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2020SAT竞赛综述解读2——文献学习Relaxed Backtracking with Rephasing_求解器Relaxed LCMDCBDL系列



Xindi Zhang1,2 and Shaowei Cai1,2*
1State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
2School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
dezhangxd@163.com, shaoweicai.cs@gmail.com





Abstract—A novel relaxing CDCL method and a new probability based phase saving technology are described.


Based on this method, we develop three solvers called Relaxed LCMDCBDL, Relaxed LCMDCBDL noTimeParam and Relaxed LCMDCBDL newTech, which are based on MapleLCMDistChronoBT-DL.


We improve the relaxing CDCL method [3] using the information in CCAnr [2] this year.

By using some full assignments (also named phases) with certain probability before each inprocessing, the performance of solvers on satisfiable instances are improved.


  A. Relaxed CDCL Approach

The idea is to relax the backtracking process for protecting promising partial assignment, where a promising assignment is defined according to its consistency (no conflict) and length.


When the CDCL process reaches a node with some conditions, the algorithm enters a non-backtracking phase until it gets a full assignment.




Then Local search process is then called to seek for a model near.



If the local search fails to find a model within certain limits, then the algorithm goes back to the normal CDCL search from the node where it was interrupted.



For a given conjunctive normal formula (CNF) with V variables, |V| denotes the number of variables.

And for a partial assignment α in CDCL process without conflicts, |α| is the number of assigned variables in α, then we name the max number of |α| in CDCL history as max trail.


Here we control the entrance of local search process by p, q and c, where p, q presents |α|/|V | and |α|/max trail.

And c presents the inprocessing times between two local search process.

  B. Probability Based Phase Saving

Phase saving is a well-known technique which saves the
assignment of variables when traceback and uses the assignment
when variables are selected as decision variables. Like
the rephase technique in CaDiCaL [1], we use vectors to save
different phases, the difference is that we use probability to
select which phase to use after each restart. The probability
of each phase is shown in “Table. I”



  A. Relaxed LCMDCBDL

Relaxed LCMDCBD use both methods mentioned above and for the relaxing method, algorithms call local search process when p ≥0.4 or q ≥ 0.9 and c≥400.
MapleLCMDistChronoBT-DL [4] is the base of the other solvers.

  B. Relaxed LCMDCBDL noTimeParam

We find there is a switch in MapleLCMDistChronoBT-DL
between VSIDS and CHB when the time reach 2500 seconds,
this method will make the results unstable when tested on
different clusters, or even on the same clusters but at different
times. For the stableness, we replace the time based switch
with a restart based switch, i.e., every n inprocessing, the
algorithm will switch the branching algorithm once between
VSIDS and LRB. For our solvers, n = 500.

  C. Relaxed LCMDCBDL newTech

For better utilize the information in Local Search process,
we use a vector occ_num to record the number of occurrences
of variables in unsat clauses after each flip. And we see one
percent of occurrences as one conflict in CDCL process.


For example, there is a CNF with two clauses
{v1, x2}, {v2, v3}, which show up in the unsat clauses 10
and 20 times respectively. Assume the Local Search process
conducts 100 flips, then occ num[v1] = 10, occ num[v2] =
30, occ num[v3] = 20, and v1, v2, v3 are considered as
encountering 10, 30 and 20 conflicts respectively. When the Local Search process ends, the branching heuristic algorithm will utilize the information.


Relaxed LCMDCBDL newTech adjusts the local search entrance condition to c ≥ 300 in order to adapt the local search information.

  This work was supported by Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI), and Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences [No. 2017150].

[1] A. Biere. Cadical at the sat race 2019. SAT RACE 2019, page 8.

[2] S. Cai, C. Luo, and K. Su. CCAnr: A configuration checking based local search solver for non-random satisfiability. In International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, pages 1–8, 2015.

[3] S. Cai and X. Zhang. Four relaxed cdcl solvers. SAT RACE 2019, page 35.

[4] S. Kochemazov, O. Zaikin, V. Kondratiev, and A. Semenov.  Maplelcmdistchronobt-dl, duplicate learnts heuristic-aided solvers at the sat race 2019. SAT RACE 2019, page 24.


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/yuweng1689/p/13449147.html