanagergui.dll" 33916 "" ""</Prim49>
<Prim50>_ 11 118 "projectmanagergui.dll" 33035 "Compile" "Compile the selected file"</Prim50>
<Prim51>_ 15 118 "projectmanagergui.dll" 33917 "" ""</Prim51>
<Prim52>_ 19 118 "projectmanagergui.dll" 33806 "Options" "Edit options for the selected item"</Prim52>
<Prim53>_ 3 119 "projectmanagergui.dll" 33841 "Batch build" "Open the batch build dialog"</Prim53>
<Prim54>_ 3 120 "debuggergui.dll" 34399 "Toggle Breakpoint" "Toggle a breakpoint at the insertion point"</Prim54>
<Prim55>_ 11 120 "debuggergui.dll" 34407 "Enable/Disable Breakpoint" "Enable or disable a breakpoint at the insertion point"</Prim55>
<Prim56>_ 3 121 "debuggergui.dll" 34390 "Step Over" "Step over the current step point"</Prim56>
<Prim57>_ 3 122 "debuggergui.dll" 34323 "Step Into" "Step into the current step point"</Prim57>
<Prim58>_ 7 122 "debuggergui.dll" 34398 "Step Out" "Step out of the current function"</Prim58>
<Prim59>_ 3 123 "projectmanagergui.dll" 33839 "Go to Definition" "Go to the definition of the selected symbol"</Prim59>
<Sec0>_ 11 87 "iaridepm.dll" 33050 "Close active tab" "Close the active tab"</Sec0>
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<RealTabs>_ 0</RealTabs>
<SyntaxHLight>_ 1</SyntaxHLight>
<ShowBookmarks>_ 1</ShowBookmarks>
<ShowLineNumbers>_ 1</ShowLineNumbers>
<ShowFoldsMargin>_ 1</ShowFoldsMargin>
<ScanForChangedFiles>_ 1</ScanForChangedFiles>
<VirtualSpace>_ 0</VirtualSpace>
<CmdLineApp>_ ""</CmdLineApp>
<CmdLineArgs>_ ""</CmdLineArgs>
<DdeApp>_ ""</DdeApp>
<DdeServiceName>_ ""</DdeServiceName>
<FindFlags>_ 6</FindFlags>
<LineBreakUsage>_ 0</LineBreakUsage>
<TrimTrailingBlanks>_ 0</TrimTrailingBlanks>
<UseUserKeyWordFile>_ 0</UseUserKeyWordFile>
<UserKeyWordFile>_ ""</UserKeyWordFile>
<UseCodeTemplates>_ 1</UseCodeTemplates>
<CodeTemplateFile>_ "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\IAR Embedded Workbench\CodeTemplates.ENU.txt"</CodeTemplateFile>
<ShowRightMargin>_ 1</ShowRightMargin>
<UsePrinterMargin>_ 0</UsePrinterMargin>
<RightMarginPos>_ 80</RightMarginPos>
<AutoCompletion>_ 1</AutoCompletion>
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<DefaultEncoding>_ "System"</DefaultEncoding>
<ShowLineBreaks>_ 0</ShowLineBreaks>
<ShowSourceBrowserToolTips>_ 1</ShowSourceBrowserToolTips>
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<SyntaxHighlightRubyFiles>_ 1</SyntaxHighlightRubyFiles>
<DdeCmdStr>_ 0</DdeCmdStr>
<hidden>_ 0</hidden>
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<MemoryWindowUpdateInterval>_ 1000</MemoryWindowUpdateInterval>
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<RecentDir4 />
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<Type>_ 0</Type>
<DdeApp>_ ""</DdeApp>
<DdeService>_ ""</DdeService>
<DdeNumCmdString>_ 0</DdeNumCmdString>
<Application>_ ""</Application>
<Arguments>_ ""</Arguments>
参考链接: 参考文章
标签:02,11,04,keil,iaridepm,dll,texteditor,400,text 来源: https://blog.csdn.net/dasuanweideyagao/article/details/113665616