首页 > 其他分享> > Egg Swagger (JSDoc) Logic Validation TypeORM DAO 使用

Egg Swagger (JSDoc) Logic Validation TypeORM DAO 使用



Pandora & EGG JS

Pandora 套件说明

$ npm i egg-pandora --save


// {app_root}/config/plugin.ts
import { EggPlugin } from 'egg';

const plugin: EggPlugin = {
    // static: true,
    // nunjucks: {
    //   enable: true,
    //   package: 'egg-view-nunjucks',
    // },
    pandora: {
        enable: true,
        package: 'egg-pandora',

export default plugin;


// {app_root}/config/config.default.ts
import { EggAppConfig, EggAppInfo, PowerPartial } from 'egg';

export default (appInfo: EggAppInfo) => {
    const config = {} as PowerPartial<EggAppConfig>;

    // override config from framework / plugin
    // use for cookie sign key, should change to your own and keep security
    config.keys = appInfo.name + '_1605494805703_9866';

    // add your egg config in here
    config.middleware = [];

    // add your special config in here
    const bizConfig = {
        sourceUrl: `https://github.com/eggjs/examples/tree/master/${appInfo.name}`,

    const swagger = {
        dirScanner: './app/controller',
        DOCJSONPath: '/swagger.json',
        DOCPath: '/swagger.io',
        apiInfo: {
            title: '测试用例',
            description: 'API Swagger 用例',
            version: '1.0.0',
        schemes: ['http', 'https'],
        consumes: ['application/json'],
        produces: ['application/json'],
        securityDefinitions: {
            apikey: {
                type: 'apiKey',
                name: 'accesstoken',
                in: 'header',
            // oauth2: {
            //   type: 'oauth2',
            //   tokenUrl: 'http://petstore.swagger.io/oauth/dialog',
            //   flow: 'password',
            //   scopes: {
            //     'write:access_token': 'write access_token',
            //     'read:access_token': 'read access_token',
            //   },
            // },
        enableSecurity: true,
        enable: true,

    // the return config will combines to EggAppConfig
    return {
        pandora: {
            router: {
                autoloader: true,
            // typeorm: false,
        typeorm: {
            type: 'mysql',
            host: '',
            port: 33066,
            username: 'root',
            password: 'jzzs2020',
            database: 'jzzs',
            synchronize: true,
            logging: false,
            entities: ['app/entity/**/*.ts'],
            migrations: ['app/migration/**/*.ts'],
            subscribers: ['app/subscriber/**/*.ts'],
            cli: {
                entitiesDir: 'app/entity',
                migrationsDir: 'app/migration',
                subscribersDir: 'app/subscriber',
        multipart: {
            mode: 'file',
            tmpdir: join(tmpdir(), 'pandora', appInfo.name),
            cleanSchedule: {
                // run tmpdir clean job on every day 04:30 am
                // cron style see https://github.com/eggjs/egg-schedule#cron-style-scheduling
                cron: '0 30 4 * * *',
        security: {
            xframe: { enable: false },
            csrf: { enable: false },


import { Application } from 'egg';
import { router } from 'egg-pandoras';

export default (app: Application) => router(app);
import { Controller } from 'egg';
import { createWriteStream } from 'fs';
import { isArray } from 'lodash';
import { join } from 'path';
import pump from 'pump';
import { RequestMapping, RequestMethod, RestController } from 'egg-pandoras';
import { HomeDataDto } from '../dto/home';

 * @controller home
export default class extends Controller {

     * @summary 创建资源
     * @router POST /home/index/{id}/{uid}
     * @request path string id ID
     * @request path string uid UID
     * @request query string test 测试
     * @request query string test1 测试1
     * @request formdata file file 文件 false
     * @request formdata file file1 文件1 false
     * @request body string name 名字
     * @request body string age 年龄
     * @consumes multipart/form-data
     * @apikey
    @RequestMapping({ path: 'index/:id/:uid', methods: [RequestMethod.POST] })
    public async index() {
        console.log('path', this.ctx.params);
        console.log('query', this.ctx.request.query);
        console.log('header', this.ctx.request.headers);
        // console.log('body', this.ctx.request.body);
        const parts = this.ctx.multipart();
        const body: { [x: string]: string } = {};
        let stream;
        while ((stream = await parts()) != null) {
            if (isArray(stream)) {
                body[stream[0]] = stream[1];
            } else if (stream.filename) {
                const filename = stream.filename.toLowerCase();
                const target = join(this.config.baseDir, 'app/public', filename);
                const writeStream = createWriteStream(target);
                await pump(stream, writeStream);
        console.log('body', body);
        const { ctx } = this;
        console.log(await ctx.repo.User.count());
        console.log(await ctx.repo.User.queryAll());
        console.log(await ctx.vaildAOP(HomeDataDto, {}));

        // ctx.body = await ctx.service.test.sayHi('egg');
        ctx.body = await ctx.service.test.test();
import { Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column } from 'typeorm';
import { TypeOrm } from 'egg-pandora';

export class User extends TypeOrm<User> {

    public id!: number;

    public name!: string;

    public async queryAll() {
        return this.findAndCount();
import {
    Contains, IsInt, Length, IsEmail, IsFQDN, Dto,
    IsDate, Min, Max, ValidateNested, IsString, IsEmpty,
} from 'egg-pandoras';

export class Test1 extends Dto {

    @Length(10, 20)
    public title!: string;

    public text!: string;

    public rating!: number;

    public email!: string;

    public site!: string;

    public createDate!: Date;

export class HomeDataDto extends Dto {

    public error!: string;
    public errno!: number;

    public data?: Test1;

import { Logic, PandoraLogicRules, RequestMethod } from 'egg-pandora';
import { Context } from 'egg';

export default class extends Logic {

    constructor(ctx: Context) {

    public async index() {
        const rules: PandoraLogicRules = {
            name: {
                string: true,
                required: true,
                method: [RequestMethod.POST],
        const valid = this.validate(rules);
        console.log(111, valid);
        this.ctx.body = `error`;
        return false;

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/huaqingyi/p/14148419.html