2020SAT竞赛综述解读2——文献学习Relaxed Backtracking with Rephasing_求解器Relaxed LCMDCBDL系列
Xindi Zhang1,2 and Shaowei Cai1,2*
1State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
2School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
dezhangxd@163.com, shaoweicai.cs@gmail.com
- 一种新的弛豫CDCL方法
- 基于概率的相位节约技术
Abstract | |
Abstract—A novel relaxing CDCL method and a new probability based phase saving technology are described. 译文:介绍了一种新的弛豫CDCL方法和一种新的基于概率的相位节约技术。
We improve the relaxing CDCL method [3] using the information in CCAnr [2] this year. By using some full assignments (also named phases) with certain probability before each inprocessing, the performance of solvers on satisfiable instances are improved. 译文:通过在每次处理前使用一定概率的完全赋值(也称为相位),提高了求解器在可满足实例上的性能。 |
A. Relaxed CDCL Approach | |
The idea is to relax the backtracking process for protecting promising partial assignment, where a promising assignment is defined according to its consistency (no conflict) and length. 译文:其思想是放松回溯过程,以保护有希望的部分分配,其中有希望的分配是根据其一致性(无冲突)和长度定义的。
Then Local search process is then called to seek for a model near. 译文:然后调用局部搜索过程来寻找附近的模型.
If the local search fails to find a model within certain limits, then the algorithm goes back to the normal CDCL search from the node where it was interrupted. 译文:如果本地搜索在一定范围内无法找到模型,那么算法从被中断的节点返回到正常的CDCL搜索. |
For a given conjunctive normal formula (CNF) with V variables, |V| denotes the number of variables. And for a partial assignment α in CDCL process without conflicts, |α| is the number of assigned variables in α, then we name the max number of |α| in CDCL history as max trail. |
Here we control the entrance of local search process by p, q and c, where p, q presents |α|/|V | and |α|/max trail. And c presents the inprocessing times between two local search process. |
B. Probability Based Phase Saving | |
Phase saving is a well-known technique which saves the |
A. Relaxed LCMDCBDL | |
Relaxed LCMDCBD use both methods mentioned above and for the relaxing method, algorithms call local search process when p ≥0.4 or q ≥ 0.9 and c≥400. |
B. Relaxed LCMDCBDL noTimeParam | |
We find there is a switch in MapleLCMDistChronoBT-DL |
C. Relaxed LCMDCBDL newTech | |
For better utilize the information in Local Search process, |
For example, there is a CNF with two clauses |
Relaxed LCMDCBDL newTech adjusts the local search entrance condition to c ≥ 300 in order to adapt the local search information. |
This work was supported by Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI), and Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences [No. 2017150]. | |
[1] A. Biere. Cadical at the sat race 2019. SAT RACE 2019, page 8.
标签:search,CDCL,LCMDCBDL,process,Relaxed,2020SAT,variables 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/yuweng1689/p/13449147.html