英文写作——The Elements of Style知识点解读3—冒号和破折号的用法
The Elements of Style
Elementary Rules of Usage 惯用法的基本规则
Rule 7: Use a colon after an independent clause to introduce a list of particulars, an appositive, an amplification, or an illustrative quotation
The growth of plants needs: water, sunlight, and nutrients. (错误示例,need和后面的名词为动宾结构,中间不能有冒号。正确写法应该是: The growth of plants needs three things: water, sunlight, and nutrients.或者也可以直接去掉冒号)
Understanding is that penetrating quality of knowledge that grows from: theory, practice, conviction, assertion, error, and humiliation. (原文错误示例, from是介词,和后面名词构成的宾语之间不能有冒号,正确写法直接将冒号删掉)
There is a consistent attitude on this proposal: the company will face great risks if it was passed.
This reminded me of a line from the song of Talyor: "Heartbreak is the national anthem, we sing it proudly." (引用)
The Duke of York read out loudly: "To be or not to be, that is a question." (用于某人直接说话的情况)
Dear Mr. Palmer: (信件称呼后)
departs at 10:15 A.M. (小时和分钟之间)
Storm Watchers: The turbulent history of weather prediction from Franklin's kite to El Niño (区分主副标题)
Nehemiah 11:7 (《圣经》章节)
补充:the dependency ratio is 4:10 (表示比例)
Rule 8: Use a dash to set off an abrupt break or interruption and to announce a long appositive or summary
The first thing he will do when seeing his ex-girlfriend— if he had any chance to meet her again— is to say sorry. (中断并加入一个较长的新内容,破折号前后可以构成完整句子)
His eyes were caught by the girl—an amazing, cute, and sexy Gypsy maid.(补充说明the girl)
Violence — the kind you see on television — is not honestly violent — there lies its harm. (不太恰当的用法,更合适的表达应该改为: Violence, the kind you see on television, is not honestly violent. There lies its harm.)
The man's suspicions proved wellfounded — it was not him she cared for — it was his wealth. (不太恰当的用法,更合适的表达应该改为:The man's suspicions proved wellfounded. It was not him she cared for, it was his wealth. 按原文中例句第二个it前是逗号,但根据上一条逗号用法总结,这里其实应该用分号的)
标签:知识点,Style,Elements,his,逗号,冒号,分句,破折号,was 来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_27984679/article/details/112692445